World-renowned artist Peter Brandes, who died on January 4, 2025, left a profound legacy at Biola University through the stained glass windows he designed for Biola's Calvary Chapel. Brandes and his wife, Maja Lisa Engelhardt, both celebrated Danish artists, were the visionaries behind the sacred art renewal of Calvary Chapel that Biola students, staff and faculty experience every day.

Originally constructed in 1975, Biola’s Calvary Chapel has served as a beloved landmark, place of worship, venue for public lectures and artistic and musical performances for many years. In 2018, Brandes and Engelhardt were commissioned to reimagine Calvary Chapel through the use of biblically-inspired art. This became their first fully collaborative art project that they would complete together as a couple. Their vision came to life when the chapel was reborn to become a sacred space filled with their captivating and interactive art, ranging from a breathtaking 24K gold wall depicting the resurrection of Jesus Christ to large Danish fleet oak pews in the middle of the building, flanked on all sides by stained glass windows illustrating images from the Bible.

“Peter Brandes was not only a masterful artist but a profound storyteller and precious friend. Together with his dear wife, Maja Lisa Engelhardt, he gave all of us at Biola University an enduring

Image shows Brandes talking about one of his stained glass pieces
Peter Brandes discusses one of his stained glass pieces while Biola President Barry H. Corey looks on

biblical legacy through their 2018 sacred art remodel of Calvary Chapel — a space where heaven and earth meet, inspiring countless hearts to worship and reflect,” said Biola President, Barry H. Corey. “Peter's inimitable capacity to depict through visual arts the beautiful, the good and the true will continue to resonate on our campus for generations to come. Through our extensive travels together and long conversations with Peter, Paula and I came to know him as if he was part of our family. He was epic in life and lived out his Christian faith in his art and relationships. We grieve his passing but celebrate his extraordinary life and witness, which so vividly reflected the glory of God.”

Dr. Barry H. Corey speaks in Calvary Chapel beside Peter Brandes
Dr. Barry H. Corey speaks in Calvary Chapel beside Peter Brandes

Brandes was known for his liturgical and abstract designs in sculpting, glass art and mosaics, including important contributions to historic European churches such as the Roskilde Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Another recognizable art piece created by Brandes are the “Rosklide Jars” that sit at the square by the railway station in Roskilde, Denmark. The three jars when weighed together are over 24 tons. He created a similar vase — 5 meters tall — for the Vad Yashem Museum in Jerusalem, Israel’s official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. Brandes was the mind and eye behind all 32 hand-cut stained glass pieces housed in Biola’s Calvary Chapel today, which depict biblical narratives from the Old and New Testaments that focus on themes of resurrection and the promise of new life in Christ. He was heavily involved in the installation process of all the pieces.

When describing his first impression of Calvary Chapel before the remodel, he said that the room was too dark and needed light. Now, his stained glass art pieces provide light into every corner of the chapel. Using innovative applications of LED technology, an internally lit sheet of acrylic glass containing nano-crystals allows illumination of the windows both outside and inside, day or night, and is the first of its kind in the world.

“We wanted to make it more light, and to have it be more friendly. But now it is a room that opens up to all horizons, and opens up also to your mind with your eyes, not only with your ears. And this is what is new about the chapel,” said Brandes.

A virtual guided tour through Calvary Chapel, which includes commentary from Brandes on all of his stained glass pieces, can be viewed on Biola’s website. The chapel will be open for visitors to view Brandes’ work and vision on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings during the month of January. 

Written by Sarah Dougher, media relations specialist. For more information, please email