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  • Sean McDowell — 

    Personal autonomy has become the reigning virtue of our day. If it feels true to you, then it must be true for you. As SCOTUS Justice Anthony Kennedy famously said, "At the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.” On this view, freedom entails obeying only the self. But the Star Wars franchise portrays a different kind of freedom, a freedom that is found through obedience. For instance, in episode IV (the first Star Wars film) Obi-Wan Kenobi sneaks Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, and C-3PO past a small group of stormtroopers. When the stormtroopers stop them for inquiry, Ob-Wan simply waves his hand and says, “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” One of the stormtroopers repeats the phrase and they obey.

  • Sean McDowell — 

    Jewish and Christian scribes took inordinate care in copying the Bible from one generation to the next. For a variety of reasons, we can have great confidence that our present Bibles have considerable fidelity to the original writings.[1] Hands down, the Bible is the most carefully preserved book from the ancient world ...

  • Christus Victor Theory of the Atonement

    Weekly Q & A with Dr. William Lane Craig

    William Lane Craig — 

    This is the weekly Q & A blog post by our Research Professor in Philosophy, Dr. William Lane Craig. Mr. Craig, Thank you very much for your ministry. It has helped me very much in deepening my understanding why we, as Christians, believe what we believe. I am an Orthodox Christian and although in our tradition, reason is secondary to the experience of the Divine through good works of unconditional love, I have benefited immensely from your work when talking to anyone who may not necessarily be open to claims of experience ...

  • Culture, New Testament, Old Testament, Theology

    Kenneth Berding — 

    What is the “locus” of meaning of a biblical text? (In other words, where is the center and source of meaning?) There are three possibilities: The...

  • Biblical Exposition, New Testament

    Life of Jesus, Part Two

    The Baptism of Jesus

    Matthew Williams — 

    The baptism of Jesus is easily misunderstood. We often understand this important event as Jesus simply going into the Jordan River and being...

  • Sean McDowell — 

    I recently got to watch an early release of the new Samson film with my older kids and we all loved it. I asked my kids if I should endorse it and...

  • Original Sin

    Weekly Q & A with Dr. William Lane Craig

    William Lane Craig — 

    This is the weekly Q & A blog post by our Research Professor in Philosophy, Dr. William Lane Craig. Salaam Dr. Craig. A Muslim reader here. Your public and private work in natural theology has, I think, saved a generation of believers from superstition and error. I thank you sincerely for your sacrifice and labor. My question regards the confusing connection between original sin and Christ's sacrifice.

  • Church Life, Ministry and Leadership, Old Testament, Spiritual Formation

    Michael Thigpen — 

    The following is a portion of a chapter I wrote in Biblical Leadership: Theology for the Everyday Leader (Edited by Benjamin K. Forrest and Chet...

  • Christian Education, Church Life, Ministry and Leadership, New Testament

    Life of Jesus, Part One

    Overview of "Life of Jesus" DVD

    Matthew Williams — 

    The “Life of Jesus” in the Deeper Connections Bible study series is the fourth DVD and participant’s guide to be released by Rose/Hendrickson...

  • Sean McDowell — 

    Corey Miller is the president of Ratio Christi, an organization that brings apologetics to the university campus. He was also a classmate of mine in the Philosophy program at Talbot Theological Seminary. As a former Mormon, Corey has a special interest in reaching people in the LDS church. He has compiled a fascinating and unique book called Leaving Mormonism: Why Four Scholars Changed Their Minds. I had the chance to endorse this book and highly recommend it. If you are interested in reaching out to the Mormon community, this book is a must-read ...

  • Fine Tuning and Different Laws of Nature

    Weekly Q & A with Dr. William Lane Craig

    William Lane Craig — 

    This is the weekly Q & A blog post by our Research Professor in Philosophy, Dr. William Lane Craig. Hi Dr Craig, I have been watching your excursus on natural theology and am upto the part about teleology. You mention an objection to the argument, that we could have other natural laws and it could be more probable than not, with other sets of laws, that life permitting universes do exist just by chance. You say we just don't know the answer here ...

  • David Horner — 

    Because of health issues, it’s been more than two years since I last contributed to this series. I'm grateful to be back! To follow the thread of...

