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Child Development Permits


The early childhood education program at Biola’s School of Education offers state-approved coursework required for five of California’s Child Development Permits. After completing the early childhood coursework, you will be better prepared to teach more effectively in public and private programs serving infants through grade three. Course selection depends on what level of permit you desire.

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Program Requirements

Students must meet and maintain the program requirements to successfully complete the Child Development Permits program.

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Permit Options

The Child Development Assistant Permit authorizes you to care for and assist in the development and instruction of children in a child care and development program under the supervision of a CDP (child development permit) qualified associate teacher, teacher, master teacher, site supervisor, or program director.

The Child Development Assistant Permit is issued for five years and is renewable for successive five-year periods upon completion of 105 hours of professional growth.

For this permit, you must complete the following early childhood coursework:

Assistant permit coursework (6 credits)

  • Undergraduate
    • LEDU 335: Child Development: Birth through Adolescence (3)
    • LEDU 356: Early Childhood Curriculum (3)
    • Note: See course catalog for complete details.
  • Graduate
    • SEED 535: Child Development: Birth through Adolescence (3)
    • SEED 556: Early Childhood Curriculum (3)
    • Note: See course catalog for complete details.

The Child Development Associate Teacher Permit authorizes you to provide service in the care, development, and instruction of children in a child care and development program and supervise a child development permit assistant, and an aide.

The Child Development Associate Teacher Permit is issued for five years and is renewable once, for a total of two issuances. To renew, you must complete at least 15 semester credits toward the child development teacher permit. By the end of the ten-year period, you must meet the requirements for the child development teacher permit.

For this permit, you must complete the following early childhood coursework:

Assistant teacher permit coursework (12 credits)

  • Undergraduate
    • LEDU 335: Child Development: Birth through Adolescence (3)
    • LEDU 356: Early Childhood Curriculum (3)
    • LEDU 357: School/Family/Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Urban Settings (3)
    • LEDU 359: Observation and Assessment of Young Children (3)
    • Note: See course catalog for complete details.
  • Graduate
    • SEED 535: Child Development: Birth through Adolescence (3)
    • SEED 556: Early Childhood Curriculum (3)
    • SEED 557: School/Family/Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Urban Settings (3)
    • LEDU 559: Observation and Assessment of Young Children (3)
    • Note: See course catalog for complete details.


Experience Requirement

You are required to complete at least 50 days of experience in an instructional capacity in a child care and development program, working at least 3 hours per day within the last two years. This experience must be verified by submitting an original letter from the employer on official letterhead. Fieldwork in coursework may be folded into the 50 days of required early childhood experience — a minimum of 3 hours per day.

The Child Development Teacher Permit authorizes you to provide service in the care, development, and instruction in a child care and development program, and supervise Child Development Associate Teacher permit holders, Child Development Assistant Teacher permit holders, and classroom aides.

The Child Development Teacher Permit is issued for five years and is renewable for successive five-year periods upon completion of 105 hours of professional growth.

The Child Development Teacher Permit program fulfills the state requirements of 24 units of coursework in early childhood education or childhood development for transitional kindergarten (TK) and TK/kindergarten combination for Multiple Subject credentialed teachers under Education Code section 48000(g) as stated by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

For this permit, you must complete the following early childhood coursework:

Teacher permit coursework (24 credits)

  • Undergraduate
    • LEDU 335: Child Development: Birth through Adolescence (3)
    • LEDU 356: Early Childhood Curriculum (3)
    • LEDU 357: School/Family/Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Urban Settings (3)
    • LEDU 358: Classroom Management in Early Childhood Settings (3)
    • LEDU 359: Observation and Assessment of Young Children (3)
    • LEDU 360: Early Childhood Practicum (3) — only required if 175 days of experience is not met.

      9 credits from approved school-age coursework.

    • Note: See course catalog for complete details.
  • Graduate
    • SEED 535: Child Development: Birth through Adolescence (3)
    • SEED 556: Early Childhood Curriculum (3)
    • SEED 557: School/Family/Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Urban Settings (3)
    • SEED 558: Classroom Management in Early Childhood Settings (3)
    • LEDU 559: Observation and Assessment of Young Children (3)
    • LEDU 579: Early Childhood Practicum (3) — only required if 175 days of experience is not met.

      9 credits from approved school-age coursework.

    • Note: See course catalog for complete details.


