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Courses | B.A. in Bible, Theology and Ministry

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. In addition to these program-specific requirements, all majors include Biola's traditional undergraduate core curriculum. For more program details, including a sample course sequence, visit Biola's academic catalog.


Each year during the Fall Semester, the Biblical and Theological Studies division sponsors a retreat for the students of the Bible, Theology, and Ministry major in all its concentrations for the purpose of facilitating program-wide community building, communication, spiritual formation, team building, and academic advising. There is a non-refundable $180 fee assessed at the beginning of each academic year for this event. All students are expected to attend this event. Any student seeking an exception should contact the department.

Curriculum Requirements

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
Those selecting the concentrations in “Bible and Theology,” or in “Christian Ministries,” or in “Bible Exposition,” or in “Ministry and Leadership,” or in “Theology: Non-Greek,” or in “Pastoral Care and Counseling” meet the Core Curriculum Foreign Language requirement via the standard 8 credit methods. Those selecting the concentrations in “Bible, Theology, and Biblical Languages,” or in “Biblical and Pastoral Ministries,” or in “New Testament,” or in "Old Testament,” or in “Divinity,” or in “Theology: Greek” meet the Core Curriculum Foreign Language requirement by choosing either 12 credits of Greek or 9-12 credits of Hebrew as detailed in the concentration sections below. Each course is 3 credits.
Core Curriculum Bible Courses
All students must complete 30 credits of Biblical and Theological Studies, detailed below. Each course is 3 credits.
Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual Formation
Foundations of Christian Thought
Old Testament History and Literature
New Testament History and Literature
Theology I
Theology II (counted as part of the major below)
Gospel, Kingdom, and Culture
BBST 300/400
Bible/Theology Elective (counted as part of the major below) 1
BBST 300/400
Bible/Theology Elective
Integration Seminar (counted as part of the major below) 2
Program Core Courses12
The following are the program core courses for B.A. Bible, Theology, and Ministry majors regardless of the concentration chosen.
Foundations of Ministry
Principles of Interpretation 1
Theology II
Integration Seminar 2
Writing Competency Requirement can be met with ENGL 313 (Writing in the Disciplines).
Concentration Requirements
Select a concentration detailed below30-46
Total Credits42-58

BBST 312 may be taken as the Core Curriculum BBST 300/400 Bible Elective.


BBST 465 Integration Seminar is a course offered in partnerships with various departments with a variety of different sections. Integration Seminar courses may be taken with different content for a maximum of 6 credits counted toward graduation. Those with the Christian Ministries concentration or with the Ministry and Leadership concentration are required to take BBST 4651 Integration Seminar: Christian Ministries.


Bible, Theology, and Biblical Languages

Program Courses12
Concentration-Specific Core Curriculum Foreign Language Courses
Select one set of biblical language courses
Elementary Greek Grammar I
Elementary Greek Grammar II
Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis I
Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis II
Elementary Hebrew Grammar I
Elementary Hebrew Grammar II
Intermediate Hebrew Grammar I
Intermediate Hebrew Grammar II
Concentration Courses
BBST 311Biblical Backgrounds3
BBST 321Historical Theology3
BBST 409Topics in Old Testament Ethics3
BBST 413Biblical Theology Seminar3
BBST 414Systematic Theology Seminar3
BBST 455Romans3
CEED 445Ministry Field Work3
Elective Courses
Select 9 credits of 300/400-level Biblical and Theological Studies (BBST) electives.9
Concentration Course Requirements: 30 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements69
General Electives9
Total Credits120

In addition to the major's core requirements (12), concentration requirements (30), and the Core Curriculum requirements (will vary, but includes the bulk of the Bible Minor and 12 credits of a biblical language, either Greek OR Hebrew), students with this concentration are encouraged to select a specialization or minor outside the department and/or sufficient electives to complete the minimum of 120 credits for the degree.

Bible and Theology

Program Courses12
Concentration Courses
BBST 311Biblical Backgrounds3
BBST 321Historical Theology3
BBST 409Topics in Old Testament Ethics3
BBST 413Biblical Theology Seminar3
BBST 455Romans3
CEED 445Ministry Field Work3
Ministry Pairing: choose 1 pair of courses6
Ministry Leadership pairing (2 courses)
Leadership Development
Christian Ministry Skills
Teaching Scripture pairing (2 courses)
Psychology of Learning and Development
Biblical Interpretation and Teaching
Elective Courses
Select 9 credits of 300/400-level Biblical and Theological Studies (BBST) electives9
Concentration Course Requirements: 33 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements65
General Electives10
Total Credits120

In addition to the major's core requirements (12), concentration requirements (33), and the Core Curriculum requirements (will vary, but includes the bulk of the Bible Minor and 4-8 credits of modern language), students with this concentration are encouraged to select a specialization or minor outside the department and/or sufficient electives to complete the minimum of 120 credits for the degree.

