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Courses | B.A. in Liberal Studies, Multidisciplinary

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. In addition to these program-specific requirements, all majors include Biola's traditional undergraduate core curriculum. For more program details, including a sample course sequence, visit Biola's academic catalog.

Writing Competency

Every Biola student must fulfill the Writing Competency Requirement (WCR). Liberal Studies, Multidisciplinary students fulfill the WCR by passing ENGL 3134 with a C+ or better. If they fail to meet this requirement, they must consult with their major advisor for an alternative WCR pathway. For more information, see the Writing Competency Requirement section.

Torrey Honors College

Please refer to the footnotes regarding the Core Curriculum courses that are covered by the Torrey Honors College. 

Curriculum Requirements

Program Courses Meeting Core Curriculum Requirements
Behavioral Science:
PSYC 200Introduction to Psychology3
ENGL 3134Writing in the Disciplines for Educators3
Fine Arts: 1
Select one of the following:3
Art Appreciation
Film Appreciation
Music Appreciation
Theatre Appreciation
Integration Seminar:
BBST 4652Integration Seminar: Christian Philosophy of Education3
Kinesiology & Health Science:
KNES 107Lifetime Wellness1
KNES 201Elementary Physical Education Methods and Activities (or one Lifetime Wellness activity)1-2
Philosophy: 1
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Logic
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Ethics
BIOS 105Biology for Educators4
MATH 117Fundamentals of Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I3
U.S. History: 1
HIST 200United States History To 18653
Program Courses
HIST 201United States History Since 18653
HIST 403California History3
LEDU 301Introduction to Teaching 23
LEDU 306Elementary Art Workshop1
LEDU 324Performing Arts in Education1
LEDU 335Child Development: Birth through Adolescence 33
LEDU 380Children's Literature3
MATH 118Fundamentals of Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II3
MUSC 310Elementary Music Workshop2
PHSC 101Physical Science Survey: Lecture3
PHSC 102Physical Science Survey Laboratory1
Select one of the following:3
Linguistic Anthropology
Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students
Cross-Cultural/Ethnic Issues in Psychology
Culture and Human Development
Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Unequal Justice: Race, Class, Gender and Crime
Program Course Requirements: 56-57 credits
In addition to the program courses, each student must complete a concentration, which consists of approved coursework in one of the following subject areas: Biology, Early Childhood, English, Health and Exercise, History, Human Development, Mathematics, Sociology, Spanish, Special Education, TESOL or Visual Arts. See requirements listed below.12-13
Core Curriculum Requirements48
General Electives2-4
Total Credits120

Courses covered by the Torrey Honors College.


This course is a prerequisite to the Early Childhood and Special Education concentration courses.


This course is a prerequisite to Early Childhood concentration courses.



Concentration Courses
Select 12 credits from the following, 3 of which must be upper division:12
Introduction to Environmental Science
Current Topics in Biology
Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology
Vertebrate Biology
Ecological Agriculture
Global Development and Ecological Sustainability
Invertebrate Biology
Marine Biology
Conservation Biology
General Ecology
Seminar in Advanced Biology
Total Credits12

Early Childhood

Concentration Courses
LEDU 356Early Childhood Curriculum3
LEDU 357School/Family/Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Urban Settings3
LEDU 358Classroom Management in Early Childhood Settings3
LEDU 359Observation and Assessment of Young Children3
Total Credits12


Concentration Courses
Select 12 credits from the following:12
Introduction to English Studies
Advanced Composition
Studies in Grammar and Language
Creative Writing: Poetry
Creative Writing: Fiction
Studies in American Literature
Studies in British Literature
Studies in Shakespeare
Total Credits12

Health and Exercise

Concentration Courses
Select 12 credits from the following:12
Public Health Principles and Practice
Health Education and Health Promotion
Health Behavior and Health Promotion
Psychology of Exercise and Health
Leadership in Sport and Human Movement
Total Credits12


