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Biola supports the arts. In fact, Biola believes the arts play an important role in demonstrating the inherent beauty of God's design. There are different ways you can be involved in the artistic community at Biola, be it musically, theatrically or visually.


The Earl and Virginia Green Art Gallery hosts traveling national art shows, but it is best known for its regular senior openings and shows. Most gallery openings happen once per month and allow current students an opportunity to publicize and reveal their "final" artistic vision. The gallery is operated by the Department of Art and is open for viewing most days.


Between theatrical art, the music department and Biola Youth Theater programs, there are many opportunities to attend and be involved with theatre performances at Biola.


Crowell Hall is the epicenter of music at Biola, hosting concerts, operas and musicals. Various forms of worship or performance occur throughout other locales on campus, though, be it Jars of Clay in Chase Gymnasium, Eisley in Sutherland Auditiorium or a student-led praise time in Calvary Chapel.

Other specific opportunities to hear or participate in live musical performance include:

  • Biola Choral Ensembles – There are four groups for which students can audition: Chorale, Vocal Jazz, Women's Chorus and The King's Men. Each represents a different musical style and type of group.
  • Biola Instrument Ensembles – These are open to all students after an audition process. Ensembles include Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Winds, Jazz Ensembles, Brass Ensembles, Percussion Ensemble and numerous chamber ensemble groups.
  • Concert Series – The Conservatory of Music is proud to sponsor a variety of concerts by faculty, students and special guest artists. The Concert Series, annual festivals, master classes and recitals are all offered on Biola's campus. The purpose of these concerts is to reach an ever-increasing audience with excellent music while engaging the culture for the cause of Christ.
  • Biola Pep Band – The Biola Pep Band plays at every home basketball game and utilizes a variety of instruments. Elective credit is offered for participation.
  • The Eddy – Sponsored by Social Board, the Eddy is a free concert series that takes place on Thursday nights outside Common Grounds. Local bands and musicians from Biola use the Eddy as an opportunity for exposure, experience and expression.
  • Music at Noon – On Wednesdays from 12:30 to 1 p.m. guest artists and University faculty perform in a variety of musical styles, including vocal and instrumental. Music at Noon is intended to be an uplifting mid-day break.