Being at Biola, surrounded by professors and friends living so faithfully for Christ, inspired me to deepen my faith too. Torrey helped me to read and think about the Bible in ways I never had, and my art professors helped me to understand the ways in which I could use my God-given talents and desires to better serve his kingdom and people. ”
Students can get a substantial business degree or science degree anywhere, but there are very few places that provide an immersive experience in vocational discovery and furthering theological belief in God. ”
My appreciation for Talbot’s M.Div. program, goes beyond the classroom setting. Talbot School of Theology has given me the opportunity to cultivate lifelong friendships, mentorship and opportunities to thrive within my current role as an Army Chaplain.”
My experience at Rosemead was characterized by pronounced formation, both professionally and personally. It was the place where person met profession to forge the genesis of a meaningful vocational pursuit that serves as both a motive and incentive for my work. I remain truly humbled by and beholden to the professors, clients, cohort, and friends who have shown me what it is to live boldly, to heal courageously, and to encourage others to do the same. ”
Rosemead has contributed to my growth, not only professionally but also personally, through the relationships that I developed with my peers and professors. It offers great clinical training that gave me the tools to integrate my worldview with being a psychologist. It was always obvious that Rosemead cared about creating a supportive learning environment.”
The program equipped me to be a self-directed learner who takes primary charge of planning, continuing and evaluating my learning process. It also improved my capacity to conduct empirical research on any subject. In addition, the program challenged me to be a transformative Christian teacher. These qualities have a strong impact on my career path. ”
Biola offers amazing resources — from prayer projects, conferences, the counseling department, spiritual direction, to free online teachings and talks. Wherever I am in my spiritual journey, there is a resource I can turn to offered by Biola that is helpful. ”
The ISF program was life changing in that it allowed me the understanding to bring my whole life to God — not just my head to learn knowledge or my hands to serve people. I was encouraged to bring all of myself. My heart and my story was welcomed in this space without judgment from the professors and with hope held out for me in Jesus. Leaving moral formation behind and learning that I am called to truly abide and BE with Christ, as He leads me on the path for my life.”
I teach personal finance at a Christian university and appreciate how Biola’s program fully integrates the Biblical, behavioral, and financial considerations of personal financial planning. The courses provide a solid understanding of financial concepts and challenge students to view these principles through a Biblical lens. Whether you plan a career in financial planning or education – or simply want to better steward the generous gifts God has given you – I highly recommend this program. ”
Biola's Personal Financial Planning program and Dr. Enete changed my life professionally, personally, and spiritually. The quality of the program's education and the exposure helped me attain my AFC certification and get selected as a Personal Financial Readiness Specialist for the United States Army. I am now confident in pursuing my CFP career. Yet, I feel humble and rooted in godly wisdom and biblical truth regarding finances. This program is excellent, a genuine blessing, and has prepared me to impact the kingdom of God radically. ”
The ISF program and curriculum went beyond the text of the Word to invite me into a true experiential relationship with Christ. Leaving moral formation behind and learning that I am called to truly abide and BE with Christ, as He leads me on the path for my life.”
The combination of competitive education and Christian development is unique to Biola and couldn't have imagined a better place to be trained before entering medical school!”
The integration of faith in business at Biola helped me to become a more faithful follower of Jesus Christ. ”
As a career changer, I was looking for a financial planning program that would prepare me to serve people from a Biblical perspective. Having completed the program, I can say it more than met my hopes and expectations. The faculty have a genuine heart for God that comes through in every lesson. I highly recommend the Personal Financial Planning graduate certificate at Biola if you want to grow your heart-knowledge as well as your head-knowledge for financial planning. ”
Know what you believe and why you believe it. The MACA program at Biola will help you accomplish this so that you can give to others “the reason for the hope you have” in Christ. ”
...the faculty went out of their way to support my career ambitions and encouraged me throughout the entire process and helped me pursue my ambitions while maintaining my faith.”
Because my professors chose to invest their time in helping me process where the Lord was calling me after Biola, I was accepted into Columbia University's MPH Program with an emphasis in Epidemiology shortly after graduating from Biola.”
Biola's training in faith perspectives has been instrumental during my graduate studies. Biola's faith integration allows for continual recognition of God's peace and beauty that blossoms out of difficulty. The body was designed to work right, and when it doesn't, God gives us the knowledge to solve problems.”
As a Speech Language Pathologist, I serve people at their most vulnerable. The professors at Biola addressed the spiritual, emotional, and mental struggles that many patients will face. After graduation and as I entered the field, I feel that I was well equipped to enter the workforce in whatever setting I chose to work.”
