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Student Services

Academic Appeals

An academic appeal may be made in accordance with university policy when a student believes that an academic decision (e.g., a course grade, admission to a program or major, etc.) involving that student is unfair or erroneous. The Office of the Senior Associate Provost is the last step in the appeal process for undergraduate students. For instructions about the entire process, see Academic Appeals in the Undergraduate Student Handbook. For graduate students, the dean is the last step in the appeal process. Instructions can be found in Academic Appeals in the Graduate Student Handbook.

If an undergraduate student has already made the earlier steps in the process (e.g., appeal to the faculty member and department chair; or appeal to the Registrar’s Office) and is not satisfied that the situation has been dealt with appropriately, appeal to the associate provost is the last step. In other words, the associate provost will make the final decision for the University.

Guidelines for Writing an Appeal to the Associate Provost of Undergraduate Education

Academic appeals managed by Dr. Melissa Schubert Johnson. Please see below for instructions on how to write and submit your appeal.

How to Write Your Appeal

  1. Address the appeal to Dr. Schubert Johnson.
  2. In the opening paragraph, provide your contact information, include your full name and ID#. Also list any pertinent details connected to the appeal such as course number and name, semester, professor of record, etc.
  3. Explain that you are writing to appeal a particular decision, be specific.
  4. Summarize the events that took place.
    1. Describe the circumstances that led up to your request (e.g., family or life hardships, health, disability, etc.). Explain how these circumstances had a direct impact on your academic performance and/or why you think the decision made by faculty or by the department was incorrect; why it should be changed.
    2. Describe any action you took to address your situation (sought medical treatment, support on or off campus, academic advising, etc.). If you are appealing a Registrar decision, a faculty member’s decision, or a department decision, describe what appeal steps you have already tried.
    3. Include documentation if available (e.g., doctor’s note, documentation from Health Center, Campus Safety; copies of appeals already attempted with Registrar, faculty, or academic department).
  5. State your desired outcome and how this outcome will help with your continued success at Biola.
  6. Avoid common errors (typographical, grammatical, spelling) and avoid the use of slang.
  7. Be factual, detailed, and succinct.

How to Submit Your Appeal

A letter of appeal should be written in a professional letter format and submitted by email to Andrea Chang in the Associate Provost office at

Dr. Schubert Johnson will give you the opportunity to discuss your petition with her in person. Please contact Andrea Chang to schedule an appointment at Please note, Dr. Schubert Johnson should have your written appeal before you come in for your meeting. If you are out of the area, or coming to campus for a meeting is difficult, we can schedule a Zoom meeting or phone call.

Dean's List

The Dean’s List is a significant accomplishment that is awarded to students who have earned a semester grade point average (GPA) of 3.60 or higher, while enrolled in 12 or more credit units and who have maintained a cumulative GPA of at least 3.20. This honor is a valuable addition to a resume or portfolio.

A “Dean's List” notification will appear on a student’s transcript every semester that they earn this standing. Students will receive an email notification following the semester that they are awarded, and they may also request a physical copy of their letter.

Questions may be directed to Patti Colombo at

Epsilon Kappa Epsilon

Epsilon Kappa Epsilon is managed by Dr. Melissa Schubert Johnson. Please contact Andrea Chang at with any questions.

Biola’s Epsilon Kappa Epsilon (EKE) Honor Society is a significant honor bestowed upon extremely high performing undergraduate students. Only five percent of graduating students each semester are selected for induction to EKE. Students are selected for this achievement based upon academic achievements, Christian character, and leadership and service. The Office of the Associate Provost manages the application invitation and induction process.


Why should I apply for membership?

If inducted into the Epsilon Kappa Epsilon honors society, you will join the ranks of the top Biola alumni before you. It is an excellent achievement to list on your resume or graduate school application to highlight your aptitude and character.

What does membership entail?

If inducted, you will be honored with a special ceremony and gold cords to wear at graduation. Membership does not require any fees or meetings.

Who is invited to apply?

Currently enrolled students who have completed at least 60 credits at Biola, have a GPA over 3.75 and have met all of their graduation requirements are emailed an application invitation at the beginning of their graduating semester.

What does the application entail?

To apply, invited students must complete an application form and letter, as well as request a recommendation letter from a faculty member.

How are applicants selected for induction?

A committee, consisting of faculty members from each school, evaluates anonymous candidates by the overall strength of their application, based on the student application and faculty recommendation. They judge the strength of the candidate based on their academic achievements, Christian character, and leadership and service.