Experience Requirement

Completion of at least 175 days of experience in an instructional capacity in a child care and development program, working at least 3 hours per day within the last four years. This experience must be verified by submitting an original letter from the employer on official letterhead. Fieldwork in coursework may be folded into the 175 days of required early childhood experience — a minimum of 3 hours per day.

After successfully completing SEED 512 and SEED 513 with one student teaching placement in kindergarten or LEDU 360/SEED 579: Early Childhood Practicum, you may use these hours to fulfill the 175 day requirement.


General Education Requirement

Must complete 16 semester credits in general education. One course of each in the following areas: humanities and/or fine arts, social sciences, math and/or science, and English and/or language arts.

The Child Development Master Teacher Permit authorizes you to provide service in the care, development, and instruction of children in a child care and development program, and supervise a teacher, an associate teacher, an assistant, or an aide. The permit also authorizes you to serve as a coordinator of curriculum and staff development in a child care and development program.

The Child Development Master Teacher Permit is issued for five years and is renewable for successive five-year periods upon completion of 105 hours of professional growth.

You must complete the following early childhood coursework:

Prerequisite coursework (3 credits)

  • Undergraduate
    • LEDU 335: Child Development: Birth through Adolescence (3)
  • Graduate
    • SEED 535: Child Development: Birth through Adolescence (3)

Master teacher permit coursework (15 credits)

  • Undergraduate
    • LEDU 356: Early Childhood Curriculum (3)
    • LEDU 357: School/Family/Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Urban Settings (3)
    • LEDU 358: Classroom Management in Early Childhood Settings (3)
    • LEDU 359: Observation and Assessment of Young Children (3)
    • LEDU 360: Early Childhood Practicum (3) — can be met by LEDU 440 and 442: Elementary Student Teaching with one placement in a kindergarten classroom.
    • Note: See course catalog for complete details.
  • Graduate
    • SEED 556: Early Childhood Curriculum (3)
    • SEED 557: School/Family/Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Urban Settings (3)
    • SEED 558: Classroom Management in Early Childhood Settings (3)
    • LEDU 559: Observation and Assessment of Young Children (3)
    • LEDU 579: Early Childhood Practicum (3) — can be met by SEED 512 and SEED 513: Elementary Student Teaching with one placement in a kindergarten classroom.
    • Note: See course catalog for complete details.


Degree Requirement

Complete a baccalaureate degree or higher. See the catalog for complete details. Note: Early childhood courses are subject to change.

The Child Development Site Supervisor Permit authorizes you to supervise a child care and development program operating at a single site; provide service in the care, development, and instruction of children in a child care and development program; and serve as a coordinator of curriculum and staff development in a child care and development program.

The Child Development Site Supervisor Permit is issued for five years and is renewable for successive five-year periods upon completion of 105 hours of professional growth.

The School of Education has been approved to recommend for the site supervisor permit under options two and four of the CTC permit options. You must complete the following requirements:

Prerequisite coursework (3 credits)

  • Undergraduate
    • LEDU 335: Child Development: Birth through Adolescence (3)
  • Graduate
    • SEED 535: Child Development: Birth through Adolescence (3)

Site supervisor permit coursework (15 credits)

  • Undergraduate
    • LEDU 356: Early Childhood Curriculum (3)
    • LEDU 357: School/Family/Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Urban Settings (3)
    • LEDU 358: Classroom Management in Early Childhood Settings (3)
    • LEDU 359: Observation and Assessment of Young Children (3)
    • LEDU 360: Early Childhood Practicum (3) — can be met by LEDU 440 and 442: Elementary Student Teaching with one placement in a kindergarten classroom.
    • Note: See course catalog for complete details.
  • Graduate
    • SEED 556: Early Childhood Curriculum (3)
    • SEED 557: School/Family/Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Urban Settings (3)
    • SEED 558: Classroom Management in Early Childhood Settings (3)
    • LEDU 559: Observation and Assessment of Young Children (3)
    • LEDU 579: Early Childhood Practicum (3) — can be met by SEED 512 and SEED 513: Elementary Student Teaching with one placement in a kindergarten classroom.
    • Note: See course catalog for complete details.


Degree Requirement

Complete a baccalaureate degree or higher, or possess a valid Multiple Subject Teaching Credential or a Single Subject Teaching Credential in home economics.

The School-Age Emphasis Authorization may be added to any level of the child development permits. This additional authorization allows you to provide services in the care, development, and instruction of children in before school, after school, and other school-age child care programs. Six credits of coursework is required to add the School-Age Emphasis Authorization, three of which are met through LEDU 335 or SEED 535.

