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Emotional Well-being

Building Resilience in Overwhelm

College is a time of significant transition. For most students, this transition into adulthood comes with some adversity. Whether it’s relational or family difficulties, academic stressors, mental health concerns, spiritual struggles or trouble sticking to healthy practices, no student is immune to times of hardship. As a community, we want to provide support, care and guidance during the highs and lows of your college experience, even as you learn to draw on the resources of God and community to build resilience as you face challenges.

    Overwhelm is a community-wide reality

    What Biola Students Say

    Learning to cope with life stressors is a skill that takes time. The question is not if we’ll come across difficulties, but how we choose to respond when difficulty comes. Our prayer is that you’ll build resilience and grit as you encounter new challenges that come with college life, engaging resources given by God through his community to grow in the midst of struggle.

    • 91%

    of students felt overwhelmed with all they had to do.

    • 65%

    felt overwhelming anxiety.

    • 89%

    felt exhausted.

    Campus Resources

    What one small step can you take to practice emotional well-being?

    Learn & Practice Self-Care

    Check out Campus Resources & Events

    • Learn skills for healthy relationships through the Center for Marriage and Relationships.
    • Follow the blogs and events put on by Peer Wellness Ambassadors that help foster wellness in college life.
    • Connect with Financial Aid to demystify the financial aid process.
    • Get your basic needs met at the Biola Shares food pantry.
    • If you’re starting to feel ill, stop by the Health Center - located conveniently in the middle of campus - for complimentary over-the-counter medicines from the Self-Help wall.
    • Discuss how to address academic overwhelm with an academic mentor.

    Build your Community

    Develop your Skills in Classes & Workshops

    Talk about Your Concerns

    Additional Resources from Biola

    Chantelle Gibbs speaking at Afterdark Chapel
    Strength to Strength: Joy Amidst Trials

    Watch this video to hear Chantelle Gibbs speak at the Biola Afterdark Chapel.

    Todd Pickett speaking at undergraduate chapel
    Spiritual Formation in Life's Difficulties

    Watch Rev. Dr. Todd Pickett speak at Biola University undergraduate chapel.

    Aundrea Paxton speaking at Afterdark chapel
    The Trap of Anxiety

    Aundrea Paxton, psychologist, shares about the trap of anxiety and her personal struggles with anxiety during this Afterdark chapel.

    Christina Lee Kim speaking at Torrey Memorial Bible Conference
    With God Through the Valley of the Shadow

    Christina Lee Kim discusses God’s presence in our darkness as she shares her story of grief.

    Student studying with computer
    How to Survive the First Day of School

    Read this GRIT blog post by Celeste Scott on how to survive the first day of school.

    Writing in the clouds
    Life Comes At You Fast

    Read this GRIT blog post by Marijane Fasana on adapting to change.

    Think Biblically podcast with JP Moreland
    Dealing with Anxiety and Depression

    In this Think Biblically podcast, J.P. Moreland shares his struggle openly and has wonderful, practical advice for those who wrestle with anxiety and depression.

    CCT logo
    Gratitude: Good for our Mind and Soul

    Psychologists Jeffrey Froh and Giacomo Bono discuss the importance of gratitude toward God and others for living a flourishing life on the CCT blog.