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Student Initiatives

Each semester, SGA allocates money from its budget to a contingency fund, which exists to fund student initiatives on campus. In order to receive funding, students may present a proposal to the Senate, who then vote to pass or deny the request.


What is a Student Initiative?

A student initiative is an idea for a project or event that is student-focused and student-run. It is usually a new idea that is not originated or funded by another department on Biola’s campus. The Senate funds student initiatives that showcase students’ creativity, support the SGA mission and vision, and develop community among a large audience or variety of people. Student initiatives should also fill a need on campus and help students to better connect to the university and to each other.

In an effort to steward the student fee well, the Senate has specified the following standards for the types of initiatives they will fund. These standards exist to guide both current and future Senates in determining the most appropriate uses of contingency funding.

The following proposals will generally not be funded by the Senate:

  • Academic projects that are required as part of a grade or for credit.
  • Film production costs.
    • While we will not fund production costs, we will still provide funding for student film premiers.
  • Events or initiatives that aren’t geared to the student body.
  • Requests for funds for another university department’s events or initiatives. SGA will provide some funding to other department events if:
    • An SGA staff member has an active partnership role in planning and managing the event.
    • Contingency funds remain in an SGA account, rather than being transferred to the department’s account.
    • SGA is branded at the event.
  • Requests for funds to be donated directly to charitable causes. Students may request funds to plan an event that fundraises donations, but contingency money cannot be donated directly. In either case, Biola will not be able to provide proof of donation or tax write-off forms.
  • Anything submitted by someone other than a member of the undergraduate student body. The Senate does not hear proposals from faculty, staff or alumni. Anything that violates contract or university and community standards, or does not align with the SGA mission and vision statement.


The Proposal Process

After the Senate receives a proposal, they will gather feedback from their constituents. In the following week, the Senate will vote unless they need further details about the proposal. In this case the vote will be postponed. Same day voting will only take place in the case of financial emergency or at the discretion of the senior vice president. The proposal may be approved for the full amount, partial amount or denied completely. The senior vice president will notify the proposer of the outcome. If funds were allocated, the proposer will be instructed to contact the VP of finance for further instructions.


How to Submit a Student Initiative