  • Church Life, Spiritual Formation

    John McKinley — 

    Prayer is unnatural and often dubious, so it is difficult. We wonder if we have the right motives, if we will be heard by God, and if we have...

  • Sean McDowell — 

    The transgender debate is threatening to rip apart our culture. And it is raising a deep divide within the church. How should Christians respond? I recently picked up a copy of the new book by Andrew Walker entitled God and the Transgender Debate. It has significant endorsements—e.g., Robert George, Rod Dreher, and Albert Mohler—and so I had high expectations, and yet I still found it a valuable read ...

  • How Will We Be Different in Heaven?

    Weekly Q & A with Dr. William Lane Craig

    William Lane Craig — 

    This is the weekly Q & A blog post by our Research Professor in Philosophy, Dr. William Lane Craig. I have been asking questons about my next life in heaven with the Lord and have yet to find a pastor or sunday shool teacher willing to discuss the issues I want to tallk about. Take for instance the question of "will heaven be an extension of our earthly life? Will we have interactions with our family members and earthly friends? Do you believe we will be walking on "street of gold"? If so why will that be such a big deal? ...

  • Spiritual Formation, Theology

    Mark Saucy — 

    I received a good question from my nephew the other day—one that I think comes around to all of us at one time or another. It’s about assurance,...

  • Church Life, Spiritual Formation, Theology

    Joe Hellerman — 

    Here is the Introduction from Dr. Joe Hellerman’s newly released book, Why We Need The Church To Become More Like Jesus: Reflections About...

  • Sean McDowell — 

    Over the weekend I went with my wife to see The Greatest Showman and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The movie tells the story of P.T. Barnum, the son...

  • Intriguing Questions about Middle Knowledge

    Weekly Q & A with Dr. William Lane Craig

    William Lane Craig — 

    This is the weekly Q & A blog post by our Research Professor in Philosophy, Dr. William Lane Craig. Dr. Craig, First, thank you very much for your monumental service to the cause of the Christ! I have some very troubled, agnostic family members and friends that I have either directed to your site or confronted with some of the arguments you present, and they have expressed some very positive feedback. My agnostic family member, for example, wrote me some time ago and said he is now a huge fan and enjoys listening to your input about "almost anything." It means a lot to me and to his immediate family to know that he is seeking truth and has found your ministry helpful. So I send my personal thanks! ...

  • Old Testament

    Charlie Trimm — 

    My recently published book on warfare in the ancient Near East and the Old Testament includes about 150 pictures. Besides the pictures from friends...

  • Sean McDowell — 

    ​For the past few weeks, I have been reading the essential writings of Martin Luther King, Jr., including his speeches, books, interviews, and articles. The experience has been eye-opening, challenging, and enjoyable. Even though Dr. King had some significant character flaws, and I disagree with many of his positions, his public posture offers some powerful lessons for apologists today (and really, for anyone). Here’s my five big takeaways ...

  • Atheistic Quagmire

    Weekly Q & A with Dr. William Lane Craig

    William Lane Craig — 

    This is the weekly Q & A blog post by our Research Professor in Philosophy, Dr. William Lane Craig. Dear Dr. Craig I am a recent convert to Christianity, up until about 2 months ago I was a nihilistic atheist. Because of being an atheist most of my life, the majority of my friends are also atheist and are very eager to tell me how wrong I am about God using the writings of Hitchens, Dawkins, etc. It's because of you, Alvin Plantinga, Frank Turek, John Lennox, Ravi Zecharias and some C S Lewis that I've started to realize that Christianity might be true ...

  • Christian Education, Church Life, Historical Theology

    Kevin Lawson — 

    Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation in the Reformation Movement: Impact on Ministry with Children in Churches Today [i] , Part II As I shared...

  • Christian Education, Church Life, Historical Theology

    Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation in the Reformation Movement

    Impact on Ministry with Children in Churches Today, Part I

    Kevin Lawson — 

    Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation in the Reformation Movement: Impact on Ministry with Children in Churches Today [i] , Part I As most of you...

  • Sean McDowell — 

    January 2 was the release of one of the most important books this year on Christianity and cultural engagement: Love Thy Body: Answering Hard...