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WSCUC 2026 Reaffirmation of Accreditation

Biola University is undergoing the 2026 Institutional Review Process for reaffirmation of accreditation with the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). This is a meaningful process for Biola, as the goal of the review is to assess our effectiveness according to WSCUC standards through a detailed self-study. The self-study allows us to highlight our ongoing efforts to improve student learning, student success and overall institutional effectiveness in the Institutional Report.

Biola has maintained strong accreditation standing, earning the highest possible 10-year reaffirmation in 2016. As we prepare for the 2026 review, we remain committed to excellence and full compliance with WSCUC standards and federal regulations overseen by the Commission.



We are excited to share that the 2026 Institutional Review Process for Reaffirmation of accreditation with the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) is underway! This is a meaningful process for Biola, as the goal of the review is to assess our effectiveness according to WSCUC standards through a detailed Self-Study. The Self-Study allows us to highlight our ongoing efforts to improve student learning, student success, and overall institutional effectiveness in the Institutional Report. Biola will also demonstrate compliance with both the Standards of Accreditation and the federal regulations overseen by the Commission.

In April 2024 the Steering Committee began regular meetings and delved into initial phases of the Self-Study. To efficiently conduct the Self-Study and write the Institutional Report, the committee has been divided into four teams, each overseeing one of the four standards. Individual teams rated Biola according to the four standards and each criterion under the standards. The full committee then discussed themes in depth along with additional WSCUC prompts for reflection. Teams organized approaches to respective Self-Study areas and began gathering evidence and data. During Fall 2024, the steering committee will continue to develop areas for the Self-Study, gather additional stakeholder input/feedback for specific areas of the report, and work on writing the first draft of the Institutional Report.

We look forward to involving more of the Biola community in this process as we move forward. Below is the general timeline for the process, as well as the list of steering committee members. We are thankful to this highly engaged group who are working toward making this process meaningful and relevant for the University.

Key Dates

  • Spring 2024 – Initial Planning
  • Summer 2024 – Begin Self-Study; Complete Essay Outlines
  • Fall 2024 – Complete First Draft; Internal Communication
  • Spring 2025 – Community Engagement; Complete Second Draft; Circulate Report
  • Summer / Fall 2025 – Submit Report (July 2025); Off-Site Visit (September 2025); Accreditation Visit Planning
  • Spring 2026 – Accreditation Visit (March 11–13, 2026)
  • Summer 2026 – Commission Action

Self Study Process

The self-study is the institution’s examination of its effectiveness under the Standards. It is the process of gathering, analyzing, and acting on evidence, and reflecting on the results of those actions. Conducted at the beginning of the Institutional Review Process, the self-study provides the necessary preparation for later steps. A candid self-study, with broad engagement of the institutional community, provides the foundation for a high-quality institutional report.

From the WSCUC 2023 Accreditation Handbook

Campus community members engaged so far:

  • President’s Cabinet
  • Faculty Senate
  • Faculty Representatives
  • Staff Representatives

WSCUC Accreditation Steering Committee

Provost and Executive Team

Matthew Hall

Dr. Matthew Hall

Provost (ex-Officio)

Tamara Anderson

Dr. Tamara Anderson

Senior Associate Provost & Accreditation Liaison Officer

Karina Serrano

Karina Serrano

Program Coordinator, Faculty Advancement & WSCUC Accreditation Administrative Coordinator

Committee Members

Wendy Billock

Dr. Wendy Billock

Associate Dean of Science & Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

Cassandra Heath

Cassandra Heath

University Registrar

Melissa Johnson

Dr. Melissa Johnson

Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education & Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Jeremy Labosier

Jeremy Labosier

University Librarian

Tiffany Lee

Tiffany Lee

Associate Vice President of Student Success and Academic Engagement

Tammy Lund

Tammy Lund

Associate General Counsel

Fitsum Mulat

Fitsum Mulat

Vice President of Enrollment Management

Alfred Ramirez

Alfred Ramirez

Senior FP&A Analyst

We Value Your Input!

Share Your Feedback

We welcome and greatly value insights from the Biola community as we engage in our self-study and reaffirmation process. Please feel free to share your thoughts on the areas where you have the most knowledge and experience. For reference, here are the WSCUC Standards.

1) What are the current areas of greatest strength in what Biola is doing to meet the WSCUC standards?
2) In what areas are there opportunities for improvement (i.e., areas where we can do even better)?

    Biola Community WSCUC Feedback Form