Faculty | Master of Divinity (Pastoral and General Ministries)
As a Talbot School of Theology student, you’ll study under top-notch scholars who aren’t just widely published and highly respected in the academic community — they’re also actively engaged in passionate, heartfelt ministry. In addition to the following faculty members who will teach many of your concentration-specific courses, you will also have the opportunity to take courses with a wide range of Talbot professors from other areas of specialization.
Learn more about Biola's Master of Divinity Program here.
Clinton E. Arnold
- Research Professor of New Testament
- Post-Doctoral Study, University of Tübingen, Germany
- Ph.D., University of Aberdeen
- M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary
- B.A., Biola College
Clinton E. Arnold enjoys teaching, speaking and writing on various aspects of the New Testament. He has had a special interest in the historical and cultural setting of the letters of Paul and the Book of Acts. He is the former Dean of Talbot (2012-2022) and the past President of the Evangelical Theological Society (2011). He serves on the translation oversight committee for the English...
Mick Boersma
- Professor Emeritus of Christian Ministry and Leadership
- Ph.D., Talbot School of Theology
- M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary
- B.A., California State University, Long Beach
Dr. Boersma oversees Talbot's pastoral training system and coordinates the seminary's placement service for current students and alumni. Having enjoyed several years of rich and effective pastoral ministry, Mick brings this expertise to the classroom and to his relationships with students. Along with his wife, Rolane, Dr. Boersma is devoted to preparing students for transitioning into...
Research Interests
- Issues and challenges in today's pastoral ministry, especially among Talbot alumni
- Biblical metaphors for pastoral leadership
Brandon Cash
- Chair, Christian Ministry and Leadership Department
- Professor, Hermeneutics and Preaching
- Ph.D. in Old Testament, Fuller Seminary
- M.Div., Talbot School of Theology
- B.A., Long Beach State University
Brandon Cash obtained his bachelor of arts degree from Long Beach State University, his master of divinity from the Talbot School of Theology at Biola University and his doctoral degree in Old Testament at Fuller Seminary. Brandon has been serving as a pastor at Oceanside Christian Fellowship for nineteen years. He has also served as the chaplain for the Los Angeles Dodgers since 2010. He...
John Coe
- Director, Institute for Spiritual Formation
- Professor of Spiritual Theology
- Ph.D., University of California, Irvine
- M.A., University of California, Irvine
- M.A., Western Kentucky University
- M.A., Talbot School of Theology
- B.A., Biola University
Coe is a specialist in the philosophical and theological foundation of the integration of faith and learning. His research focuses on understanding the nature of spiritual and psychological health, the history of spirituality, the work of the Holy Spirit in personal change and the interface between psychology, spirituality and philosophy. A particular interest is in exploring approaches to...
Doug Geringer
- Associate Dean, Assessment, Accreditation and Administration
- Associate Professor of New Testament Language and Literature
- Th.M., Fuller Theological Seminary
- M.Div., Talbot School of Theology
- B.A., California State University, Fresno
Doug has two driving passions: (1) to live the Gospel and (2) to advance the Gospel by means of theological education. He serves the school in two roles. Though completely unaware of his administrative skills as a seminary student, Doug enjoys academic administration as Associate Dean (most of the time anyway). His major administrative responsibilities include budget management and oversight,...
Alan Gomes
- Professor of Theology
- Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
- M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary
- Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary
- B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara
Dr. Gomes specializes in systematic and historical theology. He has research interests in the doctrine of the atonement, Socinianism, American religious cults, and the doctrines of heaven and hell. Dr. Gomes most recently published 40 Questions About Heaven and Hell (Kregel, 2018). He served as the series editor of the 15-volume Zondervan Guide to Cults and Religious Movements (Zondervan, 1994)...
Dominick Hernández
- Associate Professor of Old Testament and Semitics
- Editor, The Bulletin for Biblical Research
- Talbot en Español
- Ph.D., Bar-Ilan University
- M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary
- M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University
- B.A., West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Dominick Hernández currently serves as an Associate Professor of Old Testament and Semitics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. Dominick completed his Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible at Bar-Ilan University (Ramat Gan, Israel), where he was trained in Semitic Philology. He is the author of Proverbs: Pathways to Wisdom (Abingdon), Illustrated Job in Hebrew (GlossaHouse), Engaging the Old...