...People attend Biola to not only obtain a degree, but to establish a foundation along the way.”
I will highly encourage students to join Mathematics if they want to truly understand how mathematics works from a biblical perspective...While this is a tough program, professors are here to help you every step of the way and ensure your academic success. In regards to the secondary education emphasis, Biola has allowed me to truly stand out as an educator. ”
It was humbling being surrounded by so many bright minds in my field, from intelligent and caring professors to hard-working and sharp students...Biola does an amazing job in connecting your career with your faith and showing that they're not mutually exclusive.”
I appreciated the community the most during my time at Biola. I felt that everyone knew my story and invested in me with their words of encouragement and presence. Through all of my failures and victories, the ISF community held me up in times of struggle and also celebrated with me in times of joy. ”
If you have an opportunity to engage in this program, take it! You will grow in ways you did not expect, learn to be with Jesus in the hard places, and see the invitations that God is extending to you in the mundane and glorious things.”
My M.A. in TESOL (online) came in the midst of my career and helped me become a better teacher. Through the program I saw my skills honed, my understanding of the field deepened, and my passion for teaching reinvigorated. ”
...rooting my education in Christ allowed me to go into the field excited to be the best engineer I can be and know that no matter the outcome of my efforts, my identity is not in my work, but in Christ.”
Biola has instilled in me to trust that God is at mission with me in any interaction, decision making, or experience in the workplace, positioning me in such position where He is exalted and glorified.”
Classes have transformed me wholeheartedly and the knowledge added has enlightened me. I now want to give it back to the society through teaching others to be transformed and change their society.”
Studying Chemistry has allowed me to appreciate God's intricate design of the universe on a macroscopic scale, as well as on an atomic level. ”
If you are serious about science, Biola has what you need to pursue it for a career. If you want to sit in the intersection of science and faith, I beg you to come and learn that science is God's magic trick, in which we are continually discovering and being amazed by how he did it. If you are serious about Jesus Christ or perhaps trying to answer that question, then come and learn about the Nazarene.”
I have benefited tremendously from my education in Intercultural Studies. Intercultural Studies prepared me to thoughtfully consider the complexities involved in engaging with those of a different culture. Each day, I work with individuals from all over the country and world. Being equipped with tools to consider others’ worldviews has allowed me to communicate more effectively and cultivate healthier team dynamics. Soon, I will be going overseas and feel well-prepared to acclimate to a new culture, communicate effectively with a multicultural team, and share the gospel in a culturally relevant manner. ”
Biola CMA allowed me to focus on what I was passionate about, personalized my education, and just allowed me to turn into the young professional woman I am today.”
Come with an expectation that you will hear from God. Be faithful in your studies. Apply what you learn and you will blessed.”
Aside from my church, there is no other institution to which I feel a greater attachment and a greater appreciation.”
My professors not only taught and guided me but also challenged me, befriended and mentored me, and above all walked alongside me.”
If you want to work in church ministry, this should be the only option you consider. It is the best preparation you can receive in the undergrad setting for vocational ministry.”
My time at Biola gave me the theological foundation needed... and the ministry skills I need to be able to meet our customers and ministry partners where they are and care for them as whole people rather than just seeing my role as a purely business one.”
Those considering the Ph.D. program at CSICS will find the program challenging and Christ-centered. Scholarly research aligns with spiritual discernment and a commitment to proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
The breadth of teaching was deeply appreciated. Being part of a cohort helped as we sharpened each others' studies and walk with the Lord.”
I cannot imagine the person I'd be if it were not for the people I met at Biola who poured into me everyday. ”
One of the most wonderful things about Biola is that professors there are so concerned with educating students as whole people, not just meeting certain academic outcomes. I was deeply mentored and educated by my Biola professors in ways that I am constantly grateful for, and that have benefited me in every domain of life.”
I am so thankful for how the curriculum and faculty/staff have built us into who we are today. I greatly appreciate Crowell and the care they bring to students at Biola.”
The cultural awareness and interpersonal skills I gained in my Intercultural studies have been vital to my everyday work in advising humanitarian workers and assessing the security dynamics in the various countries they serve in. ”
As I’m doing business, I recognize more and more the gaps in communication in international business that I can now thoroughly fill because of the way I was prepared through the ICS to foster connection across cultures. ”
I knew that I would learn about God and get an education, but never realized how awesome my instructors at Biola would be. Every one of them takes God seriously and demonstrates his love to students. The faculty here far exceeds other colleges — and I’ve been at five other schools.”
