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SCORR 2021 Conference Logo

SCORR Conference 2021

Cost and Admission

This is a paid event.

$350.00Group Rate
For groups of 10 or more
$40.00Individual Rate
$0.00Biola Students, Faculty, Staff and Alumni

Heritage: Celebrating our Past, Embracing Our Future.

In Isaiah 46:9-10 the prophet declares, “remember the former things of old . . . declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My purpose shall stand, and I will fulfill my intention.’” In this verse, the prophet Isaiah urges us to remember the “former things of old,” as well as “things not yet done.” Regardless of the season — past, present, or future — the Lord’s purpose will prevail.

Preceding us is a multitude of people from all walks of life, laboring in the ministry of racial justice and reconciliation, leaving us a legacy to follow. As a result, we look to the future with hope, trusting that a new generation will emerge to engage the world and the church, continuing to build bridges across social divides that result in the expanding of God’s kingdom on earth.

This upcoming conference in February of 2021 marks the 25th anniversary of SCORR, the Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation, hence our theme for this year, Heritage: Celebrating our Past, Embracing Our Future. As we stand at the threshold of this most challenging season, our trust is in the Lord, “looking to Jesus who is the founder and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). Biblically rooted and bold in addressing contemporary issues and challenges, SCORR seeks to be an incubator and catalyst to equip a new generation of leaders and educators to promote the values of inclusion and equity into the fabric of the institutions they will serve.

Due to the pandemic, SCORR will be held remotely this year. Let us continue to stand together as we face the many challenges of our current time. May we continue to fix our gaze on our Lord, remembering the great things God has done and will continue to do.

