- Nationball is an annual campus-wide dodgeball tournament, organized by the Associated Students Spirit Board, in which dorms battle each other in old-school dodgeball matches.
- Nationball is the first major spirit event of the year for undergrad students.
- Each dorm has a designated “team color” to wear. Sigma = yellow, Alpha = blue, Emerson = green, Horton = black, Hope = pink, Stewart = red, Hart = orange, Off Campus Commuters = purple.
- This year, one Alpha RA arrived wearing a wedding dress with three “blue bridesmaids,” a blue bouquet and a blue tiara.
- Emerson residents came dressed as doctors and nurses this year. Each time one of their fellow brothers got hit in the game, a “nurse” attended to the victim.
- Instead of traditional bracket play, matches are determined randomly by a colored bike wheel.
- Nationball kicks off the dorm point competition for the year. The dorm with the most spirit points at the end of the year is awarded a dorm championship breakfast and dorm champion T-shirts. The winner of Nationball receives 1,000 points.
- This year’s Nationball championship match was between Hope Hall and Sigma, with Hope emerging victorious.
- Although Hart Hall did not advance past the first round, they made waves when they displayed the rarely seen 300-pound concrete Biola Egg on a bed frame “throne” carried in by eight Hart residents.