The knowledge and resources I gained from this program made an immediate impact on my career. The biblical integration in my courses not only helped me open my heart to living a God-centered life, but left me with a desire to learn more. ”
SOE prepared me with knowledge and positive attitude toward my work. I have been able to apply my knowledge to my work and to work with my coworkers and family daycare providers in positive manners. Also, I have been able to better understand and embrace difference cultures since I took classes focusing on dealing with families from different backgrounds. ”
The faculty and staff at Biola really go out of their way to make sure each student is taken care of; not only in their academic journey but in their personal/spiritual journey as well. ”
The guides placed in my life, in the form of teachers and mentors, helped to ready me technically, spiritually and mentally, as they pushed me to ask better questions and to practice my instrument with a daily faithfulness which was separate from musical "passion." ”
We had professors who were mentors and examples for us as educators and also in their daily lives outside of work. Learning and studying at Biola also helps you learn not to compartmentalize your faith and let Christ lead in everything. ”
The program helped me become more confident in my Spanish, and prepared me with necessary tools to use Spanish in different contexts.”
My program instilled in me invaluable critical and analytical thinking skills, the importance of dialogue and discussion in pursuing solutions to questions, and the habit of disciplined work.”
The program at Biola prepared me to develop a narrative, write long-form content and sustain an argument, edit my work and help others edit theirs, receive and implement feedback, and think critically about texts/arguments.”
Biola gave me a strong foundation in Jesus' teachings and actions, and the English program specifically taught me to think critically about the story and character of Jesus.”
My program at Biola prepared me to think biblically and critically about the world around me. Biola offered me understanding and preparation that equipped me for the mechanics of church ministry, from a church's functions and systems down to the personal ministry.”
One of the things I am definitely most appreciative of are the professors at Biola, who see you not as a number or "just another student," but rather as unique individuals created with the ability to impact the world in their own way. The amount of time my professors have poured into me, whether it be staying late after class, grabbing coffee or meeting on Zoom, has made a profound impact on my life. ”
The PR faculty are flexible around my work schedule, and have enabled me to thrive! This program has helped me achieve my professional goals, while also growing in my faith along the way. I couldn't have asked for a better program to further my education as a working professional. I highly recommend the Biola PR program to anyone who wants to advance their career, grow in faith, and be challenged by incredible educators. Biola PR has helped prepare me for a career in PR leadership and taught me how to think about public relations from a faith-based perspective. You won't be able to find the quality of education, and the flexibility of schedule, in any other PR program. The PR faculty have been by my side every step of the way, ensuring my success. ”
The faculty at Biola provided me with the support, encouragement and foundation I needed to head into law school. Both in and out of class the professors were available prepare me for my future as a law student, lawyer and as a Christian in the professional world. No where else do you find professionals so grounded on the word of God and so knowledgeable about the world you are about to enter. ”
My program at Biola prepared me for my career by instilling in me a completely new understanding of how the world and society is structured and organized. The sociology program provided me with crucial insight into systems, structures, and social identities as well as giving me an understanding for how these either oppress or liberate different communities. ”
The education I received at Biola helped me refine my worldview, deepened the courage of my convictions, and showed me how law can impact and further the Kingdom of God. This foundation has been crucial for me personally and professionally as I begin my career in law, and is something for which I will always be thankful. ”
The thoughtful integration of a biblical worldview in classes has allowed me to see my gift in cybersecurity as a direct ministry to pursue justice and protect those who are vulnerable to attack. From professors to students the community and loving-kindness I have experienced here is quite like nothing I have experienced anywhere else. Biola has equipped me to winsomely yet boldly share my faith with others and has taught me how to praise God in the highs yet to lament well in the lows of life. If I had one single piece of advice to students considering computer science it would be to not fear failure; surely, we have a God who is greater than our biggest mountains.”
Biola fully equipped me to go out into the world not only in my field but more importantly, spiritually. I was surrounded on all sides with support from friends, professors, and counselors. I can say with complete confidence that the professors at Biola are there to support me in all ways- I can’t begin to count how many times I went to a professor and was met with prayer, support, grace, and kindness. As I am now going out into the world to become a math teacher, I feel fully prepared to lead and support my students in Christ, and how math and my faith all fit together. I feel blessed to be a Biola alumnus. I am thankful for an education that has fully equipped me to practice my faith and worship the Lord in all aspects of my life, particularly in my field!”
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Biola as a math major and computer science minor. The environment fostered close relationships with classmates and professors without compromising on excellent education.”
There isn't enough space in a quote to share all the blessings God has gifted me through the Biola Math Department. All I can say is that I arrived at Biola knowing no one, but on leaving felt as though I'd left family. Besides the academic rigor and career training, I have been mentored, guided, and inspired to use my gifts to serve God and others—just like I'd been served by the Christ-like faculty and upperclassmen.”
