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Courses | B.S. in Biochemistry

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. In addition to these program-specific requirements, all majors include Biola's traditional undergraduate core curriculum. For more program details, including a sample course sequence, visit Biola's academic catalog.

GPA Requirements

To continue in the program a student is required to have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher in their first year of chemistry, physics and/or math courses taken at Biola. Depending on the major, these courses may include: CHEM 105, CHEM 106, CHEM 115, CHEM 116, CHEM 301CHEM 302, CHEM 311, and CHEM 312.

Curriculum Requirements

Integration Seminar Requirement

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry degree program are required to take BBST 4653 Integration Seminar: Christianity and the Natural Sciences, or another approved Integration Seminar topic (see advisor).

Biochemistry majors meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 9 credits in integration seminar, science, and mathematics within the major. The foreign language requirement is met by two years of high school study in the same language or four credits of college foreign language.
Program Courses
Required lower-division courses (25-28 credits) include:
BIOS 111
BIOS 113
Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Biology
and Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory
CHEM 107Introduction to Chemistry 13
CHEM 105
CHEM 115
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 106
CHEM 116
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Lab
MATH 150Calculus I4
PHSC 124Data Analysis and Presentation1
Select one of the following two options:8
Option 1:
Physics I
and Physics I Laboratory 2
Physics I with Foundations
and Physics I Laboratory
Physics II
and Physics II Laboratory
Option 2:
General Physics I: Mechanics and Heat
and General Physics I Laboratory
General Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
and General Physics II Laboratory
Required upper-division courses (36 credits) include:
BIOS 312Cell and Molecular Biology3
BIOS 332
BIOS 334
and Laboratory in Genetics
CHEM 301
CHEM 311
Organic Chemistry I
and Laboratory in Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 302
CHEM 312
Organic Chemistry II
and Laboratory in Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 350
CHEM 351
Analytical Chemistry
and Analytical Chemistry Lab
CHEM 380Introduction to Physical Chemistry3
or CHEM 402 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 410Instrumental Analysis2
CHEM 411General Biochemistry I3
CHEM 412General Biochemistry II3
CHEM 413Laboratory in General Biochemistry2
PHSC 460Capstone Seminar1
BBST 4653Integration Seminar: Christianity and the Natural Sciences 33
Select 9 credits of electives from the following: 4,59
Fundamentals of Organismal Biology
and Fundamentals of Organismal Biology Laboratory
Laboratory in Cell and Molecular Biology
Developmental Biology
Environmental Chemistry
Fundamentals of Material Science
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry II
Physical Chemistry Lab
Special Topics in Chemistry
Advanced Organic Chemistry
Seminar in Advanced Chemistry and Biochemistry
Directed Research
Calculus II
General Physics III: Waves, Optics and Modern Physics
Computer Techniques in Science and Engineering
Program Course Requirements: 70-73 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements54-58
Total Credits124-131

CHEM 107 is waived for students who meet the qualifications to enter CHEM 105. See the current Placement Options for CHEM 105 or the department for more information.


All students who do not meet one of the Physics 111 Placement Options must enroll in PHSC 100.


Fulfills the BBST 465 Biblical and Theological Studies Integration Seminar requirement.


3 credits must be upper-division.


The following courses do not count as major electives: BIOS 100, BIOS 105, BIOS 130.


Pre-Medical Studies

Biochemistry majors with a concentration in Pre-Medical Studies meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 12 credits in integration seminar, science, mathematics, and behavioral science within the major. The foreign language requirement is met by two years of high school study in the same language or four credits of college foreign language.
Program Courses
Required lower-division courses (32-35 credits) include:
BIOS 111
BIOS 113
Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Biology
and Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory
BIOS 112
BIOS 114
Fundamentals of Organismal Biology
and Fundamentals of Organismal Biology Laboratory
CHEM 107Introduction to Chemistry 13
CHEM 105
CHEM 115
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 106
CHEM 116
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Lab
MATH 150Calculus I4
PHSC 124Data Analysis and Presentation1
PSYC 200Introduction to Psychology (waived for Torrey Honors students) 23
Select one of the following two options:8
Option 1:
Physics I
and Physics I Laboratory 3
Physics I with Foundations
and Physics I Laboratory
Physics II
and Physics II Laboratory
Option 2:
General Physics I: Mechanics and Heat
and General Physics I Laboratory
General Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
and General Physics II Laboratory
Required upper-division courses (38 credits) include:
BIOS 312Cell and Molecular Biology3
BIOS 322Laboratory in Cell and Molecular Biology1
BIOS 332
BIOS 334
and Laboratory in Genetics
BIOS 381Advanced Physiology4
CHEM 301
CHEM 311
Organic Chemistry I
and Laboratory in Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 302
CHEM 312
Organic Chemistry II
and Laboratory in Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 350
CHEM 351
Analytical Chemistry
and Analytical Chemistry Lab
CHEM 410Instrumental Analysis2
CHEM 411General Biochemistry I3
CHEM 412General Biochemistry II3
CHEM 413Laboratory in General Biochemistry2
PHSC 460Capstone Seminar1
BBST 4653Integration Seminar: Christianity and the Natural Sciences 43
Select 5 credits of electives from the following: 55
Human Anatomy
Nutrition and Metabolism
Nutrition and Metabolism Lab
Advanced Microbiology
Developmental Biology
General Virology
Environmental Chemistry
Fundamentals of Material Science
Inorganic Chemistry
Introduction to Physical Chemistry
Introduction to Food Chemistry
Physical Chemistry I
Physical Chemistry II
Physical Chemistry Lab
Special Topics in Chemistry
Advanced Organic Chemistry
Seminar in Advanced Chemistry and Biochemistry
Directed Research
Calculus II
Computer Techniques in Science and Engineering
Special Topics in Physical Science
Program Course Requirements: 75-78 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements51-55
Total Credits126-133

CHEM 107 is waived for students who meet the qualifications to enter CHEM 105. See the current Placement Options for CHEM 105 or the department for more information.


Fulfills the Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement.


All students who do not meet one of the Physics 111 Placement Options must enroll in PHSC 100.


Fulfills the BBST 465 Biblical and Theological Studies Integration Seminar requirement.


3 credits must be upper-division.

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