Dominick Hernández
- Profesor Asociado de Antiguo Testamento y Semítica
- Editor, The Bulletin for Biblical Research
- Director, Talbot en Español

Grados Académicos
- Ph.D., Bar-Ilan University
- M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary
- M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University
- B.A., West Chester University of Pennsylvania
El Dr. Dominick Hernández se desempeña actualmente como profesor asociado de Antiguo Testamento y Semítica en la Escuela de Teología Talbot de la Universidad Biola. El Dr. Hernández completó su doctorado en Biblia Hebrea en la Universidad de Bar-Ilan (Ramat Gan, Israel), donde recibió formación en Filología Semítica. Es autor de Proverbs: Pathways to Wisdom (Abingdon), Illustrated Job in Hebrew (GlossaHouse), Engaging the Old Testament: How to Read Biblical Narrative, Poetry, and Prophecy Well (Baker, de próxima publicación), The Prosperity of the Wicked: A Theological Challenge in Job and Ancient Near Eastern Literature (Gorgias Press, de próxima publicación) y tiene en preparación comentarios sobre Nahum, Habacuc, Sofonías (Cascade) y Cantar de los Cantares (Eerdmans). El Dr. Hernández ha tenido la oportunidad de enseñar en numerosas congregaciones de habla hispana e inglesa en los Estados Unidos, así como en varios países de Latinoamérica. El Dr. Hernández enseña sobre diversos temas, como la sabiduría bíblica, la literatura del antiguo Cercano Oriente y los Rollos del Mar Muerto. Puede encontrar más información sobre Dominick Hernández en su página web:
Redes Sociales
Membresías Académicas
- Society of Biblical Literature
- Institute for Biblical Research
- Evangelical Theological Society
- World Union of Jewish Studies
- National Association of Professors of Hebrew
- Bulletin for Biblical Research - Editor
- Institute for Biblical Research - Miembro de la junta directiva
Honores, Becas y Premios
- Presidential Doctoral Fellowship - Bar-Ilan University – 2011-2015
- Outstanding Teacher Education Senior - West Chester University School of Education – 2003
- National Collegiate Health and Physical Education Award Winner – 2003
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholarship Recipient – 2003
- West Chester University Foundation Scholarship Recipient – 2002
- Kinesiology Award - West Chester University 2001
- Board of Governors Scholarship Recipient- West Chester University - 1998-2002
Publicaciones (Seleccionadas)
- Evil or Agitated': The Meaning of רשעים in Job 3:17,” in Ve-‘Ed Ya’aleh: Essays in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Edward L. Greenstein, eds. Peter Machinist et al., Society of Biblical Literature, 2021, 789–808.
- “The Double-Edged Sword of Biblical Languages: The Case of Job’s ‘Repentance’,” Hernández, Dominick, Adam Howell, Benjamin L. Merkle, and Robert L. Plummer, Hebrew for Life, eds., Baker Academic, 2020, pp. 110-15.
- “The Expression of Moral Judgments through Imagery in Job and Ancient Near Eastern Literature,” Hernández, Dominick, Takayoshi Oshima, Teaching Morals in Antiquity: Wisdom Texts, Oral Traditions, and Images, ed. Mohr Siebeck, 2019, pp. 150-63.
- “Coele-Syria,” Hernández, Dominick, Daniel M. Gurtner and Loren T. Stuckenbruck. T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, vol. 2, eds. T&T Clark, 2019, pp. 154-56.
- Proverbs: Pathways to Wisdom, Abingdon Press, 2020
- Illustrated Job in Hebrew, GlossaHouse, 2020
- Cómo leer los Proverbios, Editorial CLIE, 2022
Libros de Próxima Aparición
- The Prosperity of the Wicked: A Theological Challenge in Job and Ancient Near Eastern Literature. Gorgias Press, Forthcoming, November 30, 2022
- Engaging the Old Testament: How to Read Biblical Narrative, Poetry, and Prophecy Well. Baker Academic, Forthcoming.
- Song of Songs in the New International Commentary of the Old Testament (NICOT). Eerdmans, Forthcoming.
- Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah in the Bible in God’s World Series. Cascade, Forthcoming.
- Review of M. Daniel Carroll's The Lord Roars: Recovering the Prophetic Voice for Today in the Old Testament Theology unit, The Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. November 2022.
- Session Chair: The Hispanic/Latino Reflection Group, The Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. November 2022.
- “True Wisdom in Job: A Diatribe against Existing Values?” The 18th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, Israel. August 2022.
- Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio, TX, “Vestiges of Ancient Near Eastern Wisdom in the Hebrew Bible and Late Second Temple Period Jewish Literature,” November 2021.
- The Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, TX “The Problem with Poverty as Punishment: Traditional Wisdom under Scrutiny,” November 2021.
- Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, “‘Evil or Agitated’: The Meaning of Reshaʻim in Job 3:17,” November 2019.
- Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. “Childlessness and Infertility in Job and Ugaritic Literature,” November 2018.
- Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, “Mythopoetic Imagery Relating to the Firstborn of Death and the King of Terrors,” November 2017.
- 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, Israel, "Faithful or Fickle Judah?—Hosea 12:1-3 in Philological Perspective," August 2017.
- Teaching Morals in Antiquity Conference, Universität Leipzig, Germany, “The Expression of Moral Judgments through Imagery in Job and Ancient Near Eastern Literature,” November 2016.
- 2016 Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting in the Bible and Assyriology unit, San Antonio, TX, “‘Why do the Wicked Live On?’ The Prosperity of the Wicked in Job and Ancient Near Eastern Literature,” November 2016.
- Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting in the Wisdom San Diego, CA, “Imagery Relating to Ill-Gotten Gain in the Book of Job and the ‘Instruction of Amenemope,’” November 2014.
Áreas de Especialización para Entrevistas con Medios de Comunicación
- Cómo Leer los Proverbios
- Filología Semítica
- Historia y Cultura del Antiguo Cercano Oriente
- Literatura Mesopotámica
- Los Rollos del Mar Muerto
- Poesía Bíblica Hebrea