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Courses | B.M. in Music Teacher Preparation

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. In addition to these program-specific requirements, all majors include Biola's traditional undergraduate core curriculum. For more program details, including a sample course sequence, visit Biola's academic catalog.

Transfer of Credits

Most courses taken at other regionally accredited colleges and universities in the United States will be accepted on a comparable course basis. The following core courses will transfer directly:

In order to pass out of Theory III (MUSC 354​) or Keyboard Skills II (MUSC 119), the student must display proficiency by achieving favorable scores on the Theory and Keyboard placement surveys.  

No credit(s) will be given for waived courses. Waiver of courses on the basis of placement surveys without comparable prior course credit will increase elective credits required.

Credit for courses taken at a non-accredited college or university will be granted only through placement or challenge surveys.

Applied Music

In order to graduate, music students must reach primary applied proficiency level standards designated for each degree program. Applied Music lessons are guided by faculty or studio artists who have expertise and professional experience in the voice or instrument under study. Studio artists are affiliated with Biola via "special employee" contracts and thus do not undergo the same process for hire as do faculty. The studio artists are all highly competent individuals who appreciate Biola and endorse the goals of the Conservatory, but their theological conceptualization has not undergone the same close review as that of the faculty. For more information, see the Conservatory Office.

GPA Requirements

Students in the degree program must maintain a 2.0 GPA in the major and receive a minimum grade of C in each required course.

Curriculum Requirements

Integration Seminar Requirement

All students enrolled in the Bachelor of Music degree program are required to take a Biblical Studies Integration Seminar. This requirement must be fulfilled by taking BBST 4658 Integration Seminar: Redeeming Culture Through Music. 

Candidates for the Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education (Pre-Teacher Certification) meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 6 credits in behavioral science and integration seminar within the major, fulfill 3 credits of the 6 credit Core Curriculum requirement in history within in the major, and are exempt from the Core Curriculum requirement in foreign language, literature, and fine arts.
Program Courses
Music Education (Pre-Teacher Certification) majors must choose either a choral or instrumental emphasis.
The Professional Teacher Preparation Program leading to a California Teaching Credential at Biola University is subject to change in response to new legislation. Please see a credential analyst in the School of Education for current information on completing the requirements for a teaching credential. Students must consult with both their major advisor and a School of Education advisor. 1
HIST 200United States History To 1865 23
or POSC 225 Survey of American Government
MUSC 102Voice Class 31
MUSC 118Keyboard Skills I 41
or MUSC 261 Keyboard Sight Reading I
MUSC 119Keyboard Skills II 41
or MUSC 262 Keyboard Sight Reading II
MUSC 145Applied Music 54
MUSC 153Musicianship I 61
MUSC 154Theory I 73
MUSC 160Essential Technologies for Musicians I1
MUSC 163Musicianship II 61
MUSC 164Theory II 73
MUSC 170Essential Technologies for Musicians II1
MUSC 200Performing Arts Forum 81
MUSC 205Introduction to Music Education2
MUSC 275Music Area Seminar 90
MUSC 315History of Western Art Music I: Medieval through Baroque3
MUSC 316History of Western Art Music II: Classical through Romantic3
MUSC 323Basic Conducting2
MUSC 324Advanced Studies in Conducting2
MUSC 328General Music Methods2
MUSC 332Music for Children2
MUSC 343Form and Analysis2
MUSC 353Musicianship III 61
MUSC 354Theory III 73
BBST 4658Integration Seminar: Redeeming Culture Through Music 103
PSYC 200Introduction to Psychology 113
Select three courses from the following:3-4
Music Education: Brass
Music Education: Percussion
Music Education: Strings
Pedagogy: Major Performance Area
Music Education: Woodwinds
MUSC 363Musicianship IV 61
MUSC 365History and Analysis of 20th Century Music3
MUSC 410Music Cultures of the World2
MUSC 445Applied Music 124
MUSC 451Advanced Studies in Music Education2
MUSC 470Senior Recital/Final Project0
MUSC 475Recital Conducting1
Professional Education Courses
LEDU 330Psychological Foundations of Education3
LEDU 341Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students3
LEDU 425Secondary Content Area Reading3
LEDU 438Secondary Curriculum, Differentiation, and Assessment3
Ensemble Courses 138
Select 8 credits from the following:
Biola Chorale
Music Ensemble
Symphony Orchestra
Chamber Choir
Jazz Ensemble
Symphonic Winds
Handbell Choir
Vocal Jazz Ensemble
University Chorus
Women's Chorus
Men's Chorus
Program Course Requirements: 85-86 credits 3
Core Curriculum Requirements 1451
Total Credits136-137

See Professional Teacher Preparation Program under Liberal Studies, Elementary Education, B.A.


Fulfills 3 credits of the History Core Curriculum requirement. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires that a teaching credential candidate must have completed a minimum 2-credit course that covers the U.S. Constitution or fulfill this requirement by examination. Biola University students may complete this requirement by taking either HIST 200 or POSC 225 with a grade of C or better. Students receiving AP college credit for either HIST 200 or POSC 225 will also meet this requirement. Transfer coursework must be reviewed by a credential analyst in the School of Education.


Voice principal students are exempt from MUSC 102 and are required to complete 84-85 program course credits and a total of 135-136 credits for the degree.


Keyboard principal students are exempt from MUSC 118 and MUSC 119. Keyboardists must take MUSC 261 and MUSC 262.

Students may take the Keyboard Placement Survey to potentially pass out of some or all of the Keyboard requirements. Students who do not take the survey will automatically be placed in MUSC 100 Introduction to Piano.


Must be taken for a total of 4 credits through proficiency: level 264.


Students may take the Musicianship Placement Survey to potentially pass out of some or all of the Musicianship requirements. Students who do not take the survey will automatically be placed in MUSC 153. Musicianship courses already taken at the college/university level will directly transfer for credit. 


Students may take the Theory Placement Survey to potentially pass out of some or all of their Theory requirements. Students who do not take the survey will automatically be placed in MUSC 098 Introduction to Theory. The first two semesters of Written Theory courses already taken at the college/university level will directly transfer for credit


7 semesters of Performing Arts Forum required for graduation; at least 1 semester must be taken for 1 credit.


Taken every semester in conjunction with MUSC 145 or MUSC 445 Applied Music. Voice, String, Composition or Piano principal students only.


​Fulfills the BBST 465 Biblical and Theological Studies Integration Seminar requirement.


Fulfills the Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement.


Must be taken for a total of 4 credits through proficiency: level 468.


Keyboard primary students should take:

  • Instrumental focus: 4 instrumental, 2 choral, 2 with use of keyboard
  • Choral focus: 5 choral, 2 instrumental, 1 opera

All other students should take:

  • Instrumental focus: 6 instrumental, 2 choral
  • Choral focus: 6 choral, 2 instrumental

See Core Curriculum Program section for details.

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