Moyer Hubbard
- Professor and Chair of New Testament Language and Literature
- D.Phil., University of Oxford
- M.Div., Western Seminary
- Th.M., Western Seminary
- B.S., Multnomah University
Moyer Hubbard's area of specialty is the Pauline epistles and the Greco-Roman context of the New Testament. His books include Christianity in the Greco-Roman World (Baker), New Creation of Paul's Letters and Thought (Cambridge) and two commentaries on 2 Corinthians (Zondervan, Baker). He has contributed articles to New Testament Studies, the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, the ...
Research Interests
- Pauline Epistles
- Second-Temple Judaism
- Pneumatology
- Greco-Roman Backgrounds to the New Testament
Alan Hultberg
- Director, Master of Arts program
- Associate Professor of New Testament
- Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
- M.Div., Talbot School of Theology
- B.A., University of California, San Diego
Alan Hultberg combines academic research in the Apocalypse, the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament and New Testament theology with a strong desire to see students become biblically oriented disciples of Jesus Christ. He comes to Talbot with formal classroom experience at the elementary, college, and seminary levels and has served in pastoral and lay leadership roles in churches in...
John Hutchison
- Adjunct, School of Education, Adjunct, New Testament
- Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition
- Ph.D., Dallas Theological Seminary
- Th.M., Western Conservative Baptist Seminary
- M.Div., Western Conservative Baptist Seminary
- B.S., Washington State University
John Hutchison brings outstanding ministry experience to the classroom, having served over 40 years in youth, associate, interim, senior pastor and pastor-elder positions. He is the author of Thinking Right When Things Go Wrong — Biblical Wisdom for Facing Tough Times, and has also been published in Vital Apologetic Issues, Bibliotheca Sacra, Journal of Evangelical Theological Society and ...
Daniel Kim
- Associate Professor of Old Testament and Semitics
- Chair, Talbot Chapel
- Ph.D. University of Aberdeen
- Th.M. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
- M.Div. Talbot School of Theology
- B.S. Biola University
Prior to joining the Talbot’s Old Testament faculty full-time, Dr. Kim spent over 15 years on the Biola campus as an alumnus of both Biola and Talbot, and later as adjunct faculty. After majoring in Business as an undergraduate at Biola, he worked as an accountant and financial analyst before pursuing the pastorate and biblical studies. Dr. Kim maintained a connection to the business world...
Gary Manning Jr
- Director, Master of Divinity program
- Professor of New Testament Language and Literature
- Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
- M.Div., Talbot School of Theology
- B.Ed., University of Hawaii
Gary Manning is passionate about helping leaders in the church interpret and teach the Scriptures more faithfully and more powerfully. Gary studied at Talbot School of Theology and Fuller Seminary. He focuses his studies on the Gospel of John, the Synoptic Gospels, literary approaches to interpretation, and the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament. He is the author of Peter Rabbit...
Jason McMartin
- Associate Professor of Theology
- Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University
- M.A., Claremont Graduate University
- M.A., Talbot School of Theology
- B.A., Biola University
Jason McMartin specializes in the areas of systematic theology, religious epistemology, philosophical theology and theological integration. Recent investigations have included the epistemic effects of sin, eudaimonistic ethics, and the doctrines of sin and humanity. He teaches systematic theology and theological integration for Rosemead School of Psychology and for Talbot School of Theology and...
Ashish Naidu
- Professor of Theology
- Ph.D., University of Aberdeen
- M.A., Oral Roberts University
- Adv. Diploma, International Bible College
Ashish Naidu's interests are in the areas of historical and systematic theology, particularly in exploring the historical-theological foundations of the Christian faith. Besides contributing to various publications and regularly presenting at academic societies, he relishes teaching theology enriched by insights from the great tradition of historic Christianity. Naidu desires to serve the...
Ryan Peterson
- Associate Professor and Co-Chair, Department of Theology
- Ph.D., Wheaton College
- M.Th., University of Edinburgh
- M.A., Biola University
- B.A., Moody Bible Institute
Ryan Peterson’s research interests lie in the areas of theological anthropology and theological method. He teaches systematic and historical theology, and particularly enjoys working with students on the doctrines of God, humanity, sin, Christology, and the atonement. He is deeply interested in the growth of his students in the knowledge and love of God and the way such growth motivates...
Rob Price
- Associate Professor and Co-Chair, Department of Theology
- Ph.D., University of Aberdeen
- M.A., Talbot School of Theology
- B.S., Indiana University
Dr. Price's interests are in systematic and historical theology. He studied New Testament here at Talbot before venturing off to do research on Swiss theologian Karl Barth. In addition to core Talbot theology courses, Dr. Price teaches electives on major theologians and doctrines of the Christian faith.
