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Incoming Student Registration

The Advising Center’s role is to register you into your first semester of courses.

Learn more about the timeline and process of academic advising and registration by reviewing the information on this page.

Registration Timeline

Date Information
May 1

Submit your Registration Profile and $300 enrollment deposit by this date.

May 20

Virtual advising appointments begin (receive your course schedule and review transfer credit by scheduling an appointment on MyAccount via the “Register for Academic Advising” task) – Transfer students only

June 20Complete placement exams & surveys (recommended completion date)
June 24

Freshmen course schedules are available in MyAccount under the “Review Course Schedule” task. For help or first-semester course recommendations, visit our resource page. – Early Access students only*

*Note: Freshmen students who deposit on or by Admitted Student Day on April 7 are included in the Early Access group

July 2Enrollment begins (See MyAccount for Tasks to Complete).

Freshmen course schedules are available in MyAccount under the “Review Course Schedule” task. For help or first-semester course recommendations, visit our resource page.
August 15Down payment and all fall enrollment tasks are due in MyAccount
September 2Fall 2025 semester begins; Classes dropped for students who have not completed enrollment
September 7Last day to complete late enrollment for Fall 2025

Complete Placement Exams

Most Biola majors require placement exams. Visit our Placement Exam Website to see which exams you need and how to complete them. Completing exams early helps ensure your advisor registers you for the right first-semester classes.

Biola offers placement in the following subjects:

  1. Chemistry
  2. Foreign Language
  3. Music
  4. Physics
  5. Writing
Placement Exam Website

Access Your Course Schedule

  1. View your Registration Time Ticket

    Your time ticket represents the date and time you can view and edit your official course schedule. Your academic advisor registers you into classes based on your Registration Profile information.

    Your registration time ticket is located in the Spring 2025 Enrollment section on the MyAccount Tasks page.

  2. Access Your Course Schedule on MyAccount.

    When your time ticket begins, review your classes on MyAccount under the "Review Course Schedule" task Transfer students receive their schedule during a 1x1 virtual advising appointment with their academic advisor. Appointments begin May 20.

    Freshmen students receive their schedule on June 24 (Early Access students) or July 2.

    Watch one of our academic advisors give you a quick tutorial on how to understand your course schedule.

  3. Make adjustments to your schedule, if needed.

    This guide includes instructions for viewing and making adjustments to your course schedule. Students typically do not change their schedule, but may choose to change a class or time based on their preference.

Review Registration Resources

After you view your course schedule, the Advising Center recommends that you review the following registration resources. This includes information about transfer courses.

  1. Review your Degree Audit

    Your Degree Audit is a custom checklist of all your courses (major, general education, Bible, or Torrey) and graduation requirements

    Review this video for instructions on how to view and use your Degree Audit.

  2. View a sample graduation plan, known as a Course Sequence.

    Review the Course Sequence table to understand how many credits per semester are estimated for your major. The course sequence is only a generic guide, and oftentimes, courses can be adjusted to each student’s need or preference. In your first year, you will be invited to create your own customized semester-by-semester plan with your Academic Advisor.

Complete Enrollment

Registration is just one part of the Biola enrollment process. Each semester, students complete tasks related to housing, meals, health insurance, federal financial aid and payment plans (for more information and description of tasks, view the Biola What’s Next page). Review MyAccount once enrollment opens for a final list of required tasks to complete enrollment.

Enrollment for the Fall 2025 semester opens July 2, 2025 and is due August 15, 2025.

Contact Us

If you have general questions about how to view or adjust your course schedule, please contact The Advising Center at 562-903-4782 or Our office is available Monday through Fridays from 9 a.m.– 5 p.m. 

You’ll also get the chance to meet with your academic advisor in the spring semester to choose your fall 2025 classes. Our advising team is excited to welcome you to Biola!