During my time at Biola University, I have seen how God has integrated mathematics into our universe and how searching for mathematical truths is a form of worshiping Him. I have enjoyed countless hours studying the beauty of mathematics with friends, colleagues, and professors. I am excited to continue studying mathematics at the graduate level with the tools that Biola has equipped me with.”
Both the Spanish and the education programs at Biola helped prepare me for my career by providing a firm foundation in my faith and in the Spanish language. The Spanish program helped me gain a deeper understanding of the Spanish language which has now provided me with an opportunity to help my students gain an appreciation for Spanish and the cultures as well.”
The PR program at Biola challenged and developed my character, which is far greater than any hard or soft skill I learned in the classroom.”
Since being here at Biola, I’ve picked up on some things that set Biola apart, perhaps most notably the emphasis on spiritual formation. Rather than having a lot of new knowledge in our brains but no new transformation in our souls, I am loving the way Biola is deeply concerned with the people we are becoming. No matter what our vocations are, Biola wants to prepare us to impact the world for Christ, just like our mission statement says. ”
My degree has helped me work in a variety of fields including fundraising, marketing, and information technology. Since graduating, I have used my communication skills to develop a blog, lead a small group, get a master's degree in executive leadership, and change career fields. I'm so grateful for everything I learned in Biola's communication studies department and how it prepared me for life after graduation.”
I was pleasantly surprised with how much networking occurred organically. The relationships I’ve built because of Biola have been phenomenal. I can’t put a price on it. It’s only continued to grow abundantly since my graduation.”
I chose Biola University for my MBA because of the professors. The time and care that they exhibit for the students was really impactful for me.”
Crowell has a mentorship program that matches you with a business professional. The mentors walk with you through your professional growth and challenge you to be more intentional in the workplace.”
The Crowell School of Business offers an excellent program. It’s proven to be effective at equipping business professionals who have strong ethical backgrounds. All while looking at business through the lens of the Christian perspective. I think it’s the best MBA program out there. It’s affordable and practical. The professors are exceptional and they’re so driven to help us succeed.”
A lot of traditional programs focus on only professional development. This program allowed me to focus on both my professional and spiritual growth. It challenged me to think about the kingdom impact I’m making as a leader.”
Looking back at my years at Biola, I can’t forget the community where we shared the same interests and passion in theatre. Since it is an intimate program, I was able to be involved in so many different parts of theatre, and this led me to find my strength in stage management. Also, the most remarkable advice I got from a professor was: “There are no mistakes. We are always there to support one another.” Coming from a foreign country, I was somewhat passive during theatre classes at first, but the encouragement and trust I’ve received from teachers and colleagues has provided me with a stable environment to hone my skills as a theatre practitioner. ”
Going to Biola was an easy decision for me. I wanted to choose a place where I could hone my craft, but also grow my faith, because I knew the entertainment industry was so dark. Biola did that for me. I got to create beautiful pieces of art through theatre, in all aspects. Not only did I get to learn more about being an actress, but I also discovered a passion for stage management and properties design. What is amazing about this program is that the intimate size allowed me to pick and choose what I wanted to do and learn. Things weren't sugar coated, I knew coming out of this program my career in the entertainment industry wasn't going to be easy. I am so thankful for my time here and the relationships I built, because of them I am starting to thrive in my field. ”
Biola gave me so much more than just a degree to enter the field of music education. The courses, communities, and professors at Biola taught me how to truly impact the world for Christ by pursuing my career with the fervor and excellence that is reflective of our Creator. The skills and disciplines I cultivated at Biola are priceless tools that will forever propel my career and desire to seek Christ in all that I do. ”
My time at Biola prepared me for life as a young composer in more ways than one. My mentors gave me priceless guidance, both artistic and practical, in succeeding as a professional musician. I know I can approach any new project, commission, or collaboration with confidence because of what I learned at the Biola Conservatory. ”
The faculty in the program are excellent scholars and teachers. They care about fostering a robust, yet humble life of the mind. They are intentional and experienced at equipping Christians to serve the world and their local community in ways that really matter. It is truly a program where you can build lasting friendships with like-minded people.”
This program gave me the opportunity to grow and learn in ways that have impacted the way I think and engage with the world around me. I appreciated the freedom it gave me as a student to pursue other career interests and integrate them within the program. The caliber of the Talbot faculty was and is amazing, and I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to get to know them on both the academic and person level. ”
I would recommend it for the quality of the education, the strong sense of community, and the warm culture that professors have created. I felt challenged to grow in philosophy, but most of all in my walk with Christ. They did an amazing job showing how each class integrated with being a disciple of Jesus.”
