Hello friends,
I hope you are all staying safe and well during this time. I am excited to talk to you guys about what the differences between college and high school are like. But I want to remind you guys that this is what the differences looked for me and how they will most likely look different for you.
Remember, “Comparison is the thief of joy” - Theodore Roosevelt.
- Soccer
I have played soccer since I was five years old, it has always been a big part of my life. I played since I was 5 and even continued throughout all of high school. It definitely became a source of stress as I would miss class for games, while also having games on the weekend. However, some of my greatest friends today came from soccer and I am extremely grateful for all of the memories I have made.

In college I am still able to play soccer and enjoy it so much more. I have been on a soccer intramural team both of my years at Biola and even took a soccer class this semester. Soccer is truly something I am able to enjoy and not worry about the competitive side that came with high school soccer. I have made so many amazing friends through my intramural team while also staying fit.
2. Grades
In high school I was constantly stressing about my grades so I would get into a good school on a good scholarship. This was a huge adjustment for me going into college. I did all the hard work to get here, so now what? For me it took my entire freshman year of college to realize all my hard work has paid off and it is okay to get a B in a class.
Also, GPA looks very different in college. In high school it mattered the letter you got, not the number. However in college, it is more about the number than the letter. Make sure to research how your school weighs GPA so you know how it works.
3. How friendships/relationships work
I want you guys to think about how you made your friends in high school. Maybe it was because you had a class or maybe even all your classes with someone, or you were on a sports team together. At least, that is how I made my friends. But it is so different in college. The chances of you having the same two classes with even one other person can be extremely rare. Yes, I know this might sound scary but in reality it is not! What this means is that you have to be more intentional with seeking friends out. For example, in high school you might have said, “See you in Chemistry” but in college it might look like, “Hey what’s your number? Maybe we can get coffee together?” My biggest advice is knowing that coming in your freshmen year everyone wants the same thing: friends. So make sure you are putting in effort.
I also want to debunk a common thing: yes, you can still be friends with your high school friends. The three people pictured below were my best friends for all of high school and even after two years of college they still are. High school friendships work the same way college friendships work, you have to be a little more intentional because of the distance.

4. ASB vs. Admissions
In high school I was really involved with ASB (Associate Student Body).This is basically student government and I was actually on it for all 4 years, but had different roles each year. I was the “Director of Media” and basically produced and managed content for all of our social media accounts while also being the graphic designer for all of our t-shirts, posters and more. Yes, it was a lot of work and I did it all for free! But still, ASB was so much fun for me and this is what actually led me to do film school. I started making videos for my high school and I truly fell in love and never looked back. I loved working with a team that was so passionate about our school and loved to serve our student body.
I think my ASB role really prepared me for my role now with Admissions. In high school I had to share my experience with prospective high school students and now I get to do the same thing in college...while getting paid! It is a sweet gig, huh? I still get to serve on the most amazing team with people who are passionate about Biola and its people. I consider it a true privilege to work with so many amazing people and walk along this journey with you guys.
I hope you guys can even start thinking about ways you can continue what you guys were involved with in high school into your college journey. There are so many amazing resources and we would love to help get you plugged in.
5. Youth Groups and Chapel
Another huge part of my high school experience was youth group. I would be there at least twice a week and even became a middle school leader after my junior year of high school. I can honestly say that the youth group helped me become who I am today and have so many amazing memories. I think this was one of the hardest things for me to let go of, but what has helped me is that I still keep in touch with my youth pastors and leaders. They have continued to pour into me even past high school.
My freshman year of college I got plugged into a life group at a new church and wow, what a blessing. I was the youngest in the group and I felt like I gained so many older sisters. Each week I was able to get off campus and get poured into by these girls. As I struggled to navigate what college looked like my freshmen year, I am forever thankful to my life group for being my rock through it all.
6. Pursuing your passions
A huge piece of advice I want to give you is to pursue your passion, no matter what that will look like. For over three years I worked for a wedding photographer in high school and helped her film wedding videos or was her second shooter for weddings. This is what I was passionate about and that led me to film school.
Now I get to create content for you guys while also sharing my story. This has been such a joy to me and a complete blessing. I get to pursue my passions in college! God is so good. I’m so thankful to have such an amazing job while also going to film school to learn more about my passions.
I honestly loved my high school experience and am so thankful to my high school for preparing me for college. I am also so thankful to have a school like Biola that has become my home. My hope and prayer is that you find the place that is your future home.
Bailey Captain