Dr. Matthew J. Hall was appointed to the position of Provost and Senior Vice President, effective July 1, 2022. As Provost, he acts as the Chief Academic Officer of the university to establish and implement its academic priorities. Hall serves on the President’s Cabinet and leads and supports the deans and faculty in their pursuit of faith-integrated education.
In addition to serving as provost and senior vice president, he also taught courses in church history, American history and American government at the graduate and undergraduate levels. With his academic field in history, he holds the rank of associate professor with research interests focused on the intersection of theology and culture in American religion. Dr. Hall has also served as dean of Boyce College, an undergraduate institution embedded in Southern Seminary.
A graduate of Grove City College, he has a commitment to the liberal arts with its attending principles of free expression and diversity of thought that a faith-filled university should hold within its theological convictions. His record is one of listening to ideas and concerns in order to come to wise and thoughtful decisions, navigating new ways to imagine the future while remaining committed to the orthodoxy of historic Christianity.
Contact the Office of the Provost
Jackie Beatty
Executive Assistant
(562) 903-4703
Metzger Hall, Upper Level, West Wing