Christian Ministries

Program Courses12
Concentration Courses
CEED 242Psychology of Learning and Development3
CEED 254Leadership Development3
CEED 255Foundations of Spiritual Formation3
CEED 260Interpersonal and Cross-Cultural Relationships in Christian Ministry3
CEED 312Christian Ministry Skills3
CEED 313Christian Ministry Discipleship3
CEED 326Counseling Methods3
CEED 330Biblical Interpretation and Teaching3
CEED 415Organization and Administration of Christian Ministries3
CEED 465Internship in Christian Ministries7
Specialization Courses
Select a specialization from the options detailed below6
Concentration Course Requirements: 40 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements65
General Electives3
Total Credits120

In addition to the major's core requirements (12), concentration requirements (40), and the Core Curriculum requirements (will vary, but includes the bulk of the Bible Minor and 4-8 credits of modern language), students with this concentration must take sufficient electives to complete the minimum of 120 credits for the degree.

Specialization Options

A student with a Christian Ministries concentration must choose one of the five specializations reflecting a broad variety of ministry options in this field: Children and Family, Diversified, Early Childhood Education, Nonprofit Leadership, or Youth. The Diversified specialization allows the student to design a program that best suits his/her vocational interests.

Children and family

Vocational opportunities with this specialization include children’s director or minister in a local church, a staff member with organizations that minister to children in the United States or on a mission field, or a writer of programming materials and curriculum for use with children and preschoolers.

CEED 433Family Ministries in the Church3
CEED 479Programming for Christian Ministries3

This option is for those who wish to design a specialization unique to their interests. Students interested in areas such as ministry-based camping, counseling, music and worship arts, intercultural ministry, media ministry, and the like will find an opportunity to integrate ministry training with those particular fields of study. Students in the BBCL 4+1 accelerated master's program have this specialty with two graduate-level electives taken in the senior year.

Electives in potential ministry area (e.g., music, media, art, etc.)3
CEED 400-level elective3
Early Childhood Education

This specialization seeks to provide an introduction to the administration of education-based ministry programs specifically focused on early childhood.

Select two of the following 3-credit courses:6
Child Development: Birth through Adolescence (prerequisite waived by student's completion of CEED 242)
Early Childhood Curriculum
School/Family/Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Urban Settings
Classroom Management in Early Childhood Settings
Observation and Assessment of Young Children
Nonprofit Leadership

Vocational opportunities with this specialization include service in ministry settings that require key, practical business competencies and skills greater than the traditional church ministry role.

BUSN 240Principles of Management3
BUSN 480Non-Profit Management (BUSN 240 is a prerequisite for this course)3

Vocational opportunities for the youth specialization would include a local church youth director or minister, a club director for youth parachurch agencies, a youth camp director, a Christian education director in a church that emphasizes youth or an assistant or associate pastor with responsibilities for youth.

CEED 441Adolescent Culture and Development3
CEED 479Programming for Christian Ministries3

B.A. to M.A. Programs

Biblical and Pastoral Ministry

Built upon the Bible, Theology, and Biblical Languages concentration (see above), this concentration is designed to prepare students to pursue the accelerated BA-MA in Biblical and Pastoral Ministry. Upon successful completion of the Biblical and Pastoral Ministry concentration, students may enter into the Biblical and Pastoral Ministry specialization in the M.A. in Christian Ministry and Leadership (M.A.C.M.L.), and complete it in an accelerated format. The Biblical and Pastoral Ministry concentration is a specialized concentration that allows students to begin taking graduate courses in the senior year, and thus complete a B.A. and an M.A. faster.

Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into the Biblical and Pastoral Ministry concentration of the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry. Entry into this concentration requires the student to do the following:

  1. Students can begin their Biola education in this concentration; current Biola students can submit an application to the undergraduate division of Biblical and Theological Studies to change into this concentration.
  2. Students are encouraged to be involved in some form of Christian service demonstrating a sense of call or desire to pursue ministry.

The senior year of this concentration includes both graduate and undergraduate courses. In order to begin the senior year portion of the concentration, students must complete the following:

  1. Maintain adequate involvement in the program's co-curricular mentoring and spiritual formation activities.
  2. Continued involvement in Christian service.
  3. Failure to earn a B or higher in one or more of the following courses will result in the student not receiving advanced standing credit in the M.A.C.M.L.B.P.M.: BBST 103, BBST 165, BBST 209, BBST 210, BBST 251, BBST 312, BBST 354, BBST 413BBST 414, two BBST 300/400 electives; and the biblical language sequence (i.e., in Greek: BLGR 101, BLGR 102, BLGR 201, BLGR 202; or in Hebrew: BLHE 101, BLHE 102, BLHE 201, BLHE 202/TTOT 722).
  4. Apply and be admitted to Talbot's M.A. in Christian Ministry and Leadership with a specialization in Biblical and Pastoral Ministry program. One of the required letters of recommendation must come from the director of the accelerated master's degree programs.

Students who are not admitted into Talbot's M.A.C.M.L.B.P.M. may continue in the Bible, Theology, and Biblical Languages concentration in the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry program, where no credits will be lost or wasted.

For more information on the graduate curriculum, see the M.A.C.M.L, Biblical and Pastoral Ministry specialization.

