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Carmen Imes

    • Tuesday, October 22, 2024
    • 9:10–10:10 p.m. Pacific
  • Ethel Lee Auditorium (Sutherland)
  • Hosted By: Spiritual Development
  • Open to: Alumni, Faculty, General Public, Parents, Staff, Students

Cost and Admission

This event is free to attend.

Each week at AfterDark, we gather to worship in music and consider teaching on a broad range of topics from God's Word—an evening planned by the AfterDark student ministry team. Come join us at the end of the day, as we engage with God together in a relaxed and intimate setting.


Carmen Imes

Dr. Carmen Imes is an associate professor of Old Testament at Biola, and brings a passion for helping students and other laypeople engage the Old Testament, and discover its relevance for Christian identity and mission. Since the release of her book, Bearing God's Name: Why Sinai Still Matters (IVP 2019), Imes has appeared on more than 50 podcasts and radio shows and launched her own YouTube channel where she releases weekly Torah Tuesday videos. She is a guest blogger for Christianity Today, The Political Theology Network, and The Well (InterVarsity's blog for women in the academy and professions). Imes is also a frequent speaker at churches, conferences and retreats. Before earning her Ph.D. from Wheaton College, Carmen and her husband, Daniel, served as missionaries in the Philippines with SIM International, reaching out to ethnic minorities. Imes loves introducing students to the rich insights of the global church.



(562) 903-4874

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