Here are three vital things to consider that will inform your college decision and point your student toward successful completion of their college degree.

1. Will your student get the classes they need to graduate on time?

    One factor families often forget to consider when calculating the cost of higher education is whether or not your student can access the classes (and prerequisites) needed to complete their degree. Once your student is enrolled at Biola, they will be connected to Academic, Peer, and Departmental Advisors who will help them navigate their Academic Plan throughout the time they are here.

    Why does this matter? Each extra semester adds to the total cost of your child’s education. 

    2. Will your student find the support they need to stay in college?

      Research shows that students who feel connected are more likely to stay in school and complete their degree. The office of Student Success have created experiential Major maps - designed to help your student make the most of their time at Biola.

      Why does this matter? We understand that ultimately, our job is to prepare students for life after college by completing their degree.

      3. How employable will your student be when they graduate?

        While it is not the only benefit of a four-year degree, employability is a major one. The sooner your graduate is employed, the sooner they can begin paying down any student loans.

        Why does this matter? Their earnings potential with an undergraduate degree is much greater than students who directly enter the workforce out of high school.*

        In the same way you would test drive a car, or tour a house, the best way to know if Biola is the right fit for your student is to visit in person and get your questions answered. Plan Your Visit.

        *National Center for Education Statistics