School-Age Emphasis Coursework

School-Age Emphasis/Multiple Subject Course Competencies

  • Undergraduate
    • KNES 201: Elementary P.E. Methods and Activities (2)
    • ARTS 306: Elementary Art Workshop (3)
    • MUSC 310: Elementary Music Workshop (2)
    • LEDU 309: Elementary Math/Science Methods (2)
    • LEDU 335: Child Development: Birth through Adolescence (3)
    • LEDU 336: Elementary Health Curriculum and Methods (1)
    • LEDU 337: Elementary History-Social Science Curriculum and Methods (1)
    • LEDU 380: Children's Literature (3)
    • Note: See course catalog for complete details. Early childhood courses are subject to change, and some courses above may require prerequisites or acceptance to the teacher preparation program. Please meet with an advisor in the School of Education for details.
  • Graduate
    • SEED 516: Elementary Physical Education Workshop (1)
    • SEED 507: Art Workshop for Elementary School Teaching (1)
    • SEED 508: Music Workshop for Elementary School Teaching (1)
    • SEED 509: Elementary Math/Science Methods (2)
    • SEED 5335: Child Development: Birth through Adolescence (3)
    • SEED 536: Elementary Health Curriculum and Methods (1)
    • SEED 537: Elementary History-Social Science Curriculum and Methods (1)
    • SEED 549: Studies in Children Literature (1)
    • Note: See course catalog for complete details. Early childhood courses are subject to change, and some courses above may require prerequisites or acceptance to the teacher preparation program. Please meet with an advisor in the School of Education for details.


Credential Coursework

  • Undergraduate
    • LEDU 301: Introduction to Teaching (3) – 25 fieldwork hours
    • LEDU 330: Psychological Foundations of Education (3)
    • LEDU 341: Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students (3) – 10 fieldwork hours
    • LEDU 420: Elementary Reading/Language Arts (3) – 35 fieldwork hours
    • LEDU 440 & 442: Elementary Student Teaching (12) – 16 weeks full-time teaching
    • Note: See course catalog for complete details. Early childhood courses are subject to change, and some courses above may require prerequisites or acceptance to the teacher preparation program. Please meet with an advisor in the School of Education for details.
  • Graduate
    • SEED 519: Foundations of Education (2) – 25 fieldwork hours
    • SEED 526: Psychological Foundations of Education (3)
    • SEED 541: Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students (3) – 10 fieldwork hours
    • SEED 520: Elementary Reading/Language Arts (3) – 35 fieldwork hours
    • SEED 538: Elementary Curriculum, Differentiation and Assessment (3) – 60 fieldwork hours
    • SEED 512 & 513: Elementary Student Teaching (12) – 16 weeks full-time teaching
    • Note: See course catalog for complete details. Early childhood courses are subject to change, and some courses above may require prerequisites or acceptance to the teacher preparation program. Please meet with an advisor in the School of Education for details.


Compare Permit Options

Permit Base Tuition Cost Credits Duration Format Start Months
Child Development Assistant $4,350 6 1 semester Fully online (CA) January, May or August
Child Development Associate Teacher $8,700 12 1 year Fully online (CA) January, May or August
Child Development Teacher $13,050 18 1 year Fully online (CA) January, May or August
Child Development Master Teacher $13,050 18 1 year Fully online (CA) January, May or August
Child Development Site Supervisor $13,050 18 1 year Fully online (CA) January, May or August


What will I study?

While completing early childhood coursework, students will engage in fieldwork assignments that provide them with hands-on experience in local infant, toddler and elementary-age educational settings. The School of Education partners with local schools to facilitate this fieldwork, with the aim of advancing your ability to work with young children.

During your time at Biola University, you can:

Admissions & Deadlines

As a Christian institution, Biola seeks to admit applicants whose backgrounds clearly demonstrate scholarly aptitude, a commitment to the historic Christian faith, personal character and integrity, and a positive service-oriented motivation toward their field of study. Biola does not discriminate on the basis of the applicant's race, color, sex, socio-economic status, disability, or national or ethnic origin.

  • You must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution by the time you plan to start coursework at Biola, with a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale).
  • Note: If you do not meet the degree or GPA requirements above, you may still be considered for admission. Please contact the Office of Graduate Admissions office at If you are an international student, contact

  • For requirement details, see "Complete program-specific admissions requirements" in the application steps section below.

