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Courses | B.A. in Psychology

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. In addition to these program-specific requirements, all majors include Biola's traditional undergraduate core curriculum. For more program details, including a sample course sequence, visit Biola's academic catalog.

Curriculum Requirements 

Psychology majors meet the Core Curriculum requirements in behavioral science and mathematics within the major.
Program Courses
PSYC 200Introduction to Psychology (prerequisite to all other Psychology courses for Psychology majors and minors) 13
PSYC 206Psychology and Christian Thought3
PSYC 209Statistics with Computer Applications3
PSYC 211Statistics with Computer Applications Lab1
PSYC 305Experimental Psychology4
PSYC 309Introduction to Psychopathology3
PSYC 319Cross-Cultural/Ethnic Issues in Psychology3
or PSYC 330 Culture and Human Development
or PSYC 345 Psychology of Gender
PSYC 320Developmental Psychology: Lifespan3
PSYC 365Cognitive Psychology3
PSYC 405Social Psychology3
PSYC 410Sensation and Perception3
or PSYC 412 Physiological Psychology
PSYC 411Theories of Personality3
PSYC 450Directed Field Work in Psychology1
or PSYC 480 Research in Psychology
or PSYC 485 Advanced Research Lab
or PSYC 455 Service Learning in Psychology
Select 9 credits of Psychology electives from the following: 29
Human Sexuality
Psychological Testing and Assessment
Psychology of Religious Experience
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Cross-Cultural/Ethnic Issues in Psychology
Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence
Culture and Human Development
Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Psychology of Gender
Christian Perspectives on Marriage & Relationships
Sensation and Perception
Physiological Psychology
Readings in Psychology
Seminar in Therapeutic Techniques
Advanced Statistics
Psychology of Marriage and Family
History and Systems of Psychology
Service Learning in Psychology
Studies in Psychology
Positive Psychology
Current Topics in Psychology
Research in Psychology
Advanced Research Lab
Rosemead Special Programs
Program Course Requirements: 45 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements68
General Electives7
Total Credits120

Fulfills the Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement.


Approved transfer coursework may also fulfill this requirement.

Graduate Courses

Senior level undergraduate psychology majors may take certain graduate courses with permission. A permission request form may be obtained in the Psychology Department. It must be filled out and signed by the department chair, dean of Rosemead, and course instructor.

RSPY 502/PSYC 420Advanced Statistics3
RSPY 530/PSYC 440History and Systems of Psychology3

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