Master of Arts in Christian Ministry and Leadership
The Master of Arts in Christian Ministry and Leadership is a flexible and highly practical degree that aims to help you develop the biblical foundation, practical skills and spiritual maturity needed for a lifetime fruitful, Spirit-led ministry.
The program is ideal for Christian men and women called to positions of leadership for which the Master of Divinity or other professional degrees are not normally required. And with hybrid and fully online options available, the program allows you to pursue your degree without hitting pause on your current work and ministry.
This program offers three distinct concentrations, which are all built around a common structure that includes:
- Biblical and Theological Foundations. This set of foundational coursework equips you to study and apply the Bible faithfully and seriously, and to understand the essential doctrines of the Christian faith.
- Spiritual Formation Core (SFC). This set of five courses is designed to deepen your experience of life in the Spirit through prayer, retreats, small groups, spiritual direction and theology of spiritual growth.
- Area of Specialization. This primary share of the M.A. program is a set of concentration-specific courses, which vary according to your choice of academic emphasis.
Explore each concentration offered through the Master of Arts in Christian Ministry and Leadership program at Talbot School of Theology.
- Pastoral Care and Counseling
Format: On Campus; Hybrid - Biblical and Pastoral Ministry
Format: On Campus; Hybrid - Ministry and Leadership
Format: On Campus; Fully Online; Hybrid