  • If English is not your first language, you are required to display your English proficiency before admittance into a Biola University graduate program. See “English Proficiency” in the application steps section below.

  • Fall Semester
    • Early Action: May 1
    • General: July 1
    • International Students
      • On Campus: June 1
      • Online/Hybrid: July 1
  • Spring Semester
    • Early Action: October 1
    • General: November 1
    • International Students: October 1
  • Summer Semester
    • General: April 1

Explore our sunny Southern California campus in person or virtually. Learn more about your program of interest and the admissions process by scheduling an appointment with an admissions counselor.

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If you have more questions about the program, admissions process or Biola in general, schedule a phone call or send an email to your admissions counselor.

Graduate Admissions Counselor

Photo of Jackson McKay
Jackson McKay

Phone: (562) 903-4752 x5358
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International Graduate Admissions Counselor

The Office of International Admissions serves students who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States.

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Application Steps

  1. Complete and submit the online application

  2. Submit a non-refundable $65 application fee

  3. Submit supplemental application materials through your online application portal:

    • Submit all official transcripts from previous academic institutions.
      • Request official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended.
      • If enrolled at the time the application is filed, be sure to request transcripts of work finished to date and final transcripts upon completion of your course of study.
      • Transcripts will be considered official only when a) mailed directly from the institution to Biola, b) sent electronically through an approved vendor or c) physically delivered in an untampered envelope sealed by the institution. Final approval for admission is contingent on receiving an official transcript.
        • Mail transcripts to:
          Biola University Office of Graduate Admissions
          13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, CA 90639
    • Note for International Students: All international transcripts need U.S. grade equivalencies noted (i.e. GPA on a 4.0 scale). If your transcripts do not show U.S. grade equivalencies, you must have them evaluated by a credential evaluation agency like SpanTran (Biola Discount), World Education Services (WES) or Foundation for International Services (FIS). Be sure to choose "course by course report" and have SpanTran/WES/FIS send them directly to Biola University via online portal or post (13800 Biola Ave, La Mirada, CA 90639) in order to be considered official.

    • Note: Additional instructions can be found in the online application.

    • Note: The essay prompts can be found in the online application.

    • Evidence of English proficiency is required for all students to support student success. Proficiency must be shown through one of the methods described below:
      • Minimum test score on a qualifying standardized test
        • TOEFL: minimum score of 100 iBT
        • IELTS: minimum score of 7.5
        • Duolingo: minimum score of 125
      • A degree (bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral) issued by an institution where English is the medium of instruction.
        • Official written communication from the institution (Registrar, Controller of Examinations Office, or Undergraduate College)
        • Official degree statements or transcripts may be accepted given English is stated as the medium of instruction
        • Official catalog verification
        • Note: For universities from non-Anglophone countries, further language assessment may be required.
  4. Complete program-specific admissions requirements:

    • Verify Certificate of Clearance California residents who do not hold a valid credential: Verify possession of Certificate of Clearance from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
    • Fieldwork Eligibility (outside of California) — For non-California residents: Provide proof of eligibility to complete fieldwork in non-California classroom.
  5. Interview with a faculty member

    • After your application and all supplemental application requirements are submitted and approved, you will have an phone/video interview with a faculty member.

    Things to Note

    • Track your application status at any time. You do not have to complete the application in one sitting. You can complete a portion and finish at a later time. Your information will be saved. When you apply, to guarantee confidentiality, you will be asked to create a user name and a password, and will receive a personalized identification number. Track your application status by logging in to the online application.
    • Official documents presented for admission or evaluation become part of the student’s academic file and normally cannot be returned or copied for distribution.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Biola is committed to help make your studies affordable — each school offers different scholarship, grant and loan opportunities to help finance your education.

Cost Per Credit (2025‑26) $725
Child Development Assistant Based on total program credits and 2025‑26 cost per credit$4,350
Child Development Associate Teacher Based on total program credits and 2025‑26 cost per credit$8,700
Child Development Teacher; Child Development Master Teacher; Child Development Site Supervisor Based on total program credits and 2025‑26 cost per credit$13,050

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Online: You'll take coursework fully online.

Total Credits

Every program at Biola University features rigorous academics, biblically integrated curriculum and vocational preparation.

Cost per Credit

This is the cost per credit; total tuition costs for each term will differ for part-time and full-time students.


Biola University is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission. Additional accreditations may apply to specific programs.