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Courses | B.A. in Theatre

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. In addition to these program-specific requirements, all majors include Biola's traditional undergraduate core curriculum. For more program details, including a sample course sequence, visit Biola's academic catalog.

Writing Competency Requirement

Every Biola student must fulfill the Writing Competency Requirement (WCR). Students fulfill the WCR by passing ENGL 313 with a C+ or better or by earning a C+ or better in the writing capstone project of HNRS 324 for students in the Torrey Honors College. If they fail to meet this requirement, they must consult with their major advisor for an alternative WCR pathway. For more information, see the Writing Competency Requirement section.

Curriculum Requirements

Under this major, students may choose from the four concentrations detailed below.

Acting for Stage and Screen

Students may choose a concentration in Acting for Stage and Screen with the completion of 62 credits.

Students in the Acting for Stage and Screen concentration meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 12 credits in behavioral science, fine arts, literature, and philosophy within the concentration.
Concentration Courses
CNMA 104History of Cinema3
ENGL 230Topics in Diverse Literatures 13
or ENGL 283 Race and Ethnicity in American Literature
or ENGL 290 World Literature
PHIL 216Introduction to Philosophy and Aesthetics 23
PSYC 200Introduction to Psychology 33
THTR 112Production Lab I1
THTR 160Theatre Appreciation 43
THTR 162Voice and Speech for the Actor3
THTR 212Production Lab II1
THTR 241Intro to Technical Theatre4
THTR 250Theatre History I3
THTR 251Theatre History II3
THTR 264Beginning Acting3
THTR 312Production Lab III1
THTR 353Textual Analysis3
or THTR 435 Playwriting for Performance
THTR 360Screen Acting I3
THTR 362Movement for the Actor3
THTR 369Intermediate Acting3
THTR 412Production Lab IV1
THTR 460Screen Acting II3
THTR 463Advanced Acting Workshop3
Elective Courses: Select 9 credits from the following: (3 lower-division, 6 upper-division) 59
Makeup for Stage and Screen
Topics in Theatre
Costume Study and Construction
Dance for Musical Theatre
Stage Managing or Directing Practicum
Lighting and Sound for Theatre
Stage Managing and Directing Theatre
Dramatic Theory and Criticism
Advanced Topics in Theatre
Theatre Internship
Theatre Teaching Assistant
Drama for Christian Ministry
London Theatre Study Tour
Concentration Course Requirements: 62 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements62
Total Credits124

ENGL 230ENGL 283, or ENGL 290 fulfills the Literature Core Curriculum requirement.


PHIL 216 fulfills the Philosophy Core Curriculum requirement.


PSYC 200 fulfills the Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement.


THTR 160 fulfills the Fine Arts Core Curriculum requirement.


Additional electives from CNMA, JOUR, PREL, COMM, and THTR by arrangement. Contact the Theatre department for advising.

Musical Theatre

Students may choose a concentration in Musical Theatre with the completion of 57 credits. 

Students in the Musical Theatre concentration meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 3 credits in fine arts within the concentration.
Concentration Courses
MUSC 002Music Ensemble1
MUSC 145Applied Music 14
MUSC 154Theory I3
MUSC 153Musicianship I1
MUSC 445Applied Music 24
THTR 112Production Lab I1
THTR 160Theatre Appreciation 33
THTR 162Voice and Speech for the Actor3
THTR 212Production Lab II1
THTR 241Intro to Technical Theatre4
THTR 250Theatre History I3
THTR 251Theatre History II3
THTR 264Beginning Acting3
THTR 312Production Lab III1
THTR 320Dance for Musical Theatre3
THTR 353Textual Analysis3
or THTR 435 Playwriting for Performance
THTR 362Movement for the Actor3
THTR 369Intermediate Acting3
THTR 412Production Lab IV1
THTR 463Advanced Acting Workshop3
Elective Courses: Select 6 credits from the following: (3 lower-division, 3 upper-division) 46
Opera and Musical Production
Makeup for Stage and Screen
Topics in Theatre
Costume Study and Construction
Stage Managing or Directing Practicum
Lighting and Sound for Theatre
Stage Managing and Directing Theatre
Dramatic Theory and Criticism
Advanced Topics in Theatre
Theatre Internship
Theatre Teaching Assistant
Drama for Christian Ministry
London Theatre Study Tour
Concentration Course Requirements: 57 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements71
Total Credits128

Must be taken for a total of 4 credits through proficiency: level 224.