Program Courses12
Concentration-Specific Core Curriculum Foreign Language Courses
Elementary Greek Grammar I
Elementary Greek Grammar II
Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis I
Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis II
Elementary Hebrew Grammar I
Elementary Hebrew Grammar II
Intermediate Hebrew Grammar I
Intermediate Hebrew Grammar II (taken as TTOT 722 in the sophomore, junior, or senior year)
Concentration Courses
BBST 311Biblical Backgrounds3
BBST 321Historical Theology3
BBST 409Topics in Old Testament Ethics3
BBST 413Biblical Theology Seminar3
BBST 414Systematic Theology Seminar3
BBST 455Romans3
BBST 490Practicum: Accelerated Bible Programs 12
Elective Courses
Select 6 credits of 300/400-level Biblical and Theological Studies (BBST) electives6
Seniors in the Biblical and Pastoral Ministry concentration take the following graduate courses during their senior year:
TTNT 604Exegesis in the Gospels3
or TTNT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles
or TTOT 722 Hebrew Exegesis
TTPT 591Field Apprenticeship I1
TTPT 592Field Apprenticeship II0
TTPT 609Expository Preaching3
TTSF 501Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation3
TTSF 503Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation3
TTSF 505Talbot Spiritual Direction I0
TTTH 521Theology I: God, Scripture, Creation3
Concentration Course Requirements: 42 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements66-69
Total Credits120-123

BBST 490 must be taken twice as a 1-credit course.

With the major's core requirements (12), concentration requirements (42), plus the Core Curriculum requirements (which may vary but includes the bulk of the Bible Minor and 12 credits of a biblical language), students with this concentration will earn a minimum of 120-123 credits for the degree. (Biola’s undergraduate degree minimum is 120 credits).

Old Testament

Built upon the Bible, Theology, and Biblical Languages concentration (see above), this concentration is designed to prepare students to pursue the accelerated BA-MA in Old Testament. Upon successful completion of the Old Testament concentration, students may enter into the M.A. in Old Testament, and complete it in an accelerated format. The Old Testament concentration is a specialized concentration that allows students to begin taking graduate courses in the senior year, and thus complete a B.A. and an M.A. faster.

Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into the Old Testament concentration of the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry. Entry into this concentration requires the student to do the following:

  1. Students can begin their Biola education in this concentration; current Biola students can submit an application to the undergraduate division of Biblical and Theological Studies to change into this concentration.
  2. Students are encouraged to be involved in some form of Christian service demonstrating a sense of call or desire to pursue ministry.

The senior year of this concentration includes both graduate and undergraduate courses. In order to begin the senior year portion of the concentration, students must complete the following:

  1. Maintain adequate involvement in the program's co-curricular mentoring and spiritual formation activities.
  2. Continued involvement in Christian service.
  3. Failure to earn a B or higher in one or more of the following courses will result in the student not receiving advanced standing credit in the M.A. in Old Testament: BBST 103, BBST 165, BBST 209, BBST 210, BBST 251, BBST 312, BBST 354, BBST 413BBST 414, two BBST 300/400 electives; BLHE 101, BLHE 102, BLHE 201, BLHE 202/TTOT 722.
  4. Apply and be admitted to Talbot's M.A. in Old Testament program. One of the required letters of recommendation must come from the director of the accelerated master's degree programs.

Students who are not admitted into Talbot's M.A. in Old Testament may continue in the Old Testament concentration in the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry program, where no credits will be lost or wasted.

For more information on the graduate curriculum, see the M.A. in Old Testament.

Program Courses12
Concentration-Specific Core Curriculum Foreign Language Courses
Elementary Hebrew Grammar I
Elementary Hebrew Grammar II
Intermediate Hebrew Grammar I
Intermediate Hebrew Grammar II (taken as TTOT 722 in the sophomore, junior, or senior year)
Concentration Courses
BBST 311Biblical Backgrounds3
BBST 321Historical Theology3
BBST 409Topics in Old Testament Ethics3
BBST 413Biblical Theology Seminar3
BBST 414Systematic Theology Seminar3
BBST 455Romans3
BBST 490Practicum: Accelerated Bible Programs 12
CEED 445Ministry Field Work3
Elective Courses
Select 6 credits of 300/400-level Biblical and Theological Studies (BBST) electives6
Seniors in the Old Testament concentration take the following graduate courses during their senior year:
TTSF 501Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation3
TTSF 503Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation3
TTSF 505Talbot Spiritual Direction I0
TTTH 521Theology I: God, Scripture, Creation3
TTTH 623Theology III: Spirit, Church, Last Things3
TTOT 722Hebrew Exegesis (may be taken in the sophomore, junior, or senior year)3
Concentration Course Requirements: 44 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements66
Total Credits122

BBST 490 must be taken twice as a 1-credit course.

With the major's core requirements (12), concentration requirements (44), plus the Core Curriculum requirements (which may vary but includes the bulk of the Bible Minor and 12 credits of a biblical language), students with this concentration will earn a minimum of 122 credits for the degree. (Biola’s undergraduate degree minimum is 120 credits).

