Code of Conduct
The Biola Library Code of Conduct is designed to create a safe and quiet environment for all patrons to enjoy. The library and its contents is a shared resource and, as such, requires all patrons to treat it, and the other patrons who use it, with respect and consideration. Library users are responsible for informing themselves of library policies. This code applies to all users of the Biola Library, including faculty, staff and members of the community. Thank you for your cooperation.
Use of the Library
Access to the library is permitted only for purposes of using library resources or studying. Soliciting or loitering is not permitted. Audio recording, videotaping, photography and other audio-visual recording are not permitted except when expressly authorized.
Filming/Recording in the Library
Audio recording, videotaping, photography and other audio-visual recording are not permitted except when expressly authorized. To obtain permission, submit a Library Filming and Recording Request. If approved by the Office of the University Librarian, you will be asked to complete a release form before filming or recording begins.
Library users need to be prepared to provide valid personal identification if asked by library staff or Campus Safety personnel. University students, staff and faculty should carry their ID card at all times when in the library.
Study Environments

The Biola Library provides its users with a variety of study spaces. Library staff members are available to assist users in choosing a study area that meets their needs. Collaboration areas, where minimal conversation is expected, are located in the middle and upper levels of the library. Quiet areas are located in the Reading Room and lower level. Any noise or activity that disturbs the study of other users (such as talking, noise music, etc.) is inappropriate in designated quiet areas. You are invited to politely remind others to maintain an appropriate level of noise. Library staff are available to assist you in maintaining an appropriate study environment in the library.
Reading Room and Mezzanine

The Reading Room and Mezzanine are spaces provided for quiet study, reading, reflection, and other activities. Personal computers with quiet keyboards (such as soft touch keyboards) are permitted. The Reading Room may be occasionally rendered unavailable for library or campus activities.
Group Study Rooms

Group study rooms are available on the upper and lower levels of the library. Study rooms are intended for collaborative study and group projects. Faculty and staff needing space for classes, meetings, or events should contact Campus Coordination to find appropriate space on campus. Groups of two or more people may reserve a study room online with a valid Biola email address. Individuals may not reserve a study room for personal use. Individual study is permitted in group study rooms; however, a group with a valid reservation may ask any occupant without a reservation to vacate a room immediately.
The Library reserves the right to cancel reservations made by non-Biola users or anyone not permitted to use the rooms. The Library is not responsible for the security of personal items. Any items left in rooms after the end of the reservation period may be removed by library staff and placed in the library’s Lost and Found or brought to Campus Safety. Group study rooms are not soundproof. Please keep noise at a reasonable level. Failure to comply with established policies may result in suspension of group study room privileges and/or other library privileges.
Cell Phones and Pagers
Cell phones and pagers are to be turned off or put on silent mode if brought into the library. Patrons may take calls in stairwells or on the Study Terrace.
Food and Drinks
The Biola Library permits the consumption of beverages in covered containers and individual snack-sized food items provided they are consumed in a manner that is respectful of library property and others. All other foods and drinks must be consumed in the Heritage Café, the library entry lobby, the Library Terrace, the Library Food Court, or outside the library.
- Food: Snack foods are permitted.
- Beverages: Lids are required; spill-proof containers with secure lids are preferred.
- Clean it up: wipe up messes, throw away or recycle your food containers and trash. All restrooms have paper towels, and trash containers are available throughout the library.
- "No Fault Policy:" Please notify a library staff member immediately if there is an accident so we can ensure that library materials, furniture and carpeting are properly cleaned.
- Eating non-snack foods: Library staff reserve the right to ask anyone eating non-snack foods or food, to stop eating and put/throw their food away or move to an area of the library designated for meals. Anyone refusing to put or throw away his or her food, or move to a food-designated area, will be asked to leave the library.
- Delivery of food to the library is not permitted, except for scheduled, catered events taking place in the library.
- Permitted beverage containers include:
- disposable cups or bottles with secure lids
- plastic or glass bottles with twist-on lids
- travel mugs and sport-type water bottles
- Permitted food items include:
- individual snack-sized containers of chips, fruit, vegetables, cookies, candy, nuts and other snack foods
- candy bars, granola bars and power bars
- small whole fruits, such as apples or bananas
- Unacceptable food items include:
- excessively aromatic foods
- foods intended for consumption by more than one person (e.g., full meals, burgers, french fries, pizza, soups, salads, burritos, ice cream, large-sized bags or packages of chips, crackers, cookies, doughnuts, etc.)
In order to practice good stewardship of the library and its resources, users must take care when eating or drinking in the facility or when using the library’s furnishings and equipment. Food can be easily spilled on library materials, furniture, equipment and carpet. Particles of food left behind may attract unwanted pests. Furthermore, damages to materials, furniture or carpet may result in replacement costs to the library and make these items unavailable to users. While minimizing risk of damage to library resources, allowing snack foods and covered beverages serves the needs of library users who frequent the library for extended periods of time. Aside from food or drink, respect for others using the Library’s resources should be considered. For example, patrons should not put their feet on the desk surfaces (we provide footstools for that), and patrons should leave equipment as they found it, etc.
Children in the Library
Children less than 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times while in the library. An adult must supervise the children's use of all library equipment and resources and remain with the children at all times.
Bicycles, Scooters and Skateboards
Bicycles and motorized scooters must be placed in the bike racks on the sidewalks outside the library, not left on, or attached to, library ramps or railings. Skateboards and collapsed non-motorized scooters cannot be used inside the building. They must be collapsed where possible and carried in the building and kept on the floor, out of the way of other patrons. These objects can become a hazardous obstacle in an emergency such as a fire or earthquake.
Footwear must be worn in the library at all times for health and safety reasons.
Animals are not allowed in the library building unless they are official guide or assistance animals.
Unattended Items

Personal items should not be left unattended, even for a few minutes. Biola University Library is not responsible for thefts or vandalism to personal property that is left unattended. Items left unattended may be removed by Campus Safety or library personnel. Items left unattended in a group study room may be removed by other library users and brought to Lost and Found or Campus Safety.
Unacceptable and Illegal Activities
Any behavior that hinders the operation of the library or library users’ ability to study or use library resources is unacceptable. Library staff may ask users to leave if they create a disturbance, pose a safety threat, refuse to abide by library policies, or otherwise diminish the use and enjoyment of the library by others. Failure or refusal to comply with the library staff’s directives will be reported to Campus Safety officials. Library administration may also revoke a user’s library privileges.
The following activities are deemed unacceptable in the library:
- Unplugging, removing or attempting to remove library equipment or property without authorization from library staff.
- Viewing sexually explicit material using library computers or a personal device.
- Posting of announcements, flyers, personal invitations, etc. in or on library property.
- Concealing library materials in the library for the exclusive use of an individual or group.
- Ruining library materials by marking, underlining, removing pages or portions of pages, removing binding, removing electronic theft-prevention devices, or in any other way damaging or defacing library materials, furniture, equipment, walls, or any other part of the building.
- Smoking in the building or near entrances and exits. Biola is a smoke-free campus.
- Failing to respect copyright laws, including persistent downloading, printing or saving of copyrighted information to library computers or personal devices.
- Loitering in restricted areas of the library or remaining in the library after closing.
- Opening emergency exits except in case of an emergency.
- Making threats against library staff or patrons.
- Conducting inappropriate public displays of affection.
- Relocating library furniture.
- Running power cords in traffic areas. This creates a tripping hazard to others and could result in damage to your equipment.
Library staff will immediately call Campus Safety officials if patrons engage in any illegal activities.