Abound: A Healthy Dose of Nihilism
Zach Zienka
- Monday, February 13, 2023
- 9:30–10:20 a.m. Pacific
- Ethel Lee Auditorium
- Hosted By: Spiritual Development
- Open to: Alumni, Faculty, General Public, Parents, Staff, Students
Cost and Admission
This event is free to attend.
What place does doubt and skepticism have in our quest to become wise? Must we shed all of our questions and doubts once we become wise? No, is the response by the teacher (or the Qoheleth) of Ecclesisates. True wisdom is embracing the enigma, the futility, and the occasional sense of meaninglessness to life. Join us as we explore doubt's relationship to wisdom through the book of Ecclesiastes.
(562) 903-4874