Scott Rae
- Senior Advisor to the President for University Mission
- Dean of the Faculty, Talbot School of Theology
- Professor of Philosophy and Christian Ethics
- Post-Graduate Study, American Institute for Holy Land Studies (Jerusalem)
- Ph.D., University of Southern California
- M.A., University of Southern California
- Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary
- B.A., Southern Methodist University
Scott Rae's primary interests are medical ethics and business ethics, dealing with the application of Christian ethics to medicine and the marketplace. He has authored 10 books in ethics including The Ethics of Commercial Surrogate Motherhood; Moral Choices: An Introduction to Ethics; Brave New Families: Biblical Ethics and Reproductive Technologies; Beyond Integrity: A Judeo-Christian Approach...
Research Interests
- Business Ethics
- Calling/Vocation in the workplace
- Bioethics
- Biotechnology ethics
Tom Sappington
- Adjunct Faculty, TST
Mark Saucy
- Director, Talbot Kyiv Extension
- Professor, Department of Theology
- Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
- M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary
- B.A., Biola College
Mark Saucy's interests lie primarily in the areas of systematic and biblical theology. Before coming to Talbot he and his family served as missionaries for 13 years with SEND International in Kyiv, Ukraine, assigned to encourage and develop theological education in Eurasia. Living in Ukraine also stimulated an interest in patristics and comparative theology with the Eastern Orthodox Church....
Ben Shin
- Associate Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership
- D.Min., Dallas Theological Seminary
- Th.M., Talbot School of Theology
- M.Div., Talbot School of Theology
- B.A., University of California, Los Angeles
Benjamin C. Shin has served in the ministry as a pastor, parachurch leader and professor for more than 30 years. He is a graduate of UCLA, Talbot School of Theology and Dallas Theological Seminary. He enjoys reading, music, sports (especially the UCLA Bruins) and spending time with people. His vision and passion includes mentoring leaders, rebuilding churches and teaching the Word of God. He...
Kyle Strobel
- Associate Professor of Spiritual Theology
- Ph.D., University of Aberdeen
- M.A., Talbot School of Theology (N.T.)
- M.A., Talbot School of Theology (Philosophy)
- B.A., Judson University
Kyle Strobel (Ph.D. University of Aberdeen) is a systematic theologian who teaches spiritual theology for Talbot’s Institute for Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Formation Focus programs. His areas of interest include systematic theology, Jonathan Edwards, spiritual formation and prayer. He writes both popular and academic books and articles, and is on the preaching team at Redeemer Church, La...
Don Sunukjian
- Professor Emeritus of Christian Ministry and Leadership
- Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
- Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary
- Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary
- B.A., University of Southern California
Donald Sunukjian's lifelong love has been preaching, both as a pastor and a teacher. His passion is to see God's Word presented with accuracy, clarity, interest and relevance. With doctorates in theology and communication and 14 years as a senior pastor, he brings both scholarship and experience to the classroom. He has contributed to The Bible Knowledge Commentary, Biblical Preaching, ...
Judy TenElshof
- Director, Spiritual Formation Core Program
- Professor of Spiritual Formation and Marriage and Family
- Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
- M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary
- M.A., Talbot School of Theology
- B.A., California State University, Fullerton
Professor of Spirituality and Marriage and Family, Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership, director of Talbot’s spiritual formation program, spiritual director, associate director of the Center for Spiritual Renewal, founder of Hilltop Renewal Center, B.A., California State University, Fullerton, M.A., Talbot School of Theology, M.A. in Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Ph.D. in...
Research Interests
- Women in Christian ministry
- Spiritual Formation, Marriage and Family and Spiritual Renewal
Kevin Van Lant
- Director, Pastoral Care and Counseling program
- Associate Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership
- Ph.D., Rosemead School of Psychology
- M.A., Biola University
- B.A., Biola University
Kevin Van Lant is a licensed clinical psychologist who received his Ph.D. from Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University. He teaches courses in pastoral care and counseling, marriage counseling, psychopathology and health psychology. Dr. Van Lant has a private psychotherapy practice in Los Alamitos, CA. In his clinical role, he works primarily with depression, anxiety and stress disorders...
Kenneth Way
- Professor and Chair of Old Testament and Semitics
- Ph.D., Hebrew Union College
- M.Phil., Hebrew Union College
- M.A., Trinity International University
- B.A., Moody Bible Institute
Kenneth Way's passion is teaching the Old Testament in its ancient Near Eastern environment. His research interests include Exodus, Judges, Ruth, Israelite religion/archaeology, Northwest Semitic inscriptions, and the fauna of the ancient Near East. He regularly presents at academic meetings and has been published in Ugarit-Forschungen, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Journal...