New Testament

Built upon the Bible, Theology, and Biblical Languages concentration (see above), this concentration is designed to prepare students to pursue the accelerated BA-MA in New Testament. Upon successful completion of the New Testament concentration, students may enter into the M.A. in New Testament and complete it in an accelerated format. The New Testament concentration is a specialized concentration that allows students to begin taking graduate courses in the senior year, and thus complete a B.A. and an M.A. faster.

Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into the New Testament concentration of the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry. Entry into this concentration requires the student to do the following:

  1. Students can begin their Biola education in this concentration; current Biola students can submit an application to the undergraduate division of Biblical and Theological Studies to change into this concentration.
  2. Students are encouraged to be involved in some form of Christian service demonstrating a sense of call or desire to pursue ministry.

The senior year of this concentration includes both graduate and undergraduate courses. In order to begin the senior year portion of the concentration, students must complete the following:

  1. Maintain adequate involvement in the program's co-curricular mentoring and spiritual formation activities.
  2. Continued involvement in Christian service.
  3. Failure to earn a B or higher in one or more of the following courses will result in the student not receiving advanced standing credit in the M.A. in New Testament: BBST 103, BBST 165, BBST 209, BBST 210, BBST 251, BBST 312, BBST 354, BBST 413BBST 414, two BBST 300/400 electives; BLGR 101, BLGR 102, BLGR 201, BLGR 202.
  4. Apply and be admitted to Talbot's M.A. in New Testament program. One of the required letters of recommendation must come from the director of the accelerated master's degree programs.

Students who are not admitted into Talbot's M.A. in New Testament may continue in the New Testament concentration in the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry program, where no credits will be lost or wasted.

For more information on the graduate curriculum, see the M.A. in New Testament.

Program Courses12
Concentration-Specific Core Curriculum Foreign Language Courses
Elementary Greek Grammar I
Elementary Greek Grammar II
Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis I
Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis II
Concentration Courses
BBST 311Biblical Backgrounds3
BBST 321Historical Theology3
BBST 409Topics in Old Testament Ethics3
BBST 413Biblical Theology Seminar3
BBST 414Systematic Theology Seminar3
BBST 455Romans3
BBST 490Practicum: Accelerated Bible Programs 12
CEED 445Ministry Field Work3
Elective Courses
Select 6 credits of 300/400-level Biblical and Theological Studies (BBST) electives6
Seniors in the New Testament concentration take the following graduate courses during their senior year:
TTNT 604Exegesis in the Gospels3
TTSF 501Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation3
TTSF 503Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation3
TTSF 505Talbot Spiritual Direction I0
TTTH 623Theology III: Spirit, Church, Last Things3
Concentration Course Requirements: 41 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements69
Total Credits122

BBST 490 must be taken twice as a 1-credit course.

With the major's core requirements (12), concentration requirements (41), plus the Core Curriculum requirements (which may vary but includes the bulk of the Bible Minor and 12 credits of a biblical language), students with this concentration will earn a minimum of 122 credits for the degree. (Biola’s undergraduate degree minimum is 120 credits).

Bible Exposition

Built upon the Bible and Theology concentration (see above), this concentration is designed to prepare students to pursue the accelerated BA-MA in Bible Exposition. Upon successful completion of the Bible Exposition concentration, students may enter into the M.A. in Bible Exposition and complete it in an accelerated format. The Bible Exposition concentration is a specialized concentration that allows students to begin taking graduate courses in the senior year, and thus complete a B.A. and an M.A. faster.

Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into the Bible Exposition concentration of the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry. Entry into this concentration requires the student to do the following:

  1. Students can begin their Biola education in this concentration; current Biola students can submit an application to the undergraduate division of Biblical and Theological Studies to change into this concentration.
  2. Students are encouraged to be involved in some form of Christian service demonstrating a sense of call or desire to pursue ministry.

The senior year of this concentration includes both graduate and undergraduate courses. In order to begin the senior year portion of the concentration, students must complete the following:

  1. Maintain adequate involvement in the program's co-curricular mentoring and spiritual formation activities.
  2. Continued involvement in Christian service.
  3. Failure to earn a B or higher in one or more of the following courses will result in the student not receiving advanced standing credit in the M.A. in Bible Exposition: BBST 103, BBST 165, BBST 209, BBST 251, BBST 312, BBST 354, BBST 413, BBST 455, one BBST NT elective, two BBST OT electives; and one BBST 300/400 elective.
  4. Apply and be admitted to Talbot's M.A. in Bible Exposition program. One of the required letters of recommendation must come from the director of the accelerated master's degree programs.

Students who are not admitted into Talbot's M.A. in Bible Exposition may continue in the Bible and Theology concentration in the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry program, where no credits will be lost or wasted.

For more information on the graduate curriculum, see the M.A. in Bible Exposition.

