For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account. (Hebrews 4:12-13, ESV)

Is leading a Bible study like leading any other “book club” discussion? Do we gather to talk about our take on the book, what we like or don’t like, what we agree with or disagree with, our interpretation of what the author is saying, or what else it reminds us of? If we view the Bible as being like any other book, our group studies can easily turn into this kind of experience. But the Bible is not like any other book, and our discussion of a passage needs to reflect our understanding of how God uses the unique nature of the Bible for our spiritual growth.

As we study the Scripture in order to lead our Bible study group, and as we gather together in that group study time, something happens that differs from any other “book club” gathering. As important as it is, it’s not only that the Bible is unique as God’s revelation of Himself to us. As Christians, when we study the Bible with an open heart, God, the Holy Spirit, is present with us, actively using the Scriptures to probe our hearts and minds, bringing insights, showing implications for our lives, and convicting us of our need to respond in obedience. The writer of Hebrews calls God’s Word “living and active,” and it is, in the hands of the Holy Spirit who resides within us. This should make all the difference in how we approach our study together, and it should also impact how we prepare to lead and teach.

So many times, in preparation for leading a Bible study session, as I’ve read and studied a Scripture passage, the Holy Spirit has brought certain aspects of the passage to my attention, helping me see something I need to respond to. Sometimes providing encouragement, conviction of sin, or the need to be obedient to His prompting, the Spirit helps me see my own heart and life in relation to what I’m reading. In these ways, God’s Word pierces straight to my heart, reveals its condition and works to renovate it to be more like God’s own heart. Sometimes the Spirit convicts me of things I’ve already recognized but need His help to address. But other times, He shows me something I haven’t recognized about myself, bringing new recognition of a need for repentance and a change in my behavior. This all happens because the Holy Spirit is present as I read and study God’s Word.

Recognizing this truth about how God works through His Word in our lives, it needs to impact the way I teach, as well. As I lead a Bible study, I want to lead the group to invite God, through the Holy Spirit, to be present and to help us attend to His work in us as we study His Word. I want God to use His Word to probe our hearts, not just inform our heads. As we grow in our understanding of what the Scripture says and means, we pray and ask for God’s help to discern how it applies to us, what He desires of us, and ways in which the message of this passage needs to impact our lives. We are not content merely to know what the Bible says and means; we want God to use it to grow, mature, and shape us more into the image of Christ. Our teaching must encourage this deeper reflection and attention to God in the midst of our study, and provide time to consider and share the implications He is helping us see for our lives. It’s a process that takes time, prayer, and conversation together. If we truly want to grow spiritually, it is time well spent.

Finally, the next time we gather it can be encouraging if we take time for group members to share where God gave them opportunities to live out what we were learning in the previous study. This sharing helps create an expectation of God’s work in our lives, and testimonies to God’s gracious work always encourage the heart, leading us to praise Him together. It helps us realize that God’s living word not only has power to show us our need, in God’s hands it has power to transform us!

The end of this passage highlights God’s intimate and exhaustive knowledge of us. We can neither hide from nor fool Him. He knows us better than we know ourselves. So, as we study, let us ask God to show us ourselves as He sees us, that we can see where we need to change and grow, and let us invite Him to lead us through that transformation. As the Psalmist wrote:

Search me, O God, and know my heart!

Try me and know my thoughts!

And see if there be any grievous way in me,

And lead me in the way everlasting!

(Psalm 139:23-24, ESV)

Father, I am grateful for Your Living Word and its power to help me see my need for repentance, forgiveness, and transformation by Your Holy Spirit. Please use Your Word as an instrument to show me, and my group, where we need to grow. Encourage us through Your Word as we reflect on your amazing steadfast love for us, your mercy and grace to us, and your powerful work in us through Your Spirit. Discipline us in your love, reassure us with your presence, and lead us in your everlasting way! Amen.

This devotional is one of fifty-two from a collection, “Feeding the Soul of the Bible Study Leader.” If you would like to read more or share them with a friend, you can access them online at and they are also available in book form through