It was obvious that the program was superior in its preparation in teaching students. The professors' pedagogical styles have helped inform and enrich my own way of teaching over the years, and their interest in my family and spiritual life was meaningful and impactful.”
While the academic training here at Biola is the primary focus, practical business and interpersonal relationship training is paramount for success in the “real world.” The staff and faculty here have provided mentorship and biblical guidance in addition to knowledge of theory and composition that has developed my character as well as my craft. Without this, I would be simply a determined, but misguided, young mind, lost in pipe dreams.”
Biola gave me many vital life skills that transferred over into my career. Biola also directly prepared me for grad school at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. The mentors and teachers I met at Biola pushed me toward good and challenging things in my life. My education at Biola taught me to think for myself, try hard at what I’m good at, and to go through the doors that God opens for me.”
I chose to go to Biola for the community and how small the class sizes are. The fact that I graduated 7 years ago and I am still in contact with Professor Dewey, Professor Rood and Professor Christensen shows how much of an interest and mentorship the professors at Biola put toward their students. I liked that I was not just another number and that they came along side of me throughout my four years there. I appreciated the faith integration in each class as well. ”
Even though I did not enter into the field of music therapy until after my years at Biola, the knowledge I gained was immensely important. I received a high-quality music education, which allowed me to enter into the field of music therapy with confidence and ease. Now, I get an opportunity to serve marginalized individuals with music every day. I am able to walk alongside people, using music to decrease their anxiety, help them express their emotions, or simply give them a voice to be heard.”
Biola really prepared me not just for my field, but how to figure out how to impact the world for Christ as a journalist… By being honest, by being truthful, by living for the truth in word and in deed — that’s how we as Christian journalists, as I learned through my classes, are really supposed to be.”
As someone who has no law background, my boss was impressed that I was able to pick up on the jargon and thought process so quickly. I have to say thanks to the communication studies department at Biola for teaching me to think both critically and analytically that has helped me adapt to my current occupation.”
Although I had already been teaching for many years, the TESOL Online program enabled me to hone my skills and widen my horizons. It also opened up the opportunity for me to train others here in Europe who wanted to use English as outreach. ”
Some lessons and truths took a long time for me to digest. But I can often refer back to them even now, 25 years later ... I can definitely say that my ability to translate my experience with Christ with integrity in another culture, and therefore more effectively in my own culture, was greatly enhanced.”
I was prepared for both fieldwork and for academic pursuits like research from my time at Biola and I got a great idea of the breadth and depth of the field of applied linguistics.”
I am biased, but I think that this is the best Christian Ministries program in America.”
My program taught me not only terminology and theories, but the practical application excellent educators need.”
Getting to understand who God is has given me a desire to seek Him more.”
The more I put into the program, the more God blessed the work. This was well worth the time devoted to learning.”
My experience in the Philosophy program at Talbot established a foundation of scholarship and networking within the academy that still helps me today. The relationships I formed throughout my time, with scholars at Biola and beyond, introduced a wide range of academic projects and possibilities.”
The faculty of the M.A. Philosophy program at Talbot were a supportive, encouraging and wise group of people that helped foster a lot of intellectual growth...”
At Talbot I learned how to focus on what was most relevant. Now when I turn my attention to various theological problems, I'm able to cut to the heart of the issue.”
... I feel empowered to ask good questions and seek community as I follow Jesus.”
... I learned that spiritual health is so vital in the business of caring for others. I can confidently say I have come out of Biola a stronger Christian, trusting God in everything I do.”
Learning practical skills in my field of broadcast journalism showed me my faith and my passion can work together.”
I spent four years in an environment that took human flourishing seriously — that challenged me to ask what it means to seek shalom — and it changed how I view the world.”
Biola helped me understand what I believed since I was small more deeply and more clearly.”
Biola was the perfect environment for what a person should do during their college years: discover and choose who they are. ”
... Biola helped equip me to be a light in my industry and in all that I do. ”
As believers, we need to be on the front lines taking care of the Lord's creation. ”
It is incredible to be involved in the Biola community.”
... Through the examples of my fellow classmates and my professors I learned how to serve others.”
... Some of my favorite electives were in the philosophy of science and cultural anthropology - areas of knowledge I still draw on in my workplace today.”
... Biola taught me to approach every field of study by integrating the full authority of God’s Word. ”
... My eyes were opened to the power of Christ — I learned so much.”
Biola taught me that the questions that I struggled with actually had answers and that I could be confident in what I believe, that it's the most factual and logical thing to believe.”