Program Courses12
Concentration Courses
BBST 311Biblical Backgrounds3
BBST 321Historical Theology3
BBST 409Topics in Old Testament Ethics3
BBST 413Biblical Theology Seminar3
BBST 455Romans3
BBST 490Practicum: Accelerated Bible Programs 12
CEED 445Ministry Field Work3
Ministry Pairing: choose 1 pair of courses6
Ministry Leadership pairing (2 courses)
Leadership Development
Christian Ministry Skills
Teaching Scripture pairing (2 courses)
Psychology of Learning and Development
Biblical Interpretation and Teaching
Elective Courses
Select 6 credits of 300/400-level Biblical and Theological Studies (BBST) electives6
Seniors in the Bible Exposition concentration take the following graduate courses during their senior year:
TTBE 530Elementary Principles of the Biblical Languages3
TTSF 501Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation3
TTSF 503Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation3
TTSF 505Talbot Spiritual Direction I0
TTTH 623Theology III: Spirit, Church, Last Things3
Concentration Course Requirements: 44 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements65
Total Credits121

BBST 490 must be taken twice as a 1-credit course.

With the major's core requirements (12), concentration requirements (44), plus the Core Curriculum requirements (which may vary), students with this concentration will earn a minimum of 120-121 credits for the degree. (Biola’s undergraduate degree minimum is 120 credits).

Ministry and Leadership

Built upon the Christian Ministries concentration (see above), this concentration is designed to prepare students to pursue the accelerated BA-MA in Ministry and Leadership. Upon successful completion of the Ministry and Leadership concentration, students may enter into the M.A. in Christian Ministry and Leadership (M.A.C.M.L.), and complete it in an accelerated format. The Ministry and Leadership concentration is a specialized concentration that allows students to begin taking graduate courses in the senior year, and thus complete a B.A. and an M.A. faster.

Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into the Ministry and Leadership concentration of the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry. Entry into this concentration requires the student to do the following:

  1. Students can begin their Biola education in this concentration; current Biola students can submit an application to the undergraduate division of Biblical and Theological Studies to change into this concentration.
  2. Students are encouraged to be involved in some form of Christian service demonstrating a sense of call or desire to pursue ministry.

The senior year of this concentration includes both graduate and undergraduate courses. In order to begin the senior year portion of the concentration, students must complete the following:

  1. Maintain adequate involvement in the program's co-curricular mentoring and spiritual formation activities.
  2. Continued involvement in Christian service.
  3. Failure to earn a B or higher in one or more of the following courses will result in the student not receiving advanced standing credit in the M.A.C.M.L.: BBST 103BBST 165, BBST 209, BBST 210, BBST 251, BBST 312, BBST 354, CEED 242, CEED 255, CEED 312, CEED 313, CEED 330, CEED 465; and one BBST 300/400 elective.
  4. Apply and be admitted to Talbot's M.A.C.M.L. in Ministry and Leadership program. One of the required letters of recommendation must come from the director of the accelerated master's degree programs.

Students who are not admitted into Talbot's M.A.C.M.L. in Ministry and Leadership may continue in the Christian Ministries concentration in the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry program, where no credits will be lost or wasted.

For more information on the graduate curriculum, see the M.A.C.M.L., Ministry and Leadership specialization.

Program Courses12
Concentration Courses
CEED 242Psychology of Learning and Development3
CEED 254Leadership Development3
CEED 255Foundations of Spiritual Formation3
CEED 260Interpersonal and Cross-Cultural Relationships in Christian Ministry3
CEED 312Christian Ministry Skills3
CEED 313Christian Ministry Discipleship3
CEED 326Counseling Methods3
CEED 330Biblical Interpretation and Teaching3
CEED 415Organization and Administration of Christian Ministries3
CEED 465Internship in Christian Ministries7
Seniors in the Ministry and Leadership concentration take the following graduate courses during their senior year:
TTSF 501Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation3
TTSF 503Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation3
TTSF 505Talbot Spiritual Direction I0
The 6-credit Diversified specialization in this concentration consists of two graduate-level electives taken in the senior year.
Select one of the following in the Evangelism, Missions, & Inter-cultural Ministry category:3
Church Growth and Church Planting in the USA
The Asian Church in the American Society
Select one the following in the Ministry Skills category:3
Youth Ministry in Contemporary Culture
Adult and Family Ministries in the Local Church
Small Group Ministries
Concentration Course Requirements: 46 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements65
Total Credits123

With the major's core requirements (12), concentration requirements (46), plus the Core Curriculum requirements (which may vary), students with this concentration will earn a minimum of 120 credits for the degree.

Theology: Greek Track

Built upon the Bible, Theology, and Biblical Languages concentration (see above), this concentration is designed to prepare students to pursue the accelerated BA-MA in Theology. Upon successful completion of the Theology concentration, students may enter into the M.A. in Theology and complete it in an accelerated format. The Theology: Greek Track concentration is a specialized concentration that allows students to begin taking graduate courses in the senior year, and thus complete a B.A. and an M.A. faster.

Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into the Theology: Greek Track concentration of the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry. Entry into this concentration requires the student to do the following:

  1. Students can begin their Biola education in this concentration; current Biola students can submit an application to the undergraduate division of Biblical and Theological Studies to change into this concentration.
  2. Students are encouraged to be involved in some form of Christian service demonstrating a sense of call or desire to pursue ministry.

