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Relational Well-being

Fostering Meaningful Relationships

Biola is a wonderful Christian community - and it takes time and effort to get plugged in to meaningful relationships. In your initial season at Biola it may feel like you don’t yet belong. But don’t give up! Whether you are a commuter, transfer or residential student, find a group to connect with. Keep showing up. And when relational stress hits, work through those challenges. The reward of rich, time-tested relationships is worth it. You’re not alone!

    About their longing for community and belonging

    What Biola Students Say

    • 95%

    of students say it's important for me to have close friendships at Biola.

    • 72%

    of students felt very lonely within the last 12 months.

      • 36%

      of students reported that family problems felt traumatic or very difficult to handle.

      • 37%

      of students reported that trouble in relationships with roommates/friends felt traumatic or very difficult to handle.

      Sources: Wake Forest Well-being Assessment, Spring 2019; National College Health Assessment, Spring 2018

      Campus Resources

      What one small step can you take to build your relationships?

      Learn & Practice Self-Care

      Check out Campus Resources & Events

      Build your Community

      Develop your Skills in Classes & Workshops

      Talk about Your Concerns

      Additional Resources from Biola

      Chris Barragan speaking at chapel
      Loneliness and the Art of Friendships

      Chris Barragan speaks about loneliness and friendships at the Biola Hour chapel.

      Susan Lim speaking at chapel
      Loneliness and Jehovah-Shammah

      Dr. Susan Lim shares at Biola's annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference.

      Carrie Stockton speaking at chapel
      Flourishing in Singleness

      Dr. Carrie Stockton reminds us that our marital status does not determine our core identity. She invites us to see that God is actively and presently working in the circumstances He's placed us in.

      Lisa Igram speaking at chapel
      Radical Hospitality

      Dr. Lisa Igram, speaks about radical hospitality at Biola University undergrad chapel.

      Group of friends together in the sunset

      Read this GRIT blogpost by Jasmyne Bell on belonging and the need for community.

      Three girls hugging
      Unexpected Friendships

      Read this GRIT blogpost by Chantel Barnard on friendships with people whose views are different than yours.

      People walking on Biola's campus
      Alone at Last

      Read this GRIT blogpost from alumna Rachel Stanley where she wrestles with the idea of being lonely versus being alone.

      Wesley Hill speaking at chapel
      Spiritual Friendship

      Watch this chapel video of Professor Wesley Hill of Trinity College discussing the value and potential in friendship that often goes unrecognized in the modern Christian community. Hill relates his own experience and the experience of friends struggling with same-sex attraction, saying that perhaps an elevated understanding of friendship could change the conversation on homosexuality and celibacy.

      Veola Vasquez speaking for the Center for Marriage and Relationships
      Help! My Friendships Are Really Shallow!

      In this video from the Center for Marriage and Relationships, Veola Vasquez discusses how to foster depth in friendships.