My time at Biola helped me to look for Jesus in every area of my life, whether it seems "Christian" or not.”
To have the expectation that everything you do will one way or another be rooted in Christ deeply impacts you as a Christian.”
I may not have been called to global mission fields like some friends at Biola, but God can still use us in our businesses to further his kingdom.”
Before Biola I thought faith and science just ran alongside each other but now I know that the two go hand in hand.”
The professors at Biola were invested in me as a person as much as they were in my learning. They gave me all of the core science background I needed in preparation for the MCATs and medical school.”
... It has been helpful to remember that despite those who laugh at God being in control of anything, they're spending their time discovering how things work in the laws that he made for creation.”
I utilized the same critical thinking in philosophical and theological texts as I did with scientific theories and evidence and found them all complementary in leading me closer to the incredible beauty and wonder of our God.”
I came to Biola with ambitions for my own accomplishments. But I left Biola with a heart for people and a desire to see lives changed.”
Biola not only taught me through courses and gave me a degree, but it challenged me to be shaped by the Word of God every week.”
... It was the integration of a biblical worldview with day-to-day life that had the most profound impact. It is easy to teach information, to teach theology, exegesis, although they it can be a very technical task; it is much harder to model life after these teachings.”
While I was growing my knowledge as pertaining to my major and career, I was also able to grow my faith.”
... I really felt as though I was part of a community of learners centered around the word of God. I am aware of no other place quite like it, and I remember it with great fondness.”
Every church has someone who could benefit from additional training in business and theology, and there aren't many resources out there that address the specific needs of church business administrators or executive pastors. I'm so excited Biola is bringing its world-class resources to serve this part of God's kingdom with its new Master of Management, Nonprofit Organizations.”
The Christian Ministries department is a gem of a department and it will not only shape you academically but spiritually and emotionally as well. I felt very prepared to step into full-time ministry — from my classes on organization and administration, to public speaking, to teaching, to understanding youth culture. ”
The flexibility of Biola's online psychology program allowed me to complete my degree while working and doing ministry. I am so grateful for the faculty's concern of my educational goals and spiritual well-being along the way.”
The CMA Department created a safe environment where I was able to connect with equally aspiring filmmakers and figure out exactly what I wanted to do. CMA put a camera in my hands and let me experiment and learn through my mistakes and successes.”
I love that, because of the small class size, we are able to have such personalized attention both in the classroom and outside of the classroom. The small class size allows for collaborative and formative discussions, and my writing has greatly improved from individual advice from professors. ”
I really appreciated the opportunities to just read so many full books and primary texts, and the scholarly rigor with which the professors and many of my fellow students thought about and discussed what we studied.”
The opportunities I had at Biola to participate in multiple ensembles and work as a student leader in those ensembles prepared me for coordinating many projects and programs simultaneously. The chance to serve in Romania with the Biola Symphonic Winds was a life changing experience for me that opened the door to my work in Haiti with Matthew 25: Ministries and my current position as a student travel planner.”
Biola played a pivotal role in helping me make a smooth transition from full-time student to full-time musician. I was taught to strive for musical excellence and spiritual depth from real working professionals with a heart for both music and God. I am so excited for the introduction of the new commercial music program! Navigating the intricacies of the modern music industry is no small task. Musicians are not only required to be musically versatile but also business-minded and technologically-savvy. I am confident this program will equip students with the tools necessary to make a strong impact in today’s ever-changing music scene.”
Biological science gives you the opportunity to explore God's creation amidst its changes and progressions that enables you to grow more intellectually in knowing how profound our creator is.”
Students will be equipped with the skills to not only speak, read and write Spanish, but will develop a greater understanding of the Hispanic culture and how to fulfill the great commission.”
I have some of the best professors who have real world experience. I enjoy combining my faith and major together to impact the world for Jesus Christ.”
Learning from passionate professors who have remained relevant in the rapidly growing industry, the public relations program teaches students fundamental knowledge and equips us professionally and spiritually to impact the world for Christ.”
Political Science and international relations has allowed me to understand more about Jesus' ministry on earth, to seek justice and give people hope in their darkness.”
I've developed very close relationships with professors and fellow students in the department while learning so much about how beautifully God has created the physical universe.”
Learning how to analyze and create concise arguments, articulate ideas, craft good writing and think both theoretically and practically are valuable skills taught in philosophy that are practical for all of life.”
Every day this program equips us, intellectually and spiritually, to be ready for any challenge we may face in the medical field and prepares us to do the handiwork of God in serving His people through the calling of a nurse.”