The senior year of this concentration includes both graduate and undergraduate courses. In order to begin the senior year portion of the concentration, students must complete the following:

  1. Maintain adequate involvement in the program's co-curricular mentoring and spiritual formation activities.
  2. Continued involvement in Christian service.
  3. Failure to earn a B or higher in one or more of the following courses will result in the student not receiving advanced standing credit in the M.A. in Theology: BBST 103, BBST 165, BBST 209, BBST 210, BBST 251, BBST 312, BBST 354, BBST 413, BBST 414, two BBST 300/400 electives; and BLGR 101, BLGR 102, BLGR 201, BLGR 202.
  4. Apply and be admitted to Talbot's M.A. in Theology program. One of the required letters of recommendation must come from the director of the accelerated master's degree programs.

Students who are not admitted into Talbot's M.A. in Theology may continue in the Bible, Theology, and Biblical Languages concentration in the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry program, where no credits will be lost or wasted.

For more information on the graduate curriculum, see the M.A. in Theology.

Program Courses12
Concentration-Specific Core Curriculum Foreign Language Courses
Elementary Greek Grammar I
Elementary Greek Grammar II
Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis I
Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis II
Concentration Courses
BBST 311Biblical Backgrounds3
BBST 321Historical Theology3
BBST 409Topics in Old Testament Ethics3
BBST 413Biblical Theology Seminar3
BBST 414Systematic Theology Seminar3
BBST 455Romans3
BBST 490Practicum: Accelerated Bible Programs 12
CEED 445Ministry Field Work3
Elective Courses
Select 6 credits of 300/400-level Biblical and Theological Studies (BBST) electives6
Seniors in the Theology Greek track concentration take the following graduate courses during their senior year:
TTBE 517Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods3
or TTTH 521 Theology I: God, Scripture, Creation
TTSF 501Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation3
TTSF 503Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation3
TTSF 505Talbot Spiritual Direction I0
TTTH 623Theology III: Spirit, Church, Last Things3
Concentration Course Requirements: 41 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements69
Total Credits122

BBST 490 must be taken twice as a 1-credit course.

Theology: Non-Greek Track

Built upon Bible and Theology concentration (see above), this concentration is designed to prepare students to pursue the accelerated BA-MA in Theology. Upon successful completion of the Theology: Non-Greek Track concentration, students may enter into the M.A. in Theology and complete it in an accelerated format. The Theology: Non-Greek Track concentration is a specialized concentration that allows students to begin taking graduate courses in the senior year, and thus complete a B.A. and an M.A. faster.

Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into the Theology: Non-Greek Track concentration of the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry. Entry into this concentration requires the student to do the following:

  1. Students can begin their Biola education in this concentration; current Biola students can submit an application to the undergraduate division of Biblical and Theological Studies to change into this concentration.
  2. Students are encouraged to be involved in some form of Christian service demonstrating a sense of call or desire to pursue ministry.

The senior year of this concentration includes both graduate and undergraduate courses. In order to begin the senior year portion of the concentration, students must complete the following:

  1. Maintain adequate involvement in the program's co-curricular mentoring and spiritual formation activities.
  2. Continued involvement in Christian service.
  3. Failure to earn a B or higher in one or more of the following courses will result in the student not receiving advanced standing credit in the M.A. in Theology: BBST 103, BBST 165, BBST 209, BBST 210, BBST 251, BBST 312, BBST 354, BBST 413, BBST 414, and two BBST 300/400 electives.
  4. Apply and be admitted to Talbot's M.A. in Theology program. One of the required letters of recommendation must come from the director of the accelerated master's degree programs.

Students who are not admitted into Talbot's M.A. in Theology: Non-Greek Track may continue in the Bible & Theology concentration in the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry program, where no credits will be lost or wasted.

For more information on the graduate curriculum, see the M.A. in Theology.

Program Courses12
Concentration Courses
BBST 311Biblical Backgrounds3
BBST 321Historical Theology3
BBST 409Topics in Old Testament Ethics3
BBST 413Biblical Theology Seminar3
BBST 455Romans3
BBST 490Practicum: Accelerated Bible Programs 12
CEED 445Ministry Field Work3
Ministry Pairing: choose 1 pair of courses6
Ministry Leadership pairing (2 courses)
Leadership Development
Christian Ministry Skills
Teaching Scripture pairing (2 courses)
Psychology of Learning and Development
Biblical Interpretation and Teaching
Elective Courses
Select 6 credits of 300/400-level Biblical and Theological Studies (BBST) electives6
Seniors in the Theology non-Greek track concentration take the following graduate courses during their senior year:
TTBE 530Elementary Principles of the Biblical Languages3
TTSF 501Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation3
TTSF 503Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation3
TTSF 505Talbot Spiritual Direction I0
TTTH 623Theology III: Spirit, Church, Last Things3
Concentration Course Requirements: 44 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements65
Total Credits121

BBST 490 must be taken twice as a 1-credit course.

With the major's core requirements (12), concentration requirements (44), plus the Core Curriculum requirements (which may vary but includes the bulk of the Bible Minor and 8 credits of a foreign language), students with this concentration will earn a minimum of 120-121 credits for the degree. (Biola’s undergraduate degree minimum is 120 credits).

