Apologetics Online Info Session
Online Information Session
- Thursday, April 22, 2021
- 6–7 p.m. Pacific
- Online live event:
- Hosted By: Christian Apologetics, Talbot School of Theology
- Open to: Alumni, Faculty, General Public, Parents, Staff, Students
Cost and Admission
This event is free to attend.
Be equipped with sound teaching. Share your faith with confidence. Learn more through Biola’s leading Christian apologetics programs.
If you are looking to be trained to defend the Christian faith and impact the world in the area you have been gifted, then we invite you to join us to learn more about our two fully online master’s programs, the M.A. Christian Apologetics and the M.A. Science & Religion. Both degrees are led by top apologists in the field - individuals who seek to honor God with their minds and engage the world with a rationally grounded, intellectually sound case for our faith.
Our top-ranked Christian Apologetics programs are now available fully online and are designed to train and equip believers to give the case for the Christian faith. If you would like to learn more or have questions on how this degree would work for you, join us on April 22nd for a live information session with the Apologetics department. We will unpack the culturally relevant courses, top-ranked faculty members, and flexible learning opportunities available starting this fall 2021!
We hope to see you virtually!
Zoom Meeting Link: biola.zoom.us/j/94138622920
Meeting ID: 941 3862 2920
Contact Michael Strawsburg at:
(562) 906-4570