Everything we do should bring glory to God and Biola's Conservatory has allowed me to do that through my music with the violin, either in orchestra, chamber groups and individual practice.”
Biola’s Music in Worship program has really helped equip me in what it means to lead people in musical worship, with musical excellence and what it means to be sensitive in serving God's Kingdom.”
My experience in the music education program so far has been nothing short of amazing, and it's all because of the incredible faculty here at Biola.”
It is a blessing to be a part of Biola's music department, because I love making a joyful noise unto the Lord with other musicians who have the same desire to glorify and worship God with our gifts to the best of our abilities.”
I have experienced much growth and learning by coming alongside fellow math majors and professors, as we strive for a deeper understanding of God and math through every proof and computation.”
In the journalism major at Biola University I am developing into an expert storyteller through a state-of-the-art education in writing, photo, video and online content. It is through this program that I have learned how to be a journalist who pairs curiosity with integrity, using media not to obscure, but to reveal the Gospel.”
The integration of my faith and education brings my overall experience to a whole new level. As I learn more about how the human body functions, I'm also growing in my understanding of God.”
I love studying English at Biola because it has given me the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations about literature from a Christian perspective.”
I really love the aspect of fieldwork hours in the elementary education major. During these hours you get to observe a classroom and see all of the things you have learned about put into action.”
The small class size gives us the adequate attention we need as we continue to seek further knowledge as students. The professors here are able to guide us and show us how God can use our career choice to further His kingdom.”
The professors are so caring and they provide resources that fully equip us for graduate school and internships.”
I'm also thankful for the wisdom I've gained from my professors. They've helped me understand that true ministry flows out of my relationship with Jesus.”
The integration of science and Christianity fascinates me, it is possible! I am blessed to be encouraged by our professors who love science, but love God even more. ”
One reason why the biblical studies department excels is because the professors teach with passion, care for their students, and always give glory to God.”
The Studio Art program has encouraged me to grow in more ways than just art. I have grown spiritually, creatively and personally through the help of the amazing staff and program. It isn't just my major, it is my home.”
I have enjoyed having my mind stretched to see that there are numerous amazing cultures around the world and that God delights in and wants to redeem each of them.”
Biola's accounting program does an excellent job of preparing students for the workforce. Professors willingly help you in your studies, your recruiting and any other questions you may have. ”
Studying history at Biola has not only taught me about the context of the world we live in but also, I have grown in my appreciation of the sovereign hand of the Lord. All of history is in fact His beautifully and intricately planned story.”
I would like to thank the music department (now conservatory) as a whole for your commitment to providing an outstanding music education integrated with a Christian worldview for students such as I was. I know God led me to attend Biola and my time spent there greatly affected the direction of my life.”
Many thanks to God, all my teachers, and the devoted secretaries that have made it possible to have gone this far. I look forward to carrying Biola's name forward as long as I can. ”
The biblical training was invaluable. And the broadness and depth of the Bible curriculum was a lot more valuable than I realized or appreciated at the time. It gave me a grounding in the faith and in issues that I wouldn't have otherwise received. The musical education I received gave me a solid foundation both as a performer and as a teacher. So many places have the technical things in place, but the music lacks the risk-taking and passion that is typical of Biola's ensembles. ”
My experiences at Biola - especially those with applied faculty - helped me solidify the connection and intersection that is present between my craft as a musician, and my identity as a child of God. As I return to join the applied voice faculty, I hope that I can help my students identify the same crucial intersection that has informed my own musical preparation and performance.”
Everywhere you go, you wear your faith. When you have the Holy Spirit, when you have that core, it doesn’t falter. No matter what major, what classes you’re in or what you’re studying, soak it up. It’s what shapes you... Soak up the serenity, those peaceful places on campus. Once you leave, you have to be a lot more intentional.”
Biola's gifted professors and loving community met me where I was at, helped to foster my growth, and inspired me to become the best musician I could be. Numerous ensembles and performance opportunities provided me with priceless experiences to work with many other musicians in different settings that prepared me for the professional world. After graduation I have been blessed to continue my relationship with the people I met at Biola (both faculty and students) who continually support me and show me what it means to truly trust God with my music career. ”
Biola is a community like none other. During my time there I was surrounded by friends, staff and faculty that challenged me to take risks and trust the Lord with every aspect of my life. I am extremely grateful to have had a college experience that not only shaped my musicianship, but instilled a passion for Jesus and living fearlessly for Him. ”
In the composition area at Biola, you can tailor your education to what fits your interests. Since I was particularly interested in writing for musical theatre, I spent much of my time during my last year honing my songwriting skills. Although I focused more on composing for theatre, I felt like my experience studying composition at Biola was very well rounded and I had the chance to write in many genres and for many instruments/ensembles as well.”
