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History of SCORR

The Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation (SCORR)
Looking Back to Look Ahead

In the summer of 1995 several of us who work in Christian colleges/universities gathered for a day to network and dialogue on the state of affairs regarding diversity initiatives on our respective campuses. We shared our ups and downs and sought to encourage one another to continue in this difficult but necessary work. At this meeting, I presented the vision I had to start a conference that would bring students from various Christian colleges/universities together for an annual gathering. It would be a time to celebrate our diversity and to share our stories with one another. They unanimously agreed that this was something I should do, and they would be in support of it. In February of 1996 we held our first conference. Humble beginnings were huge steps of faith.

The original name of the conference was called the Western Regional Multicultural Leadership Conference. From about 1996 to 1999 students and staff from colleges/universities from the Southern California region attended. In 2000 we changed our name to the Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation and hence the acronym, SCORR. By then the conference had grown to serve Christian colleges/universities along the West Coast.

In the ensuing years, SCORR expanded its scope as many students in leadership positions (Student Government, Residence Life, Chapel Programs), from the Biola campus as well as from a variety of other Christian colleges and universities, began to require attendance as a part of their leadership responsibilities. Topics thus ranged from “how is diversity relevant to student leadership” to “how do we address challenging issues on our campuses as well as society at large.”

Whether students are new to the conversation on diversity or eager to engage in a deeper process, the vision for SCORR remains to be an annual gathering where attendees experience, a) instruction that broadens their perspectives, b) dialogue that enhances critical thinking, and c) artistic expression that inspires creativity. As the vision statement reads, “Through active participation in SCORR, attendees will develop a greater vision for enhancing diversity, promoting biblical justice and inspiring leadership that results in a life-long process of building God’s Kingdom on earth.”

Among the visiting colleges and universities that have attended SCORR: Azusa Pacific University, Belmont University, Bethel University (Minnesota), Bethel College (Indiana), Cedarville University, Concordia University, Fresno Pacific University, George Fox University, Hope International University, Moody Bible Institute, Pepperdine University, Point Loma University, Samford University, Simpson University, Seattle Pacific University, University of Northwestern (Minnesota), Vanguard University, Wheaton College, Westmont College.

Today, we continue to grow as attendees now come from many parts of the country. The need is ever pressing to address issues facing, not only diversity in Christian Higher Education, but how does the Kingdom of God become a reality on our campuses. Creating opportunities for students, faculty and staff to dialogue together is an on-going challenge. SCORR seeks to be a part of the solution as we gather annually to address crucial issues facing the church, Christian colleges/universities and the world at large.

SCORR Conference is hosted at different Christian colleges every year. Future conference dates to be announced.