Pastoral Care and Counseling

Built upon the Bible and Theology concentration (see above), this concentration is designed to prepare students to pursue the accelerated BA-MA in Pastoral Care and Counseling. Upon successful completion of the Pastoral Care and Counseling concentration, students may enter into the M.A. in Pastoral Care and Counseling (M.A.C.M.L.) and complete it in an accelerated format. The Pastoral Care and Counseling concentration is a specialized concentration that allows students to begin taking graduate courses in the senior year, and thus complete a B.A. and an M.A. faster.

Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into the Pastoral Care and Counseling concentration of the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry. Entry into this concentration requires the student to do the following:

  1. Students can begin their Biola education in this concentration; current Biola students can submit an application to the undergraduate division of Biblical and Theological Studies to change into this concentration.
  2. Students are encouraged to be involved in some form of Christian service demonstrating a sense of call or desire to pursue ministry.

The senior year of this concentration includes both graduate and undergraduate courses. In order to begin the senior year portion of the concentration, students must complete the following:

  1. Maintain adequate involvement in the program's co-curricular mentoring and spiritual formation activities.
  2. Continued involvement in Christian service.
  3. Failure to earn a B or higher in one or more of the following courses will result in the student not receiving advanced standing credit in the M.A. in Pastoral Care and Counseling: BBST 103, BBST 165, BBST 209, BBST 210, BBST 251BBST 312, BBST 354, BBST 413, and two BBST 300/400 electives.
  4. Apply and be admitted to Talbot's M.A.C.M.L. in Pastoral Care and Counseling program. One of the required letters of recommendation must come from the director of the accelerated master's degree programs.

Students who are not admitted into Talbot's M.A.C.M.L. in Pastoral Care and Counseling may continue in the Bible and Theology concentration in the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry program, where no credits will be lost or wasted.

For more information on the graduate curriculum, see the M.A.C.M.L., Pastoral Care and Counseling specialization.

Program Courses12
Concentration Courses
BBST 311Biblical Backgrounds3
BBST 321Historical Theology3
BBST 409Topics in Old Testament Ethics3
BBST 413Biblical Theology Seminar3
BBST 455Romans3
BBST 490Practicum: Accelerated Bible Programs 12
CEED 445Ministry Field Work3
Ministry Pairing: choose 1 pair of courses6
Ministry Leadership pairing (2 courses)
Leadership Development
Christian Ministry Skills
Teaching Scripture pairing (2 courses)
Psychology of Learning and Development
Biblical Interpretation and Teaching
Elective Courses
Select 6 credits of 300/400-level Biblical and Theological Studies (BBST) electives6
Seniors in the Pastoral Care and Counseling concentration take the following graduate courses during their senior year:
TTPT 693Pastoral Care and Counseling Internship I1
TTPT 702Intermediate Pastoral Counseling3
TTPT 707Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling2
TTSF 501Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation3
TTSF 503Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation3
TTSF 505Talbot Spiritual Direction I0
Concentration Course Requirements: 44 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements65
Total Credits121

BBST 490 must be taken twice as a 1-credit course.

With the major's core requirements (12), concentration requirements (44), plus the Core Curriculum requirements (which may vary), students with this concentration will earn a minimum of 120-121 credits for the degree. (Biola’s undergraduate degree minimum is 120 credits).


As of Fall 2024, this concentration is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Built upon the Bible and Theology concentration (see above), this concentration is designed to prepare students to pursue the accelerated BA-MA in Philosophy. Upon successful completion of the Philosophy concentration, students may enter into the M.A. in Philosophy and complete it in an accelerated format. The Philosophy concentration is a specialized concentration that allows students to begin taking graduate courses in the senior year, and thus complete a B.A. and an M.A. faster.

Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into the Philosophy concentration of the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry. Entry into this concentration requires the student to do the following:

  1. Students can begin their Biola education in this concentration; current Biola students can submit an application to the undergraduate division of Biblical and Theological Studies to change into this concentration.
  2. Students are encouraged to be involved in some form of Christian service demonstrating a sense of call or desire to pursue ministry.

The senior year of this concentration includes both graduate and undergraduate courses. In order to begin the senior year portion of the concentration, students must complete the following:

  1. Maintain adequate involvement in the program's co-curricular mentoring and spiritual formation activities.
  2. Continued involvement in Christian service.
  3. Failure to earn a "B" or higher in one or more of the following courses will result in the student not receiving advanced standing credit in the M.A. in Philosophy: BBST 103, BBST 165, BBST 209, BBST 210, BBST 251, BBST 312, BBST 354, BBST 413, BBST 455; and two BBST 300/400 electives.
  4. Apply and be admitted to Talbot's M.A. in Philosophy program. One of the required letters of recommendation must come from the director of the accelerated master's degree programs.

Students who are not admitted into Talbot's M.A. in Philosophy may continue in the Bible and Theology concentration in the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry program, where no credits will be lost or wasted.

For more information on the graduate curriculum, see the M.A. in Philosophy.