Concentration Courses
Select 12 credits from the following:12
Studies in British History
American Democracy, Civil War and Reconstruction, 1800–1877
History of Latin America
Ancient Greece
Roman History
The Rise of Modern America, 1877–1920
The United States Since 1920
The American West
Renaissance and Reformation
Early Modern Europe
War and Civilization
Survey of American Government
Total Credits12

Human Development

Concentration Courses
Select 12 credits from the following:12
Psychology and Christian Thought
Statistics with Computer Applications
and Statistics with Computer Applications Lab
Human Sexuality
Psychological Testing and Assessment
Introduction to Psychopathology
Cross-Cultural/Ethnic Issues in Psychology
Developmental Psychology: Lifespan
Culture and Human Development
Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Seminar in Therapeutic Techniques
Psychology of Marriage and Family
Total Credits12

Intercultural Studies

As of Spring 2024, this concentration is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Concentration Courses
Select 12 credits from the following:12
Cultural Anthropology
Linguistic Anthropology
Intercultural Competence & Diversity in the Global Workplace
Intercultural Adjustment
Ethnicity and Diversity in America
Area and Ethnic Studies
Intercultural Communication
World Religions and Pluralism
Total Credits12


Concentration Courses
Select 12 credits, 3 of which must be upper-division, from the following:12
Precalculus Mathematics
Fundamentals of Calculus
Calculus I
Calculus II
Discrete Structures
Introduction to Abstract Math
Linear Algebra
Classical Geometry
Number Theory and the History of Mathematics
Total Credits12


Concentration Courses
Select 12 credits from the following:12
Social Problems
Sociology of Gender
Unequal Justice: Race, Class, Gender and Crime
Ethnic and Minority Groups
Social Inequality: Race, Class and Gender
American Culture and Values
Sociology of Wealth and Poverty
Sociology of Disabilities
Total Credits12


Concentration Courses
Select one of the following tracks:12-13
Second Language Learners
Select one or two of the following (based upon language assessment):
Spanish Language and Culture III
Advanced Spanish Communication I
Advanced Spanish Communication II
Select one or two of the following (based upon language assessment):
Hispanic Civilization and Culture
Hispanic Studies: Culture, Language, or Literature
Topics in Hispanic Culture
Spanish Applied Linguistics and Teaching Pedagogy
Heritage Learners
Select one or two of the following (based upon language assessment):
Basic Spanish for the Heritage Learner
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners I
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners II
Select one or two of the following (based upon language assessment):
Hispanic Civilization and Culture
Hispanic Studies: Culture, Language, or Literature
Topics in Hispanic Culture
Spanish Applied Linguistics and Teaching Pedagogy
Bilingual Education in Spanish 1
Select one of the following (based upon language assessment): 2
Advanced Spanish Communication I
Advanced Spanish Communication II
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners I
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners II
Complete the following:
Latina/o Diversity in a U.S. Context
Socio-historical Context for Bilingual Education – Spanish
Bilingual Methodologies - Spanish
Total Credits12-13

Requires 12-13 credits depending on language assessment.


If one of these courses is not required based upon language assessment, a 3-credit elective approved by the School of Education must be completed.

Special Education

Concentration Courses
Select 12 credits from the following:12
Issues in Special Education
Assessment and Evaluation of Exceptional Learners
Teaching Students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs in Inclusive Settings
Behavior and Classroom Management for Students with Special Needs
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders
Total Credits12


As of Summer 2024, this concentration is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Concentration Courses
Select 12 credits from the following:12
Grammar for English Teachers
Materials Evaluation and Preparation
English Language Teaching Methods
Ethics, Values, and Intercultural Communication for TESOL Professionals
Teaching English to Young Learners
Topics in TESOL
Practicum in TESOL I
Total Credits12

Visual Arts

Concentration Courses
Select 3 credits from the following:3
Drawing I
Figure Studies I
Digital Tools
2-D Foundations
3-D Foundations
Sculpture I
Ceramics I
Painting I
Photography I-Introduction to Darkroom and Digital Processes
Select 9 credits of ARTS elective courses, 3 of which must be upper-division 19
Total Credits12

Courses must be selected in consultation with a department advisor in order to create a focus area.

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