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Minor in Special Education

School of Education


Students must complete 24 credits to receive a Special Education minor. A minimum of 9 credits must also be unique to the minor (not counted toward any other requirements, including minoring in the same department as the major).

The Special Education minor meets part of the requirements for the California Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Teaching Credential (Mild to Moderate Support Needs). The Special Education minor also meets the Intern Eligibility requirement with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for the California Preliminary Education Specialist Intern Credential and Multiple or Single Subject Intern Credential upon degree conferral. This minor is open only to students who will complete the fieldwork practicum requirements as placed and in California. Students must consult an advisor in the School of Education.


Below are the course requirements for this academic program. In addition to these program-specific requirements, all majors include Biola's traditional undergraduate core curriculum. For more program details, including a sample course sequence, visit Biola's academic catalog.

Curriculum Requirements

Students must complete 24 credits to receive a Special Education minor. A minimum of 9 credits must also be unique to the minor (not counted toward any other requirements, including minoring in the same department as the major).

The Special Education minor meets part of the requirements1 for the California Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Teaching Credential (Mild to Moderate Support Needs). The Special Education minor also meets the Intern Eligibility requirement with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for the California Preliminary Education Specialist Intern Credential and Multiple or Single Subject Intern Credential upon degree conferral. This minor is open only to students who will complete the fieldwork practicum requirements as placed and in California. Students must consult an advisor in the School of Education.

Program Courses
Behavioral Science Coursework
PSYC 200Introduction to Psychology 23
Teacher Preparation Coursework 1
LEDU 301Introduction to Teaching3
LEDU 330Psychological Foundations of Education3
LEDU 341Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students3
LEDU 420Elementary Reading/Language Arts3
or LEDU 425 Secondary Content Area Reading
Special Education Coursework 1
LEDU 361Issues in Special Education3
LEDU 362Assessment and Evaluation of Exceptional Learners3
or LEDU 364 Behavior and Classroom Management for Students with Special Needs
LEDU 363Teaching Students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs in Inclusive Settings3
or LEDU 369 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders
Total Credits24

In order to apply the Teacher Preparation and Special Education Coursework classes towards any California credential, students must earn at least a B- in each of these classes.


PSYC 200 will count toward the Core Curriculum requirement for Behavioral Science.

Total Program Credits
Every program at Biola University features rigorous academics, biblically integrated curriculum and vocational preparation.
Biola University is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission. Additional accreditations may apply to specific programs.