Biola University recognized Constitution Day 2023 on Sept. 19 with a special address by United States Air Force Captain Hannah Durbin. Biola’s Torrey Honors College and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences co-sponsored the event, which included honoring a faculty member who recently became a U.S. citizen.
Durbin is a 2018 Distinguished Graduate of the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) and a Holaday Scholar — the most prestigious graduate school scholarship awarded by USAFA — to Oxford where she received her M.Phil in Political Theory in 2020 and graduated with honors including highest honors for her thesis work.

Durbin’s address, titled “Civic Respect in a Constitutional Republic,” presented Durbin’s theory in the context of the US Constitution and its guidelines for a republic, with a special eye on civic respect in a time of massive political division.
In honor of Citizenship Day, which coincides with Constitution Day, Biola additionally recognized a Biola faculty member who recently passed their citizenship requirements and was sworn in as a U.S. citizen on September 19, 2023.
The event was made possible by a generous grant from the Jack Miller Center as part of their Constitution Day program.
Learn more about Torrey Honors College and Biola’s political science degree.
Written by Abigail Goosen, strategic communications assistant. For more information, contact Media Relations at