Program Courses12
Concentration Courses
BBST 311Biblical Backgrounds3
BBST 321Historical Theology3
BBST 409Topics in Old Testament Ethics3
BBST 413Biblical Theology Seminar3
BBST 455Romans3
BBST 490Practicum: Accelerated Bible Programs 12
CEED 254Leadership Development3
CEED 330Biblical Interpretation and Teaching3
CEED 445Ministry Field Work3
Elective Courses
Select 6 credits of 300/400-level Biblical and Theological Studies (BBST) electives6
Seniors in the Philosophy concentration may take the following graduate courses during their senior year:
TTPH 523Metaphysics I3
TTPH 544Epistemology I3
TTSF 501Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation3
TTSF 503Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation3
TTSF 505Talbot Spiritual Direction I0
Concentration Course Requirements: 44 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements65
Total Credits121

BBST 490 must be taken twice as a 1-credit course.

With the major's core requirements (12), concentration requirements (44), plus the Core Curriculum requirements (which may vary), students with this concentration will earn a minimum of 120-121 credits for the degree. (Biola’s undergraduate degree minimum is 120 credits).

B.A. to M.Div. Program


Built upon the Bible, Theology, and Biblical Languages concentration (see above), this concentration is designed to prepare students to pursue the accelerated BA-MDiv with a Pastoral and General Ministries specialization. Upon successful completion of the Divinity concentration, students may enter into the Pastoral and General Ministries specialization in the M.Div. and complete it in an accelerated format. The Divinity concentration is a specialized concentration that allows students to begin taking graduate courses in the senior year, and thus complete a B.A. and an M.Div. faster. As a 3+2 accelerated program, courses are scheduled such that students can complete the B.A. in three years utilizing summer courses and finishing the M.Div. in an additional 2 years.

Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into the Divinity concentration of the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry. Entry into this concentration requires the student to do the following:

  1. Students can begin their Biola education in this concentration; current Biola students can submit an application to the undergraduate division of Biblical and Theological Studies to change into this concentration.
  2. Students are encouraged to be involved in some form of Christian service demonstrating a sense of call or desire to pursue ministry.

The senior year of this concentration includes both graduate and undergraduate courses. In order to begin the senior year portion of the concentration, students must complete the following:

  1. Maintain adequate involvement in the program's co-curricular mentoring and spiritual formation activities.
  2. Continued involvement in Christian service.
  3. Failure to earn a B or higher in one or more of the following courses will result in the student not receiving advanced standing credit in the M.Div.: BBST 103, BBST 165, BBST 209, BBST 210, BBST 251, BBST 312, BBST 354, BBST 413, BBST 414, two BBST 300/400 electives (one must be in Apologetics); and the biblical language sequence (i.e., in Greek: BLGR 101, BLGR 102, BLGR 201, BLGR 202; or in Hebrew: BLHE 101, BLHE 102, BLHE 201, BLHE 202/TTOT 722). 
  4. Apply and be admitted to Talbot's M.Div. with a specialization in Pastoral and General Ministries program. One of the required letters of recommendation must come from the director of the accelerated master's degree programs.

Students who are not admitted into Talbot's M.Div. may continue in the Bible, Theology, and Biblical Languages concentration in the B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry program, where no credits will be lost or wasted. With only a few alterations, a student could opt for Talbot's M.A. in Christian Ministry and Leadership with the Biblical and Pastoral Ministry specialization (see the BPPM concentration above).

For more information on the graduate curriculum, see the M.Div., Pastoral and General Ministries specialization

Program Courses12
Concentration-Specific Core Curriculum Foreign Language Courses
Elementary Greek Grammar I
Elementary Greek Grammar II
Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis I
Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis II
Elementary Hebrew Grammar I
Elementary Hebrew Grammar II
Intermediate Hebrew Grammar I
Intermediate Hebrew Grammar II (taken as TTOT 722 in the sophomore, junior, or senior year)
Concentration Courses
BBST 311Biblical Backgrounds3
BBST 321Historical Theology3
BBST 409Topics in Old Testament Ethics3
BBST 413Biblical Theology Seminar3
BBST 414Systematic Theology Seminar3
BBST 455Romans3
BBST 490Practicum: Accelerated Bible Programs 12
Seniors in the Divinity concentration take the following graduate courses during their senior year:
TTNT 604Exegesis in the Gospels3
or TTNT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles
TTNT 621Life of Christ3
or TTNT 757 Johannine Theology
TTOT 722Hebrew Exegesis2
TTPH 602Apologetics3
TTPT 591Field Apprenticeship I1
TTPT 592Field Apprenticeship II0
TTPT 609Expository Preaching3
or TTPT 610 Contemporary Biblical Preaching
TTSF 501Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation3
TTSF 503Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation3
TTSF 505Talbot Spiritual Direction I0
TTTH 771Theology Seminar (Character of God) 23
Concentration Course Requirements: 44 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements66-69
Total Credits122-125

BBST 490 must be taken twice as a 1-credit course.


Not required for Torrey students. See department for more information.

With the major's core requirements (12), concentration requirements (44), plus the Core Curriculum requirements (which may vary but includes the bulk of the Bible Minor and 12 credits of a biblical language), students with this concentration will earn a minimum of 122-125 credits for the degree. (Biola’s undergraduate degree minimum is 120 credits).

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