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Talbot Chapel

Kris Song

    • Tuesday, September 17, 2024
    • 9:30–10:20 a.m. Pacific
  • Calvary Chapel
  • Hosted By: Spiritual Development
  • Open to: Alumni, Faculty, General Public, Parents, Staff, Students

Cost and Admission

This event is free to attend.

Each week in Talbot Chapel, all are welcome to join Talbot staff and students to hear preaching and teaching from the Seminary faculty, visiting pastors, and ministry leaders.


Kris Song

Kris Song completed his PhD at the University of Aberdeen, studying under Professor Grant Macaskill. He also teaches Greek and Exegesis at Talbot School of Theology on an adjunct basis. In a former life, Kris used to practice as an attorney focusing on U.S. federal litigation. His doctoral research focused on Pauline pneumatology and his research interests include church unity, race relations, missional hermeneutics, and religious freedom/civil liberties.

Kris loves his wife and three kids, the company of good friends, and music that has the ring
of truth to it.


(562) 903-4874

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