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First Hymn Event Graphic

World Premiere of the First Hymn with John Dickson and Ben Fielding

    • Monday, April 14, 2025
    • 7–9 p.m. Pacific
  • On campus
  • Hosted By: Talbot School of Theology
  • Open to: Faculty, General Public, Parents, Staff, Students

Cost and Admission

This event is free to attend.

Students will get two chapel credits for attending.

View the First Hymn: Resurrecting a Song Buried for Millennia documentary, hear from project director John Dickson, and sing the First Hymn corporately for the first time since its discovery with Ben Fielding.

Talbot School of Theology and the Malcolm Initiative are pleased to invite you to the world premiere event of the First Hymn project hosted at Biola University. Dr. Ed Stetzer will be joined by Dr. John Dickson from Undeceptions, who will, for the first time, screen his documentary that highlights the process of uncovering this hymn and its release with Chris Tomlin and Ben Fielding. Following the screening, Dr. Stetzer will moderate a Q&A session with Dr. Dickson. To close the night, Ben Fielding and Taya from Hillsong will lead the audience in singing the hymn for the first time corporately since its discovery.

If you have not already, be sure to RSVP. Refreshments will follow in the Sutherland Courtyard.


Contact Amanda Barker at:
(562) 903-4829