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Core Curriculum: Bible and Theology Courses

Central to the Biola experience is our commitment to the power and authority of God’s Word. In addition to integrating a Christian perspective into the entire academic experience, each Biola degree includes a robust Bible and theology curriculum requirement — equipping you to learn Scripture, love Scripture and live Scripture.

As part of Biola’s academic core curriculum, most undergraduate students complete 30 credits of Bible and theology courses, qualifying most to receive a minor in biblical and theological studies. Students who transfer to Biola with 45 or more credits earned after high school and prior to matriculation or who enroll in select high-credit majors have the option to complete a reduced requirement of 18 credits in biblical and theological studies.

Please refer to the academic catalog for the complete biblical and theological studies requirements.

Note for Torrey Honors College students: The Torrey Honors College curriculum replaces the Bible course requirements.

Most traditional undergraduates complete the following 10 courses as part of Biola’s academic core curriculum, for a total of 30 credits in biblical and theological studies.

Foundational Courses

BBST 103 Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual Formation 3 Equips to interpret and apply the Bible in accurate and dynamic ways for spiritual and character formation.
BBST 165 Foundations of Christian Thought 3 Introduction to theology with emphasis on our Christian heritage, the doctrine of Scripture, and Christian worldview.
BBST 209 Old Testament History and Literature 3 An overview of the Old Testament with an emphasis on historical and cultural background, literary genre, themes, people, and events.
BBST 210 New Testament History and Literature 3 An overview of the New Testament with emphasis on historical and cultural background, literary genre, structure, themes, people, and events.

Intermediate Courses

BBST 251 Theology I 3 The biblical doctrines of God, Christ, man, and sin with reference to the history and development of Christian theology.
BBST 354 Theology II 3 The biblical doctrines of salvation, the Holy Spirit, the church and last things, with reference to the history and development of Christian theology.
BBST 365 Gospel, Kingdom and Culture 3 An exploration of how Christians can have a redemptive, articulate and transformative presence in contemporary society.

Advanced Courses

BBST 300/400 Upper-Division Bible / Theology Elective 3
BBST 300/400 Upper-Division Bible / Theology Elective 3
BBST 465 Integration Seminar 3

Note: A second BBST 465 course can serve as a BBST elective.

Foundational Courses

BBST 103 Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual Formation 3 Equips to interpret and apply the Bible in accurate and dynamic ways for spiritual and character formation.
BBST 165 Foundations of Christian Thought 3 Introduction to theology with emphasis on our Christian heritage, the doctrine of Scripture, and Christian worldview.
BBST 209 Old Testament History and Literature 3 An overview of the Old Testament with an emphasis on historical and cultural background, literary genre, themes, people, and events.
BBST 210 New Testament History and Literature 3 An overview of the New Testament with emphasis on historical and cultural background, literary genre, structure, themes, people, and events.

Intermediate Courses

BBST 260 Christian Theology 3 The biblical doctrines of God, Christ, man, sin, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the church and last things with reference to the history and development of Christian theology.
BBST 365 Gospel, Kingdom and Culture 3 An exploration of how Christians can have a redemptive, articulate and transformative presence in contemporary society.

Note: Eligible students will automatically be assigned the requirement reduction but can pursue the biblical and theological studies minor by taking additional courses as listed in the minor. Students must file a minor declaration with the Office of the Registrar to have the minor appear on their record and degree audit.

To be eligible for the reduced Bible requirements, transfer students must submit all official transcripts for evaluation before Biola's first day of classes. Eligibility for this requirement reduction is determined at the time of enrollment (end of the second week of the first semester enrolled) and cannot be updated should more credits be transferred after matriculation.

For details, please connect with your admissions counselor or academic advisor.

Foundational/Intermediate Courses

BBST 103 Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual Formation 3 Equips to interpret and apply the Bible in accurate and dynamic ways for spiritual and character formation.
BBST 165 Foundations of Christian Thought 3 Introduction to theology with emphasis on our Christian heritage, the doctrine of Scripture, and Christian worldview.
BBST 209 Old Testament History and Literature 3 An overview of the Old Testament with an emphasis on historical and cultural background, literary genre, themes, people, and events.
BBST 210 New Testament History and Literature 3 An overview of the New Testament with emphasis on historical and cultural background, literary genre, structure, themes, people, and events.
BBST 260 Christian Theology 3 The biblical doctrines of God, Christ, man, sin, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the church and last things with reference to the history and development of Christian theology.

Integration Courses

In some designated academic programs, up to five courses (15 credits) of integration may be used toward the biblical and theological studies requirement. However, other specific BBST courses may be required. See individual programs for details.