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Resources for Contributors

For Writers

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The goal is to develop a document that includes the following kinds of materials and information:

  • Preference is given to a picture of them in their earlier years, not after retirement. Feel free to locate and include several photos for the editors to select from.
  • Photos in electronic format are preferred. Save as high-resolution JPEG files and submit separately.

Provide a brief (3–4 sentence) paragraph addressing the person's birth date (and death date if necessary), denominational tradition, and major contributions to the field of Christian education (CE). This will be used with the picture as an introduction to the entry.

Biographical information should be as thorough as possible, 5 to 10 pages long and in APA format. All material in this entry should be submitted as a Word document. Text should be single-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman.

  • Include reference list of published biographical information, if available
  • Sources:
    • Begin by reviewing their own writings for information about them.
    • If dead, locate obituaries, colleagues, family members.
    • If living, locate and request vita and/or other relevant materials.
    • If book or journal issue published in their memory, locate.
    • Check encyclopedia or dictionary of CE, "Who's Who" books.
    • Check books on history/philosophy/theology of CE, intro to CE texts.
    • Check dissertations, journal articles, about them or their ideas.
    • If living and published materials about them are limited, do an interview or request an autobiographical overview of their life.
    • Search in relevant databases for the person as subject.
  • Information to look for:
    • Birth information, where they grew up, religious background, full educational background, who they studied under, dissertation topic, educational ministry experience, major influences on their thinking, focus of early writings, major writings/projects, major contributions to the field of CE, teaching experience, people they in turn influenced, positions held, organizations they started or belonged to, death information

  • Locate and review other people's assessments of their contribution/influence in CE. What were they noted for? Who did they influence?
  • Check books on the history of CE and books that review various approaches to CE.
  • Check Religious Education Journal (REJ) and Christian Education Journal (CEJ) for historical or philosophical comparison articles.
  • Search for them as subject in relevant databases.
  • Give your own assessment of their impact on the field of CE.

Try for an exhaustive list, including publications, audio and video tapes and unpublished works. Note where collections of their work or about their work are located.

  • If living, see if they have a list they can give you (may be in their vita).
  • Check recent books they wrote for references to their other works.
  • If dead, see if REJ has a notice of their death that would include their published works.
  • If retired or deceased, the last school they taught at may be of some help (library archives, CE department, etc.).
  • Check dissertations or other studies about them to see if there is a list of works already compiled (give credit to the source if you use this).
  • Search in online databases for them as subject.
  • Use APA format — see sample sheet from project director.
  • If the lists you use do not include all expected information, please note this.

  • Religious Education Journal and Christian Education Journal may have reviewed some of their writings.
  • See "Book Reviews" database.
  • Check ATLA, RTA, Dissertation Abstracts, ProQuest Religion, WorldCat, etc.

  • Identify and provide selections that give an insight into the person's ideas. We will seek permission to include some in the entry if possible.
  • Try to identify 3–4 excerpts that give a good introduction to the person's perspective on CE. Identify and include these excerpts with the final draft of this project (along with full reference info in APA format).

  • For those seeking an introduction to the person’s life, ideas and insights.
  • Provide annotation (2–3 sentences) to help the reader know what the work is about.

  • Be on the lookout for other types of materials about the person or by them.
  • Example: What library has the most materials by this person? Is there an archive you can recommend? Are there websites you can recommend?

Your name, degree and alma mater, position title and institution served and any previous research or publications you have carried out related to this person.

For Reviewers

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The goal is to develop a document that includes the following kinds of materials and information:

We will handle the photos. You will not have to worry about this.

Does the summary paragraph address the major aspects of this person's life and work? Does it include birth/death information, denominational affiliation (if important), major contributions?

Biographical information should be as thorough as possible, 5 to 10 pages long and in APA format. Read this essay for completeness of major information about the person. Check to see if it contains information about the following:

  • Birth information, where the person grew up, early religious background
  • Educational background from bachelor's degree and higher, including who the person studied under, dissertation topic
  • Educational ministry and teaching experience (where, when)
  • Major influences on thinking, focus of early work/writings
  • Major initiatives/projects/writings undertaken
  • People the person influenced who went on to contribute to the field
  • Positions held, organizations belonged to, groups begun
  • If retired: information about post-retirement life, contributions or activities
  • If deceased: death information

If possible, do a quick check in resources available to you to see if this essay is thorough and accurate.

This section will be more subjective. Please read it to see if you think the author fairly represents the impact of this person on the field of Christian education. If not, please note what you think should be addressed. If you have pertinent information that the author does not take into account in this essay, please write a brief explanation for us to send to the author.

This section is to be an exhaustive listing of materials by and about this person. Check to see if this bibliography includes everything you are aware of by this person. If not, please identify any additional materials that ought to be included, or resources that should be checked for more items. The list should include books, articles, book reviews, audio tapes, video tapes, unpublished works, and the location(s) of special collections of papers. It can be broken into two sections: works by the person, and works about the person.

  1. Please do a quick check in a few relevant online databases to see if the author has identified all relevant materials by and about this person. (Including WorldCat, ATLA, Religious and Theological Abstracts, ERIC, Dissertation Abstracts. Note: Search for them both as author and as subject.)
  2. Are all entries in proper APA format? Please check the format of the entries to see if they conform to APA standards. If not, note those that need to be revised. (See sample sheet.)

The author was to identify selections from publications that give an insight into this person's ideas. We will seek permission to include some in the web-page entry if possible. Please read over the entries identified. In your opinion, do they communicate the author's ideas well? If not, are there other excerpts you would recommend be used? Please identify. Also, do the entries include a full reference in APA format?

The author was to identify a reading list for people who are not familiar with this person's ideas/efforts and include annotations to introduce each publication. Does the list identified provide a good introduction? If not, what other readings would you recommend be included? Are the annotations helpful? Please give your suggestions in APA format.

Do you have any other suggestions for how this entry might be improved? Feel free to comment on writing style and clarity, other resources or information about the subject that should be shared with our readers.

Is the author’s name, degree and school, position title and institution served and any information about previous research and writing on this person included?