Must be taken for a total of 4 credits through proficiency: level 428.


THTR 160 fulfills the Fine Arts Core Curriculum requirement.


Additional electives from CNMA, JOUR, PREL, COMM, and THTR by arrangement. Contact the Theatre department for advising.


Students may choose a concentration in Production with the completion of 47 credits. 

Students in the Production concentration meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 3 credits in fine arts within the concentration and are recommended to take PHIL 216 and PSYC 200.
Concentration Courses
THTR 109Production Practicum1
THTR 160Theatre Appreciation 13
THTR 209Production Practicum II1
THTR 241Intro to Technical Theatre4
THTR 250Theatre History I3
THTR 251Theatre History II3
THTR 264Beginning Acting3
THTR 309Production Practicum III1
THTR 353Textual Analysis3
or THTR 435 Playwriting for Performance
THTR 369Intermediate Acting3
THTR 391Stage Managing and Directing Theatre3
THTR 405Dramatic Theory and Criticism3
THTR 409Production Practicum IV1
THTR 468Drama for Christian Ministry3
Elective Courses: Select 12 credits from the following (6 lower-division, 6 upper-division) 212
Voice and Speech for the Actor
Makeup for Stage and Screen
Topics in Theatre
Costume Study and Construction
Dance for Musical Theatre
Stage Managing or Directing Practicum
Lighting and Sound for Theatre
Movement for the Actor
Advanced Topics in Theatre
Theatre Internship
Theatre Teaching Assistant
Advanced Acting Workshop
London Theatre Study Tour
Concentration Course Requirements: 47 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements71
General Electives2
Total Credits120

THTR 160 fulfills the Fine Arts Core Curriculum requirement.


Additional electives from CNMA, JOUR, PREL, COMM, and THTR by arrangement. Contact the Theatre department for advising.

Theatre Design and Technology

Students may choose a concentration in Theatre Design and Technology with the completion of 47 credits. 

Students in the Theatre Design and Technology concentration meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 3 credits in fine arts within the concentration and are recommended to take PHIL 216 and PSYC 200.
Concentration Courses
THTR 109Production Practicum1
THTR 160Theatre Appreciation 13
THTR 209Production Practicum II1
THTR 215Makeup for Stage and Screen3
THTR 232Costume Study and Construction3
THTR 241Intro to Technical Theatre4
THTR 250Theatre History I3
THTR 251Theatre History II3
THTR 309Production Practicum III1
THTR 345Lighting and Sound for Theatre3
THTR 353Textual Analysis3
or THTR 435 Playwriting for Performance
THTR 391Stage Managing and Directing Theatre3
THTR 405Dramatic Theory and Criticism3
THTR 409Production Practicum IV1
THTR 419Stagecraft3
Elective Courses: Select 9 credits from the following (3 lower-division, 6 upper-division) 29
Topics in Theatre
Beginning Acting
Dance for Musical Theatre
Stage Managing or Directing Practicum
Intermediate Acting
Advanced Topics in Theatre
Theatre Internship
Theatre Teaching Assistant
Advanced Acting Workshop
London Theatre Study Tour
Concentration Course Requirements: 47 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements71
General Electives2
Total Credits120

THTR 160 fulfills the Fine Arts Core Curriculum requirement.


Additional electives from CNMA, JOUR, PREL, COMM, and THTR by arrangement. Contact the Theatre department for advising.

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