My experience as a student at Biola was transformative, both musically and spiritually. The first-rate music faculty was nurturing and supportive of me, even years after I graduated. I am blessed to have made friends with students and faculty who continue to enrich my life.”
Attending Biola as both a nursing and music performance student allowed me to glean from a host of professors and peers that have lived out their faith in a variety of professions. The personal and spiritual growth that I experienced from my time at Biola has empowered me to share Christ’s love with others regardless of whether I am giving medications to a patient in the ER, playing my viola in church or assisting in compiling the district reports of teenage pregnancy and newly acquired HIV infections in an African village. ”
During my time at Biola, I was continually encouraged by those around me to become a better violinist. Not only this, but I had the opportunity to think through the purpose of my career in an environment that inspired me to think deeper about life. This is what an undergraduate degree should be about.”
The most meaningful part of my Conservatory experience was all the time that faculty invested in mentoring me, both in a professional sense and in a personal sense. They were so generous with their time, and I was able to learn so much from seeing their lives on display. The mixture of high standards and interpersonal grace that I saw in my private instructor’s life provided me with a model of how to interact with students and colleagues who may not know Christ yet. ”
My time at Biola prepared me musically and professionally for a teaching and performing career. I am so thankful for the unique learning and performance opportunities. In particular, I am grateful for the wisdom, mentorship, and inspired teaching of Dr. Jeanne Robinson, Dr. William Lock, and Marlin Owen. ”
Studying composition with phenomenal teachers like Dr. Denham and professors Watts, Wills, and Owen granted a sometimes surprising preparation for my work in branding and creative development. From Denham, I learned about timing and anticipation, and to push beyond the expected. From Wills, about economy of means in Stravinsky and Beethoven - the subtle but consistent weaving of a few powerful ideas throughout a whole work. From Watts, to always define the goals first and measure successfulness by how accurately you achieved them. And from Marlin Owen, an insatiable curiosity about every aspect of the creative endeavor. My work creating worlds and telling stories for brands incorporates all of these lessons into a cohesive and exhilarating cocktail of art-meeting-commerce, and I am grateful to those mentors for their forbearance and passion.”
My time at Biola was absolutely invaluable to me in fostering a daily pursuit of truth, refinement, and fullness in Christ. It is not only that I look back and see that this school and community helped bring me to a new place of maturity and equipped me to enter a graduate program I am excited about, but Biola has also prepared me for an ongoing life of transformation, so that I may continue to grow in both Christlikeness and musical excellence.”
My time at Biola prepared me for the adventures of ministry. My classes and professors equipped me to serve the church in several capacities. I’ll always be thankful for the Biola community and the environment it provided to pursue my calling as an artist and worship leader.”
Biola provided me with the strong musical and biblical foundation I needed to pursue my career as a Christian artist and worship leader. The passion and talent that exists among the students is unmatched and helps inspire a close-knit community of creatives excited about impacting the world for God's glory. In addition to the education and experiences I received, the connections I made with other students and faculty at Biola have helped me advance in my ministry career since graduation.”
Through the faculty's integrated encouragement and honest critique, I have been apprenticed in my craft, equipped to see and to listen, to diagnose and to learn. They have aided in coaxing my intentions and creative fragments into unique realities, and they have shown me the immense possibilities while putting the tools in my hands. Biola's Composition Area provided a place for me to be richly and individually challenged, stretched, strengthened and matured, and through their mentorship, I am able to confidently continue this lifelong journey of learning!”
Two professors greatly impacted my life as a Christian and a musician. Mrs. Kawamura showed me and taught me, through her faith and performance, how a Christian pianist can praise God through classical music. Mr. Gary Woodward taught me the joy and beauty of creating music with others through accompanying his students. It was such a privilege to learn under these two great Christian musicians at Biola.”
Biola gave me incredible opportunities to perform lead solo roles while I was a student, something that became a huge advantage to me when I went on to study in London. I also had close working relationships with all the members of the staff and production team and first-hand (sometimes hands-on!) knowledge of all the elements of being a part of a wonderful show. Biola helped me begin to build a strong foundation of teamwork, respect, professionalism and the sheer joy of bringing music alive on-stage.”
... Being an artist doesn't begin at graduation. It begins the moment you decide, 'Yeah, I'm an artist, and now I'm willing to put in the work to prove it.' ”
The beautiful intricacies of God's creation weave faith, science, reason, medicine and the human condition into a wonderful tapestry. The skills and perspectives that were shared with me at Biola are invaluable. ”